"I'll add her to my list of Lenzians"



  1. Mmmmm, Lenzian punch looks good... except for the 2 turds floating around in it.

  2. Really, a list of Lenzians? ROTFL

    1. nuttier than peanut brittleMay 21, 2015 at 8:47 PM

      Like YOU don't have a list of Lenzians?

    2. LOL I'll get one stat! Do you think they kept a list of their lists?

    3. nuttier than peanut brittleMay 21, 2015 at 10:17 PM

      How else does one keep track of their lists of Lenzians, Zimmerists, Zimmertinis and Zimmer zealots? With lists of lists.

    4. Don't forget the Zimmer Zombies. You really don't want to upset them ;-)

  3. The more I read this stuff the more it becomes clear how nuts they were. They truly believe they are incredibly important and that everyone else is as nuts as they are. They thought every post was a part of a coordinated effort - because that's what they did. caaraaazy.

    And not to mention how important they thought they were....amazing.

    1. The absolute obsession with they have for Mr Lenz is really strange.

  4. It is truly bizarre Thereza should have an obsession about Mason, like us

    1. Not sure what this means, can you explain?

  5. I always thought Beth Mason was really a Lenzian.

  6. I wonder if Team Mason thought they'd seen the last of their emails revealed here and on MSV? You guys have been busy lately covering other news, very glad to see you still have lots of idiotic Sarah/Lane/Kim correspondences to share.

    I know it's old news at this point but it still amazes me that they thought what they were doing was so important and critical to political success. No one f&%ing cared about ANY of this shit besides them, and their actions made NO DIFFERENCE in ANY political race. Unreal, so self absorbed.


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