Ruben's Legacy: gargantuan tax hikes

2005 Roberts campaign mailer
Um, noooo....

How quickly the jaws of defeat swallowed this "budget victory," when sunlight hit Ruben Ramos' $11.4 million budget deficit. 

Ramos, who served on Hoboken's City Council  from 1999-2009, rubber-stamped budget trickery like selling off the Municipal garage, raiding the Parking Authority's surplus, refinancing long term bonds so they cost less in the short term but balloon in later years to hide overspending.

Fiscal mismanagement is Ramos' legacy as Hoboken City Councilman.   

The $11.4 million crater in Hoboken's budget triggered the 2008 appointment of state fiscal monitor,  the late Judy Tripodi.

Then what happened literally overnight to Hoboken taxpayers?
"...Hoboken's municipal tax levy, which is separate from county and school taxes, did go up a whopping nearly 70 percent from 2007 to 2008, said Tripodi. Hudson County Tax Administrator Donald Kenny confirmed that Hoboken's tax rate (which covers city, school and county taxes) jumped 23 percent from 2007 to 2008."
Thanks, Ruben Ramos!

Folks, GA has no personal animus toward Ruben, who I hear did very well as the 33rd District Assemblyman.  As Hoboken Councilmannot so much.

GA implores voters to do a little homework, and see how a mess evolved under Ruben Ramos' tenure on the City Council that has tapped every Hoboken taxpayer's wallet since 2008.

4th Ward, please GET OUT THE VOTE for Dana Wefer, the gal who's achieved wonders cleaning up Carmelo Garcia's financial mess at the Housing Authority. 

Please, on November 3, Vote for DANA WEFER.

Now, have a listen to former Mayor Roberts delivering the BAD NEWS to Hoboken residents, courtesy of Ruben Ramos' rubber-stamping the profligate spending of the Roberts Administration. 


  1. Enlighten us who are new to the Hoboken politics but know not to vote for this jackass.

    After his term what did he do? Why did he not run again?

    Wondering what his motives are for running again. Does this little man think he can be Mayor?

    Leave this town to be run by the Educated Hard Working Honest People - #rubenramos is a filthy, dirty, dolt. A total opportunist who is completely clueless.

    The town has come so far and the 4th Ward deserves a respectable representative. Dana Wefer needs your vote. Hoboken must not allow this masquerading mental defective to weasel his way back into a council seat.

    Dana Wefer for 4th Ward Council. Hoboken Needs Her.

  2. That scumbag Campos is part of the package. It's real close whether he or Carmelo is a bigger phony. Lots of God and Jesus and my family is so precious and graft and patronage schemes and scamming the taxpayer.

    The sanctimonious crap these two put out would be rejected by any Hollywood studio for being too over-the-top. Like Castellano says, "Hoboken is special." Most people who say that are referring to something Hoboken should be ashamed of. But they're too steeped in it to know it.

  3. I think the problem with Ruben Ramos is that at every point in his political career he has been handed the position. Roberts needed the voting block Ruben's parents could deliver in Applied and the HHA to get into office and in return he put their young son on his City Council. Mayor Roberts also created a six figure job for his mother that the State Monitor dissolved ASAP after coming in to fix Hoboken. Brian Stack looked int the shallow pool of hispanic politicians who he make his Assemblyman. After the fiasco of him being the figurehead running Peter Cammarano's campaign manager. After that gig went south in spectacular fashion he took a shot at
    becoming mayor and failed. Now he has back looking for another paycheck.

  4. Why not ask Bernie Kenny the Law and lunch partner who billed the city 4 times mote than he did when he was Roberts Lawyer ? The very gu who used his influence to have Susan Jacabucci at the DCA to sign off on every one of Roberts bad budgets?

    Bernie was the puppet master for Roberts, funded almost every campaign for the old guard, but now that Zimmer pays him, he's with her? Maybe he prefers getting run over by bikes instead of his kids car?

    Paid for by Roberts for Council ;)

  5. The mullet guy in the back 2nd from right is non other than Mike Cricco. Former 5th Ward Councilman. and forced to resign from the NJ Water Commission for excessive absences. He endorsed Zimmer 2 years ago. He's okay now I guess....move along


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