"I had a pretty good idea, yes"- UPDATED

 Updated April 29, 2015

GA ran across another email exchange proving Lane Bajardi knew the identity behind another screen name 2 years before Bajardi tossed him into Paragraph 130 of  Bajardi v Pincus, subjecting the anonymous individual to the financial and mental stress of defending his anonymity in court.

On October 15, 2010 Sara Stojkovic emails Lane Bajardi:

The "Lenz arrest record" Stojkovic refers to is an incident that happened on December 13, 2007.

At 7:25 AM on December 14, 2007 Sara Stojkovic writes Kim Cardinal:

At 8:16 AM on December 14, 2007 Sara Stojkovic writes Kim Cardinal:

Would you call that HPD unpaid-traffic ticket incident an "arrest record?" 

Original post: April 28, 2015

Plaintiffs' Emails prove that Plaintiffs knew the identities of many screen names

Few of us knew we were targets before we became Defendants.

I'm talking about the John Does and Paragraph 130's.  They were persons whose identities were known to Plaintiffs, but they were thrown into Bajardi v Pincus ANYWAY 


GA believes to subject pro-Reform bloggers to harassment and the astronomical cost of defending their anonymity from whatever came next.

Here is what the Plaintiffs promised for the "unnamed Defendants:" 

Get it?   And the purpose of all this?

The purpose of identifying John Does and Paragraph 130s was to  add them to the SLAPP as "named defendants."

In true SLAPP fashion, the Bajardis knew the identities of some "un-named Defendants."  This is proven by their emails and depositions.

At his deposition, Lane Bajardi admitted to knowing or "having a pretty good idea" of who was behind screen names he threw in the litigation (like SS1959), but emails prove he lied at his deposition about others, such as InfotainMe.

At 10:27 PM on February 8, 2012, Lane Bajardi emails James Barracato his "Attorney Intro Note." Bajardi's "note" includes admissions he knows the true identities of InfotainMe and plywood- who were later thrown into Bajardi v Pincus.

 "davidd" is another Paragraph 130 Defendant whose identity was known by Plaintiffs.

In this example, Sara Stojkovic tries to get the man behind screen name "davidd" booted from POG for his internet postings.

At 11:56 AM on March 13, 2011, POG President Alice Crozier sends an email blast to POG members, titled "candidate's debates." 

At 2:05 PM, Sara Stojkovic forwards the mail to another POG member, Bob, with the message:
 Why is David (redacted) included on this list? He doesn't live in Hoboken and he's one of the Zimmer people bashing POG on Roman and Kurt's site...and Patch! He uses his own name. Why does POG feel beholden to provide him with any communication?
Bob continues the exchange with Crozier.

At 8:04 PM, Stojkovic emails Crozier a davidd post, "one of many, many..."

At 7:44 AM  on March 14, 2011, Crozier replies to Stojkovic:
"I am not up on Hoboken blogs, so the fact that I have not seen (redacted) there means nothing.
I can tell you how POG works though. When someone pays the annual dues he or she is a member until the next time dues are due, the following fall. The treasurer keeps a list of who is paid up. Where they go after that is not up to us..."
 At 8:59 AM Stojkovic forwards her exchange with Crozier about davidd to Kim Cardinal.

At 9:08 AM Kim Cardinal  refers to davidd by surname and adds "He lives in France but is blogging about Hoboken..."

Kim Cardinal knew davidd's identity 17 months before she threw him in HER complaint as a Paragraph 130 defendant. 

Stojkovic appeared to be ticked off by Crozier's expressed indifference to ddavid's postings and place of residence.

At 9:26 AM Stojkovic vents to Crozier alleging "offensive and destructive" online comments made by "Zimmer supporters."

At  9:29 AM Stojkovic forwards the email to Kim Cardinal.

At 9:03 AM Alice Crozier emails Sara Stojkovic, in an exchange which GA believes will become a classic.  

Crozier begins the exchange: "By the way, Lane is a member in good standing."

