Election Feature: Citizen Endorsements

You don't have to be a muckity-muck, elected official, or member of our Fourth Estate to endorse a candidate here on GA.   Nope, citizen endorsements are welcome and the bigger a nobody you are, the better. 

GA has received these endorsements from Hoboken residents...

Civic activist/blogger Kurt Gardiner has photo-shopped his graphic endorsement for 2nd Ward City Council candidate....

original graphic by Kurt Gardiner

The next endorsement is from 2nd Ward resident "redacted guy."  .

Anyone who would like to submit a written, graphic, audio or video endorsement for a municipal or BoE candidate for publication  please send to grafixavenger666@gmail.com.


  1. Nobody's of Hoboken unite !

    1. It's not an endorsement if the guy has no balls and must remain anonymous.
      Tiffanie is a great person, but what other than The Monarch is she about?

  2. redacted guy means Tiffany Fisher right? Because the other one should just move to the burbs already.

    Vote Tiffany Fisher 1E November 3rd! The only candidate.

  3. what about Cammarano's prodigy DelFuco in the 1st? He's got huge developer supoort that would make Donald Trump and Anthony Russo proud.
    watch , Listen and Learn GA.
    He's not being supported by the Anti Rent Control group MSTA because he shares Zimmer's values....

    1. I just checked and nobody's ELEC's are even published yet so its pretty obvious you're pulling stuff out of your arse. When the reports are posted we'll get to see where each of the candidates are actually getting support.

      For all I know Mike is a rent control fanatic but assuming you're right and he's not has that become a litmus test for reformers? Are you saying that as long as Castellano supports rent control she shares "Zimmer's values..." Somehow I doubt Zimmer would agree that Castellano shared her values even if they agreed on rent control.

    2. Team lying sh1t stirrerOctober 8, 2015 at 5:19 PM

      Run along now. Go make up your own facts on Hoboken411.

    3. The campaigns with big developer money swishing around are Peter Biancamano's in the 2nd and Eduardo Gonzalez's in the 5th. Fat chance you'll see it reported.


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