Clinton and Mason: perfect together?


  1. That devil with a blue dress, Monica Lewinsky lives in NYC ?
    Hil, Bets and Monica could have a ladies lunch at Amanda's.

  2. This makes a lot more sense than the Al Sullivan suck up in my paper. Exuuuuse me, WHAT connections at the state level? Sweeney? Oh yeah, he's going places. At most Hillary spent 120 seconds with Mason in a 1 hour fundraiser with 99 guests. So why the suck up? The paper is pushing Mason to get the Dem committee chair for who? Carmelo?

    1. For Carmelo? What are you daft? Carmelo didn't even know the writing on the Old Guard wall and made a gratiutious remark on Beth Mason's behalf to get the Dem Chair. It's a bid for her money so he can run for sixth ward council.

      He has to avoid getting handcuffed with the Feds investigating the Housing Authority first. Wtih Beth Mason's dumb history, she's likely to funnel 20K in illegally wheeled funds to him the day before the FBI hauls him out of his house at 6:00 AM like Petey Boy Cammarano.

    2. Carmelo running for The 6th Ward is a gift from God for Giatinno.. She'll crush him. After she runs over Carmelo it's onto being the next Mayor. Go Jen Girl Go!!!

    3. Not daft. The paper has a soft spot for Ruben and Carmelo. Recall how former HR reporters worked for Ruben's campaign, then one slipped over to the Occhipinti camp and was rumored to be fucking it up on purpose. Holey moley. Recall how the HR whitewashed the HHA generators story, and forgot to report about the HFD violations at the HHA (6 buildings without fire protection)... If the HR is helping Beth (they are) then they want her money to flow to Ruben and Carmelo, and give Finboy a place to land.

  3. In the article, Mason is quoted as saying she's a small business owner. Did she mean the one where she illegally buys votes, the one where she flouts tax law, or the one where she runs a small inn in Virginia into the ground like every other business she was a part of? For Clinton, it's all the same. Ricky and Beth Mason's checks will be all that matters and they will be deposited and used just as if the issuers were relevant in any way.

    1. I wonder if she really believes the BS PR. Clinton will happily take her check and pose for a pic for 20 seconds of chit chat. But does the Countess actually believe she is "involved" in any way??

    2. Beth Mason believes whatever her little head wakes up believing on any given day. She even believes she's a crime victim when she goes out the previous day committing crimes against the people of Hoboken.

      Yup, she's that crazy.

    3. Mason and her peeps like to lob the "terroristic threat" claim at their political enemies, claim these enemies threatened, harrassed, stalked, their KIDS- then pimp their fraudulent charges to cops and the courts. Absolute lying scum.

  4. Lane Bajardi's wife Kimberly Cardinal was seen fawning over her rich gal pal Elizabeth Mason at her latest court appearance last week.

  5. So let me get this straight. . .

    Beth pays a sh*tload of money to attend a Hillary fundraiser. Hillary talks to her.

    The ONLY way I can wrap my head around why this gets printed is as follows:

    Beth pays a sh*tload of money to the Hoboken Distorter. Al Sullivan writes about her.

    Neither thing would happen without Beth's sh*tload of money. What a Renaissance Woman. LOL

  6. Has anyone actually seen Beth Mason's resume? She gets a job and f*cks it up SO badly the company goes under. That happened TWICE by my reckoning, perhaps more!

    I guess you find something you're good at, you stick with it! LOL

  7. Here's what I posted on the Hudson Reporter article's page on the website:

    Wow, Al. What a piece of insightful, hard-hitting, objective journalism. Probably the kind of stuff you dreamed about writing when you first embarked on your career -- you know, when you were filled with idealism about making the world a better place by uncovering the truth. Let me see if I can sum it up:

    Beth Mason contributed money and went to a Clinton fundraiser. She had (bought?) a chance for a photo-op with Hillary Clinton and they exchanged a few words. Through obfuscation and verbal misdirection we are led to believe that they are friends, as if Hillary called Beth for marital advice and the like. However, in reality it was more likely that Mason attended other such gatherings over a 20-year time frame and they exchanged pleasantries then, too.

    Well done, Al. Make sure you frame this one for your trophy wall.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. I gotta say, that article was absolutely infuriating. Just a piece of dreck (I'm only using that word because this is a family show).


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