These are not the only screen names whose identities Plaintiffs' knew before they threw them in Bajardi v Pincus.

It's in the emails.


  1. She doesn't stoop to our level? She has sunk so far below our level that if she had to look up at us, we'd be so high up that she'd get a stiff neck.

  2. This is strong evidence for a SLAPP back. The Bajardis shouldnt get away with what they've done. Stojkovic can be subpoenaed as a witness.

  3. Yes Lane and Kim knew the identities behind screen names. Perry Klaussen of Hoboken411 shared their private registrations.

  4. plywood was the most inoffensive poster around. I don't understand under what pretext he would have been in the lawsuit other than busting his or her balls.

  5. Looking for JusticeApril 28, 2015 at 5:07 PM

    The identities of screen names were widely known, like SS159 and davidd. The Bajardis put Kurt Gardiner in their Google subpoena- everybody knew it was him so it made no sense to subpoena Google for his IP. It was a big ole "Fu©k you!" to all of us. They knew that we knew that they knew who these screen names were. nyah nyah nyah

  6. I'm curious. Does anyone know how the Bajardis and friends are taking all this? To me, that's the most interesting part! Have they retreated into an echo chamber, telling each other they're right? Are they angry at the world? Are they feeling vengeful? Or, are they contrite (as they should be)? Are they mortified (as they should be)? Did they learn their lesson (as they should have)?

    Just wondering.

    1. I'd LOVE to know the answers to some of those questions too, hopefully someone knows and can share.

    2. Haven't seen any of them around. Maybe they've become more agoraphobic than they already were.

    3. When you're as big as a house, it's hard to leave the house--- Sara and Kimbo don't even go to "The Little Market" for Big Asses or ChocOPan anymore... Maybe they are doing a "cleanse with Sara's old love, Mike Russo?

  7. For all the problems I sometimes have with POG, I have to hand it to Alice for standing up to Sarah, basically giving her a nice passive-aggressive "I'm-not-as-stupid-as-you-think" middle finger.

  8. Beth's henchmen really turned on davidd after he got in Beth's face at the CC about her lies that the city sent Giatino and Pelligrini all-expenses paid to the Superbowl. David was going at her pretty good until Ravi cut him off. I think that's when Beth decided davidd was going in the lawsuit.

  9. Question for GA: is the redaction above from you or the Bajardi's? I ask because the last name of the davidd person is redacted numerous times, but appears as the last name in one of the POG emails, as well as the full name in the facebook link included. Just curious.

    Also I didn't know that Robert Duval was involved in POG. He was great in the Godfather movies and Apocalypse Now. Or is that a different Robert Duvall?

    1. Answers for Anon:
      (1)Yes, that was me. I think I got 'em all now, thank you.
      (2) Different guy!

  10. Sara and Kimbo had issues with POG communicating with "Davidd" because they believed he no longer lived in Hoboken... Interesting, Sara, Kimbo and Lane didn't live in the 4TH Ward or anywhere near the Southwest Park, yet they managed to overthrow TRUE 4th WARDers like Dawn and her neighbors and take over the ORIGINAL Southwest Parks coalition and running into the ground. Sara hates the 4th ward and always had cup on her shoulder because she hated the Public Housing Apartments out her back window. Lane and Kimbo hated the Municipal Garage... These folks were all about them. Fortunately for Sara, - like Beth- she has a wealthy husband who also blogged on 411 and he bought her a 1.5 million dollar loft at Garden St Lofts and they high tailed it away from people of color. They just tried to keep a grip on the SW park agenda so they could purposely run it into the ground and blame Dawn

  11. Nice job by SS calling Alice stupid. Add her to the list of "friends" that Lane/Kim/SS like to trade insults about

    Solid job by Alice pointing out Sara's hypocrisy and that 411 is Lane's place for "frying eggs"

    1. I don't know Crozier, but she comes off very well in the emails I've read, especially with persons lobbying for their political faction. She is no dope.

