Good luck, Horsey

We all know what this is about.

Stay tuned...


  1. Wish I could be there. Hard to believe Beth will actually show up and testify, she likes to give the impression she's got much more important things to do and everyone else are the "little people" who don't merit her attention. I hope she does testify, from what I've heard Horsey's lawyer would be quite adept at picking her testimony apart and getting her to crack on the stand. If she testifies, I betcha she ends up melting down.

  2. Tom Foolery. You know what the bible says about idle hands. Someone give this witch a loom maybe she can weave a tapestry.

  3. Case Postponed.

    Of course it is.

    1. Why? She too busy watching soap operas? Not like she does anything productive in her life ever. How can she be too busy to show up for 1 lousy event a week, be it a case she filed or a city council meeting? What the hell is up with this bored, nasty as hell person who does nothing all day? Someone please explain to me why she never appears to have the time to show up for anything.

    2. I doubt it's related to her not having time to appear. This case is all about jerking Horsey around: getting him to hire lawyers and build a defense and disrupt/rearrange his professional and personal schedule...and then dragging it out as long as possible with postponements, etc. In a word, harassment.

    3. Anon at 1:01 is 100% right

      Expect more delays. It's all part of their strategy. Truly the most vile person in Hoboken

  4. Does he not have a right to a speedy trail?

  5. Well there's your problem in a nutshell. This cheapskate horse wants his speech for free. My client has generously offered to let him keep his speech in exchange for a few dollars, right around seven figures. But no, Mr Tightwad is not willing to pony up so to speak. And my client is the bad guy?


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