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Folks, please support this adorable team in the Sikh Coalition's sixth annual New York City Bowl-a-thon on October 25, 2015.
Arza and Shabegh simply want Sikhs to have the same opportunities as everyone else... to be whatever they want when they grow up, to have the same choices as every body else.
Arza & Shabegh are hoping you will support them in raising money for the Sikh Coalition- even if they bowl gutter balls like their father. Please donate to Team Arza & Shabegh.
Folks, it takes money to fight the battles for Sikh civil rights.
Here is how the Sikh Coalition has made a difference:
On school bullying: The Sikh Coalition represented a Sikh middle-schooler in a case against DeKalb County School District, GA. The case reached a historic public settlement, which now requires landmark preemptive and protective anti-bullying measures, which better protect over 100,000 students in the school district.My goodness, these kids are adorable. Please support their team, if you can.
On hate crimes: When a Sikh father was brutally assaulted in the Chicago suburb of Darien, IL, the Sikh Coalition rapidly responded and worked around the clock with government officials, media outlets and community members to ensure that hate crime charges were filed.
On employment discrimination: Thanks to the legal and advocacy efforts of the Sikh Coalition, a Sikh employee at Walt Disney World is no longer kept hidden from public view of Disney visitors because of his religious appearance. This groundbreaking case and the avalanche of public attention that followed sent a strong message to employers across the country that workplace discrimination will not be tolerated.
On education: With continued pressure from the Sikh Coalition, accurate information about Sikhism was incorporated in the New York State curriculum, impacting 2.5 million students.
On community development: The Sikh Coalition deepened community engagement and grassroots organizing this summer by graduating it’s fifth Sikh Advocate Academy class -bringing the nationwide total to 50 trained advocates.
I don't know how many Sikhs there are in our communities but they quietly do an awful lot necessary but unglamorous work. A sharp contrast to folks who can't hand you a donut without a selfie and a press release about their "selfless generosity."