  12. some of us do not know all the background all the time particularly about sarah. why did sarah get involved with beth and the others? is it because lenz or someone ticked her off during a campaign? (to be fair lenz did get a county job and ticked some people off in reform and I remember jake's accusations about him from maxwell's, so I have been wondering if that was it. was it internal division or something else?)

    1. Lenz had a county job for years, shouldn't we WANT MORE REFORMERS IN JOBS? Or do you want the OLD GUARD hogging them doing a shit Job?
      Speaking of Jobs, Councilman Ravi Bhalla has a fat cat job at a Political law firm that represents NJ Transit, did that stop Bhalla from voting FOR the MASSIVE TRAIN STATION HIGH RISES? Nooooooo! That same firm employ's the Public relations firm that Just hired Zimmer's gofer Dan Bryan and a six figure salary... Hmmmm Yeah, Lenz makes 60,000 at the county. Point that out. Zimmer has friends with double jobs, appointments and in Marineview too.

    2. Trolls only grow when you feed them.

  13. IMHO, Lenz is hard to like and is an easy target for what is perceived to be his selling out and Sara's involvement seems to be a more of a personal vendetta against the mayor, not a support for Mason.

    1. How is taking a County Job selling out? Boy, You guys make Belfiore's comment " Reformers eat their own" so true

      Lenz has done more for reform in the last 20 years than the pothole princess ever will.

      Lenz wasn't an unemployed "financial expert " and volunteer soccer coach , hired by zimmer at a certain developer's behest....

    2. A Hudson County job? Tell us about all the reforms then going on in Hudson County. Take as much space as you need.

      All this expertise must be saving Hoboken taxpayers millions! Show us the money!

  14. I looking for justifications for Sara's unjustifiable actions that border on insanity (and using the opportunity to cast aspersions on Mike Lenz) is kind of like asking what black people did to get white racists to hate them. Lenz like everyone has good points and bad but Sara's venomous insanity is all about Sara - it has nothing to do with Lenz, Zimmer or anybody else she projected her hate toward.

  15. Yeah Lenz is so much harder to like than the charming , warm hearted guys now occupying the reform club house... like Ford, Stan and oh wait... there isn't anyone else left...

    1. Anon 1:25pm - Sounds like you didn't get your slice of pizza at the last reform meeting.

      From what I can tell there are still lots of diehard reformers.

  16. How odd that this thread is generating such small minded comments from a poster who obviously has his own little ax to grind. Sara's venomous insanity was not caused by Lenz or anything Lenz did or said and the same concept is true for the venomous insanity of others.

    1. They're all scared of him. They should be. He's way smarter than they are. He won't back down, he won't change sides, and he won't be quiet.

  17. Interesting thread, are people really criticizing Michael Lenz or should we just presume that while we're going with the anon thing anybody could be anybody? I was starting to think that with the exposure of all of these emails it was being revealed that all that anti-Lenz stuff that use to be on the blogs through the years was really just Lane/Kim/Sara hating on him and not anyone under the reform umbrella.

    1. seems like a rogue or 2 maybe stirring the pot

      Whatever Mr Lenz's sins may be, if there really are any, they all pale in comparison to the trio of hate and their countess

    2. Anon @ 9:44PM had it right. Buh-bye, Troll.

  18. Many respect and love Michael Lenz. I for one appreciate all the work he has done to move this city in the right direction. No one is perfect but at least he didn't sit on his ass behind a computer and spew venom. He voiced his opinions loudly, clearly and were heard because he was right!

    1. I love Michael, too.

      He's taken more sh*t than almost any of us and always comported himself with dignity.

    2. The comments about Mike Lenz are obviously troll-like - someone trying to sow divisions - but equally so are the amall minded comments spewed in response by the individual posting as anonymous1:16, PrinceofPotholes and anonymous1:25.

      It seems there are at least 2 trolls at play trying pathetically to out troll each other.

    3. Well using Mr Lenz as a way to divide reform has worked so well for the gang that couldn't shoot straight they just can't resist trying it again and again!

      Their playbook is empty

  19. i like (m)ike.

    sounds like a good campaign slogan. ;)


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