BREAKING: Judge Orders Bajardis to PAY $276,677 to Pincus, Brice & "John Does"

  SLAPPers: Left: SLAPP Plaintiff Lane Bajardi, Right: SLAPP Plaintiff Kim Cardinal Bajardi                                                
"The Court finds the Bajardis claims were frivolous, were pursued in bad faith, and with the purpose of harassment, delay and malicious injury in violation of N.J.S.A. 2A:15:15-59.1"
-The Honorable Judge Patrick Arre Opinion, July 8, 2015

Here it is, exactly 2 months after May 8, 2015 oral argument, Judge Arre's Court Order on Defendants' Motions for Legal Fees and Sanctions.

Along with this Order, the Court wrote a 36-page opinion that is a stunning condemnation of the Bajardis and their litigation, which the Court called a:
 "SLAPP suit disguised as a defamation case".

Much more to follow on GA.

This may be a landmark ruling for First Amendment protections in New Jersey, perhaps nationally.  One attorney stated, after reading the opinion:  "This is big."


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I hope you have some measure of peace now. This was wrong from the start.

  2. GREAT NEWS!!!!

  3. On the same day The Minion movie was released!

  4. This is groundbreaking. I expect it to be widely covered in the law journals.


  6. OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! amazingly great news, wooohhooooo!!!!

    i anxiously await the coverage on the front page of the hoboken reporter and hate411. and i'm sure the ny post will also do a followup on their previous coverage of the case. ;)

    1. bingo:

  7. Excellent!! Justice is served.

    What's with Kim Cardinal Bajardi? Does she always photograph Bigfoot?

  8. This is GREAT news.

  9. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌��������������������������������������������������������������

  10. I'm not a lawyer so I'll ask the dumb question: why is the judgement so much more for Heyer?

    1. Each lawyer submitted a fee application. I can and will only speak for myself. The Court awarded me 100% of what I applied for.

      That's right. The Judge ordered Lane Bajardi and Kim Cardinal Bajardi to pay ALL of my legal expenses applied for in Bajardi v Pincus.

    2. @GA- ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

  11. Well isn't that a SLAPP in the ass.

  12. GA!!!! Congrats to you, Mr Brice, Mr Heyer and your lawyers! The award of $250,000 is not nearly enough after what you were put through.

    I think back to how one of the plaintiffs used to threaten people with something along the lines of Beth will own your apartment, or I will own your apartment. Doesn't seem that way today

    Congrats and I hope you celebrate!!!

  13. The only thing sweeter would be if plaintiffs were forced to issue a public apology to GA, MSV and other defendants. I for one can't wait until I next see Lane and Kim in public...if they ever venture out of their apartment again, that is. I foresee lots of Seamless orders from those two.

    Karma's a bitch.

  14. Lane Bajardi, 1010WINS news reader, who makes a living off the First Amendment, gets sacked by the Court for trying to silence political free speech-- the Court called it a "SLAPP." Wonder what CBS thinks about this! Bajardi and his journalist wife are an embarrassment to the news biz. They are disgraceful and that is my OPINION.

  15. Fantastic news!!!

  16. Beth Mason didn't show up at the City Council again tonight. Just say'n.

    1. That's cause Ricky is chasing her around the house waving a fry pan.

    2. Is it true Mrs. SLAPPer skulks about Hoboken wearing disguses? A friend spotted her in a wide-brimmed sombrero pulled down over her eyes, another saw her wearing big shades with her hair pulled back. Maybe SLAPP-a-rella doesn't want to be recognized?

  17. We pay her like a thousand bucks per council meeting, and she can't show up? Dock her pay, or have her a perform community service by leaving.


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