Lenz, Lenz, Lenz...

At 11:09 AM on November 4, 2010 Hoboken411 received an email with (2) attachments and a summary with the instructions: "PLEASE PUBLISH."

At 12:09 PM  Hoboken411 forwards the email to Lane Bajardi.

Def. Pincus' MSJ Exhibit: BAJARDI_00041356.pdf, BAJARDI_00041355.jpg

Charges dropped in 2012. He was reinstated with back-pay.

 The HPU employee had been arrested one day earlier, on November 3, 2010.

At 1:16 PMLane "Red Haven" Bajardi emails Hoboken411 with instructions and attaches his ghostwritten article for publication.


Lane Bajardi's ghostwritten article for Hoboken411
page 1 of 2

On November 4, 2010 Hoboken411 publishes  Lane "Red Haven" Bajardi's ghostwritten article.

Truly a symbiotic relationship: the smear merchant Hoboken411, ghostwriter Lane Bajardi, and  friends in the HPD.



  1. These cops, that were in cahoots with with Mason's malicious minions, turn my stomach.

    I hope the department takes disciplinary action.

  2. "According to employment records obtained by Hoboken411..." where did Lane Bajardi get the guy's employment records? He didn't have time to file an OPRA.

    1. There was no OPRA request just like there was no OPRA request for the mayor's stolen emails found in Lane Bajardi's email account.

      It's a long pathology of lies, a long, long list.

  3. A fish wrapped up in an article of clothing of the person who was hit wacked, killed, was then wrapped in newspaper and delivered to copos signifying that the member was dead and at the bottom of the sea.


    "It's an old Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes." Sal Tessio in The Godfather

    1. This fish stank from the head down.

  4. This police officer and the fact that there is no concern about losing one's job for acting in an unethical manner is atrocious!
    I hope the chief will look into this email and hold whomever sent this out accountable.
    Disgraceful behavior that puts a stain on the whole department.

  5. I always found it odd when the plaintiff would accuse the Mayor online or at council meetings of being in "perpetual campaign mode". Everyone knew it was Team Mason working year round because her staff of people had to justify their continued employment.

    Now of course we all find out, courtesy of this frivolous lawsuit and the emails that were exposed, that Team Mason would try and stretch any incident and tie it to the Mayor or someone who supported her.

    Another great job GA spelling this all out for Hoboken to see what really goes on from Team Mason

  6. The irony is just so thick. The goal of Beth's email jihad was to find communication between people who should be working for the taxpayer instead coordinating with blogs.

    Um, Beth, interested? Looks like someone who should be working for the taxpayer coordinating with a blog instead. And you don't have to find a way to launder the information. The perp got it for you legally.

  7. Everything these people touch turns to shit. Their entire goal was to destroy. There's no honor in that.

    1. one of the most irritating aspects of this has always been beth's bogus cloak of philanthropy: establishing that BS "civic league", running a "gallery" to support local artists (aside from most of the time when it's used for Team Mason meetings), the highly-staged photo-ops of flooding relief, etc. it's the classic move of the guilty rich who try to use "giving" as a cover for their generally nasty, destructive behavior elsewhere in their lives.

      attention beth and ricky: giving a bag of canned goods to HHA doesn't absolve you of your many sins,

  8. The Bajardi 's appeal should come with a laugh track.

    1. PUBLISH SLEAZE would have been more appropriate.

  9. But questions remain and sometimes I see a purposeful lack of criticial thinking here if it doesn't fit the party line. I think more people would be behind this blog if it asked tough questions wherever they need to ber asked. Did the guy commit these possible extortions or did the sandwich deli owner and cops completely make it up. Either way one or the other should be held responsible. No one believes we should just turn away at other corruption? seems ilke it is either on one side or the other. Also it was reported he had a criminal record and yes was hired anyway. My point is that you are doing a great job but suddenly there is an effort to ignore the truth or not ask questions when it doesn't suit a certain party line. Corruption whoever it is coming from should not be tolerated so I would like to know if this happened wit the sandwiches or if someone was framed. Either way why is thre not a single question asked to find out the truth? if it happened once and we turn away then it can happen again, just like with beth or lane.

    1. We don't care about that HPU guy. Nobody tolerated his behavior and we are all glad the cops did their jobs and dealt with it. Of course someone also forwarded the report to a blog and should be fired for doing that too. And who accessed the employment records referenced in the post? That not only is wrong as hell, it exposes the city to potential litigation. Perhaps you are the one lacking in critical thinking. The attempt to work Sacs and Zimmer photos into this post made it clear it was an attempted smear job. But not like you care.

    2. You want this blog to interview the cops an deli owner to find out who did what? And then more people will "get behind" this blog? Like more anons to nitpick whatever details they think the unpaid, vindictively sued blog owner should supply them with? And then you'd pay even more $$$$ than you're paying now to read it?

    3. Anon @ 1:50 PM, as others have replied the post IS about the politicization of the police department and trafficking police reports to political operatives for use by one political faction in Hoboken against another and NOT the sandwich-incident. No, I do not endorse extorting sandwiches for parking, not even from Fiores (yum, yum, yum). The broader context for the post is the contents of a 50,000 email dump in a frivolous lawsuit-- emails prove verifiable, alleged-defamatory statements were true in a widely-publicized $2,000,000 SLAPP suit that was dragged to trial.

  10. of course I do not want this blog to interview people, that is ridiculous as this blog rarely if ever interviews anyone. it asks questions and makes conclusions. why would you get defensive? I think it would be natural to ask this question. there is no middle ground on this, someone was either involved in extortion or something very similar, or they weren't. if it was a frameup then why aren't the police taken to task. if it was not then this person was if you don't know REHIRED after the incident. I did not want someone corrupt as director and having a clerk who may have done those things handling peoples tickets, if that is the case, is a very bad idea too again IF it is true. It seems like the very least you would ask about it. Yes I want to know the cops who passed along confidential info too although it seems like the public should have known about this one and the report was public. Still it is worth starting to mention these cops names if they leaked information they should not have.
    The fact that you accused me of being paid to read this, because I had another opinion, shows you must not think anyone with a different opinion or someone thinking critically would be reading this and that speaks to my point. Why only talk about the corruption of beths people and not allow questions or looking into anyone elses? it seems to be a concerted effort not to sometimes. this is a free speech blog and a contrary opinion should be welcomed here. maybe people can ask these questions now. is the clerk still employed and are the police still employed, both?

    1. you demand lots of things. if you don't like the way things are done here, why don't you start your own blog and "ask the tough questions" of "both sides". oh, that's right...that might mean some work for you. easier to sit back, demand things from others, cast judgement and not get your own hands dirty. no problem, we get it.

    2. Anon, contrary opinions are welcome. I made it clear what the post is about and what it isn't about. Not to your satisfaction, I see.

      I don't take requests. The same information (about this case) that is available to me is available to you. I hope you find the answers you are looking for.

  11. Anon at 9:15: GA has done more than enough asking of tough questions and has had more skin in the game than 99.999% of Hobokenites looking to do good

    A lot of what you are asking can be worked on yourself through OPRA requests, attending council meetings and speaking up, asking the police, etc...


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