Why did HoLa Trustee remain silent he was "CuriousGal" and "prosbus"?

Many questions surround the involvement of Anthony Petrosino, HoLa Trustee and Advisory Board member, in the Bajardi-Cardinal defamation SLAPP suit.

If you don't know, Mr. Petrosino provided a certification for Plaintiffs Lane Bajardi and Kim Cardinal on September 19, 2014.

On or about February 6, 2014, Petrosino flew in from Austin, Texas to appear as a trial witness for   Lane Bajardi in Hudson County Superior Court.   

Anthony Petrosino certification
You see, under oath Petrosino certified he had "exclusive use of usernames and passwords for "CuriousGal" and "prosbus."  

Note, a central allegation of the Bajardi lawsuit was that they were not posting as "Curious Gal" and "prosbus."   In 2011 and 2012, there were hundreds of comments by both screen names posted on Hoboken Patch; I filed the entire collection in my Motion for Summary Judgment as Exhibits KK and LL (see below).

If we believe Petrosino's certification (and why would he lie under oath?), then the Curious Gal and prosbus posts written by him are a reasonable basis to believe he is a partisan political operative with a rabidly anti-Zimmer, anti-Kids First agenda.

Why does it matter?

Because Petrosino sits on a charter school board which handles the expenditure of public money, which makes it a matter of public interest and public concern. Read the "prosbus" and "Curious Gal" comments below, and see how you feel about his judgment as a steward of your money.  

The most basic question raised by Petrosino's certification is: why didn't he ever come forward to correct the alleged mis-identification of the Bajardis as prosbus (Lane) and CuriousGal (Kim)?  Petrosino had literally hundreds of opportunities to do so during his constant online presence on Patch.  Yet he never did.   Not once in 2011 nor 2012. 

On March 2, 2012 Sara Stojkovic emails Kim Cardinal:
"I don't think they believe for a minute that Lane has left politics... They assume the two people, probus and curiousgal, are Lane and you and unfortunately, those two bloggers have not denied it. Those two bloggers feel their anonymity is safe because the zealots think they are communicating with you and Lane everyday. By leading the zealots on, the zealots are even more sure that those two bloggers (or one) are you and Lane."
 "Leading on" is one way to put it. I'd use the word "baiting."

Curious, no?  Why did Anthony Petrosino continue provoking or "leading on" others to think prosbus and CuriousGal were the Bajardis over many months?

Further, Petrosino's postings seemed deliberately constructed to elicit a fiery response from particular Zimmer allies, many of whom ended up as Defendants in Bajardi v Pincus .  Many of his most vicious postings were directed at me, and I ended up being 60% of Bajardi v Pincus .  
HoLa Trustee Anthony Petrosino certifies he posted as "Curious Gal" and "prosbus"

As all the baiting and barking was going on in threads hundreds of posts long, Petrosino never stepped up with a post to 'help' the Bajardis and stop the alleged defamation.  He could have done it while protecting his anonymity.  He could have done it through a third party.

But he did fly in from Austin to testify for them.... does it make sense? 

What do YOU think?

Here are the comments compiled by my attorney in 2013, sourced from the Patch ACCOUNTS for prosbus and CuriousGal.


  1. This was a set up from Day 1

  2. Petro was in on it, that's obvious. Im surprised they didn't clue in Stojkovich.

  3. Quick scan of all the posts and something jumped out at me. In 1 post from "prosbus" he attacks redrider765 saying "but since you don't live in Hoboken, perhaps its best to simply STFU"

    Now as a result of all these emails we know 411 fed online identities to Bajobseeker. How would Petrosino know that person's identity without having a relationship with the plaintiffs?

    1. FYI: redrider didn't post on 411 ever.

    2. Funny how Petro comments about a person not living in Hoboken yet isn't he posting from Texas - assuming it really was him.

      And if it was him - how many hours was he busy posting online all day when he should have been doing one of his many taxpayer funded jobs? Perhaps the BOE should be asking for a refund.

  4. Petrosino is a master baiter

  5. What do the phone records show?

    1. I'd like to know.

      On 11/20/2013 I served discovery requests for wireless and landline phone records. I got 1,000 pages of Verizon Wireless statements in May 2014. No Petrosino. The Bajardis would not provide their Cablevision landline statements- none, zilch, zero---even after they were apprised they could access 90 days of landline records online for free.

      Nope, they wouldn't turn over a single landline statement.

    2. Well that tells quite a bit right there

  6. Petrosino may be prosbus but his posts sound just like Lane's.

    This douche is a tenured profesor? At Douchebag university?

  7. Ah, now it makes sense they gave up so many Sara emails. it looks like the Bajardis never told Ms. Stojkovich that Petro was baiting Zimmer zealots with IDs prosbus and CG. Think on this: how did the Bajardis suddenly discover the truth about Petrosino during the lawsuit but didnt know it before?

  8. It is horrendous HoLa has this kind of person on their advisory board.

    1. Please. Look at who is on that board besides him. Look at all the other conflicts of interest surrounding that place, that lease, some of the people employed there, the vast differences in the demographics. Are you really all that surprised? I am not. Everything about HoLa is horrendous.

