CBS Radio Marketing Partner: "WINS/New York Anchor and Wife Held Liable For Legal Fees In Failed Defamation Suit"

A GA reader sent an article posted on more media coverage of the $276,677 judgment against Plaintiffs, Lane Bajardi and Kim Cardinal, in their "failed defamation suit". 

The article notes, "Judge PATRICK ARRE criticized the BAJARDIS for "suing first and thinking later,' and said that the plaintiff's conduct "at a minimum demonstrates bad faith, and approaches a fraud upon the Court."

About, from their web site:
" was formed for the purpose of keeping the radio and music industry informed and up to date.

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Note, links to Thursday's article in The New York Post.


  1. The story even hit front page of the Hoboken Reporter this week.
    Yes indeed Kimberly Cardinal-Bajardi, this case has always been about years of hatred and lies. Yours, just ask the judge.

  2. In the courts findings of fact, Judge Arre called both Plaintiffs "limited public figures." That's Mrs. Bajardi as well. Her quote to the press abt her "family under assault for 6 years by one of the most powerful political machines in the COUNTRY..." is positively deranged. I thought she was the media savvy one.

    1. She and "her family" were "under assault" since 2009? Then why didn't the cow do anything about it 6 years ago? Answer: cause she's a lying sack of shit. The court agrees.

  3. Bajardi's disgraced himself within his industry, but the story hasn't hit big media yet or cable news.

  4. You've obviously got friends out there, GA. Someone left this comment on the All-Access post: "Get your facts straight: the judgment against the Bajardi's was for $276,000 (the NY Post mistakenly published the incorrect $225K figure). Also, Kim Cardinal is delusional, no organized political group is after them. The people they sued are a bunch of ordinary citizens of Hoboken who called the Bajardi's out on their sleazy political activities. The Bajardi's own emails unveiled during the discovery phase of the trial clearly reveal them to be political activists with a passionate hatred against the current Hoboken Mayor and her supporters.

    The judge hit the nail on the head when he said the Bajardi's conduct at trial "at a minimum demonstrates bad faith, and approaches a fraud upon the Court."

  5. What dopes. Not only did their stupid suit backfire, it brought to light Sara's petty gossip and disdain for her own "friends". Wonder what they all think of her now? Maybe she will chip in?

  6. It must be tons of fun times around the Bajardi backyard BBQ this summer, huh? Oh boy.

    1. BBQ? Augusta and Fran aside, Kimbo and InsaneLane have zero friends.
      Never had em never will! Lane and Kim will suffer a miserable existence in their shoddy walk up overlooking a garbage truck depot !!!! HaHa Lane, you amounted to nothing.... Shoulda stayed in school! 1010LOSEs

  7. So In other words $276,677 that Hillary Clinton's campaign will be shorted because of Mason's asset reallocations?

    1. If they successfully appeal, they could owe less or nothing at all.

      If they appeal and fail, which seems more likely, the defendants' cost of contending with the appeal will be added to the fees the Bajardis and their little friend already owe.

      In other words, if the Bajardis lose their appeal they essentially must pay both their attorneys and their opponents' attorneys. So it becomes a question of how much good money after bad Beth is willing to throw. But she has set records in that department, so who knows.

    2. Anon @ 6:46- chances of success on appeal are slim to none. the Appellate will have the trial transcripts as well as the trial Court orders/opinions. The Bajardis will have to find an attorney- doubt even Louis would touch this, not after the Court's language: "approaching fraud" and basically calling the Bajardis liars- and most of all, attorney's sanctions. If Ricky still wants to run a tab and pay for 3 sets of attorney's fees, its up to him.

    3. IMO it advances a slapp-back if they appeal. There are 20 or more litigants if you wanted to file as a group.


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