    2. Look how the B&G Club jacked up fees to clear the building. Carmelos wife is the B&G director AND the HoLa aftercare coordinator. And the City played ball!!!! They're transferring the B&G building' s Green Acre status so 123 Jefferson will no longer be required to house programs open to our most needy and vulnerable population. It is a shameful legacy. I hope the City reconsiders. HoLa originally was supposed to be at 123 Jeff for 3 years until they found a space, not displace the needy kids served by the B&G. Who speaks for those kids?

  9. After his unbelievably cynical article about Biancamano winning that didn't mention his over 400 vbms, nothing will surprise me coming from this combination faux intellectual and scumbag apologist for the dark side.

    1. Anthony Petrosino is a long time friend of Frank "Pupie" Raia and apparently he will do or say anything to further HoLa or Peter Biancamano's political career.

      That is what friends on the payroll do for friends.

      Kiinda like Michael Russo's: You do for me. I do for you. philosophy he explained to Solomon Dwek during their FBI recorded business lunch.

  10. The removal of the B&G Club from that site was a racist act. And then there's the Raia contract for construction and how that was awarded...

    1. And is it true Raia now has a contract to expand Rue?

  11. Not to mentions the huge financial loss to the taxpayers. There are duplicated positions at charters i.e. gym teacher, nurse, principal, vice principal, every 1-6 grade teacher, admins etc... Etc... And tax revenue that could have been generated from the lease at market rate. Thanks Mayor Zimmer!

    1. You need to attend the SueAllCharters fundraiser. Think there's another commenter here who will be putting it together.

      Also, if Hoboken would put the Multi-Service Center up for rent at market rate and the fields like 1600 Park along with the B&G Club building (which never was rented at market rate) then Hoboken can net/obtain lots of revenue.

      If Mayor Zimmer refuses, you can run a new ticket on that platform.

      Wishing you much luck!

    2. You are in need of help. Good luck.

  12. There are plenty of lovely 7/8 grade latino kids in Hoboken' s middle school to speak spanish with. Oh, and it's amazing Petro's posts have the identical pompous, snotty and screen name- obsessed tone as lane bajardi' s...

  13. Having Anthony "Pupie's friend" Petroisino outing himself as internet a serial hatter "Curious Gal" and "Prosbus" should and will be used against Peter Biancamano if Frank "Pupie" Raia does run his boy for City Council.

    The core of HoLa to many reads as a deep and dirty political patronage pit and this only reinforces that perception.

    1. A patronage pit people who send their kids to school there tolerate because it allows them to not pay for private school and not have to send their kids to the schools that serve the free lunch crowd.

    2. When is your private fundraiser being held to sue all the charter schools in Hoboken? You can't allow any of these parents to send their kids to "private school" and avoid the "free lunch crowd" of kids.

      Equal lawsuits for all?

    3. "SueAllCharters" no school is being sued but you already know that.

    4. Nobody but perhaps you thinks the other charter schools in town are like HOLA.

  14. What has Barbara Martinez said about this matter? What stand has she taken on the Petrosino controversy? How can she allow this vile, deceitful internet commenter sit on the HOA board??? The people of Hoboken are waiting, Barbara. You're supposedly all about "the kids"...c'mon, do it for the kids. Or are you just another one of the big phonies at the school?

    1. She doesn't care. She only cares that she doesn't have to pay for private school. Just like that other co-founder only cares that she has a job.

    2. I hope these people at HoLa they don't teach the students their distorted view of morals and ethics.

      The last thing Hoboken needs is another generation of amoral citizens who will to do or say anything for a paycheck.

  15. I'm continually surprised by the dishonesty of pro-HOLA commentary. If the truth is on your side, that should be enough. Stop waving children like bloody shirts and proposing strawmen like suing all charters.

    The value of blogging and internet commentary is that you can afford to tell the unvarnished truth because you are anonymous. So lose the varnish and let's see if there's still some truth there.

    1. Jen Branco wife of one of Carmelo Garcia's best buds and bar owner Joe Branco had another pro-HOLA letter this week to the Hoboken Reporter with her name on it.

      Curious Gal ? Prosbus ?

    2. Well, Jen Branco has a right to her opinion, not her facts. The letter is pure political spin- essentially garbage (my opinion) to mislead the public that the board majority's appeal wants to shut down HoLa. This is a salvo in the Biancamano for 2nd ward race. Branco's statement that the board wants to shut down HoLa is NOT TRUE. Shame on her.

      The letter is so fallacious, I see the HR did not post it online in their "Letters" section.

  16. the lights are going on here finally. Frank knew a lawsuit was coming . Anthony is his boy. capisci?

  17. I find this the most bizarre part of this in a very strange case. you are doing a good job shining a light, please keep it up. either way none of them look good, Anthony lane etc. ( I did criticize on the HPU sandwich post a few back but I believe no one's corruption should be tolerated in Hoboken on either side of the platform. no one.)

  18. In addition to the names of people who have demonstrated themselves to be destructive for Hoboken and completely untrustworthy like the Masons, Russos, Castellanos, Bajardis, Keims, Stojkovics, Occhpinti, Lieblers, Brancos, it's unsettling to see names like Bertolli, Ferrante and DeFusco in the mix too.

    Five years is an eternity in politics, but do connections and allegiances change that much and if so, are they solid, or will they revert back to their root stock when the political winds change as they always do?

    Before the emails have mostly all been revealed, the collateral damage caused by the cancer that is this motley crew will have created newly discovered enemies in town.

    Sick, sad and wrong, largely caused by one mentally ill woman's quest for relevancy and a husband who underwrote the whole thing.


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