"Your big laugh for today..."

Click HERE to read the USA Today article

At 4:13 PM on Sunday, January 20, 2013, USA Today published an article about how Hoboken Sandy victims living in garden-level homes were battling the government and flood insurance industry's denial of coverage.  

Featured prominently was the Sobolov family.
Sitting at her kitchen table recently, Sobolov looked at a bathroom that no longer had walls, a sink or a toilet. Its door was propped up against a wall in her living room, a decades-old brown sign reading "please keep this door closed at all times" in both English and Spanish hanging from a nail. Previous owners put the sign on the door and added on the living room, which was deemed a porch by the insurance company. The floors and bottom of the walls are ripped up. The back door opens onto a few steps up into the backyard.

Sobolov said she is challenging the assertion that her home was flooded because of her claim that what came up through the toilet and drain damaged her home. But because the insurance company declared her home flooded, she is also fighting the basement classification. There was about a foot of water and sludge in her home.

Sobolov received $5,000 from FEMA, she said, and is supposed to get another $6,000 under her flood insurance. She said she has a $250,000 flood insurance policy. Contractors estimated the damage will cost $60,000 to $80,000 to fix. Additionally, many of the family's possessions, including the stove, dishwasher and furniture, were destroyed.
At 7:10 PM on January 20, Sara Stojkovic sent Kim Cardinal an email linking the USA Today article.

The subject line of Stojkovic's email:

"Your big laugh for today..."  Her message:

"Look at that photo and tell me she's not squatting in a basement. Seriously, she's pathetic."

At 9:05 AM on Monday, January 21, 2013 Kim Cardinal responds, "...She only lost her kitchen."

At 11:02 AM Sara Stojovic replies: "And I laughed when I saw the photo..." (referring to the photo of mother and son surrounded by the ruins of their partially-demolished home.)

read from the bottom up

Numerous emails between Sara Stojkovic and Kim Cardinal Bajardi discuss posts on Sobolov's personal Facebook page.

On December 1, 2012, Irene Sobolov posts that she received a denial letter from her flood insurance company.

At 10:32 PM Stojkovic copies the Facebook post and emails it to Cardinal:

On Tuesday, June 14, 2011, Irene Sobolov posts on her Facebook page that she is ordering Dominoes pizza because her kids "like that."

At 4:12 PM, Sara Stojkovic takes this post from Sobolov's page, emails it to Kim Cardinal:

On Saturday, September 17, 2011 Irene Sobolov posted that her car was towed.

At 11:34 AM Sara Stojkovic takes the Facebook post and sends it to Kim Cardinal Bajardi:

On January 9, 2015, Irene Sobolov received this letter from the Bajardi's attorney, Jonathan Z. Cohen. 

Irene had provided two affidavits pertaining only to dismissed Plaintiff Cardinal-Bajardi: she had no testimony relevant to remaining allegations by Plaintiff Lane Bajardi.  Proof of this is that Cohen never called Sobolov to testify. 

Then why did the Bajardi's subpoena and letter demand that Irene Sobolov "appear in person" at 9 AM on the first day of  the trial, January 26, 2015, and "each weekday thereafter" until "you are excused by the court or me." 

What do you think?


  1. Two absolutely horrible people. That is what they are.

  2. Pardon my French, but Sarah is clearly one mean, nasty, vindictive f*cker. Who laughs at victims of almost $100k in hurricane damage? What normal person does that? Sick puppy...and now everyone knows it.

  3. May Karma visit them both soon

  4. I'll bet Sobolov didn't have a lawyer to protect her interests and advise her of her rights as a third party witness.

    I'll bet the Bajardis knew it.

    I'll bet the Bajardis took full advantage of the fact they could bully and intimidate Sobolov with a bizarre demand letter. (Attorneys typically notify witnesses with reasonable notice when they are scheduled to appear- never "every weekday.") They wanted Sobolov to sit through jury selection? Did Cohen allow Bajardi to write this stuff? I have never heard of an attorney who practiced law in such a fashion, like a bully- or a political operative.

    Add that to the damning pile of evidence this was a SLAPP.

  5. Now that's depravity.

  6. Irene says her kids like Dominoes pizza, Sara and Kim call it "cheap pizza."

    2 nasty b*tches!

  7. Would all the civilized human beings mind covering their eyes and ears for a moment? Thanks.

    You fucking scumbags. What the fuck is wrong with you??? Biggest tragedy in the history of the city and you two beached goddesses sit on your considerable asses judging everyone. Even this tragedy couldn't wake you out of your moral stupor. I hope your neighbors all read this. I hope you can see it in their faces when they look at you. All of them thinking OH MY GOD I LIVE NEXT TO THAT HORRIBLE BITCH.

    Ok the civilized human beings can resume reading now.

  8. Kim doesn't like Dominos? Yeah, I believe that

  9. Kim scoffs: "Only Lost her Kitchen?"
    Yeah Kim, not a big problem, unless it's your kitchen I imagine. You mad cow!

  10. Some would say reading these emails that Sara Strojkovic was a heartless, godless bitch.
    They would be two thirds right as she has had heart valve replaced so she has a heart but as an atheist she does not believe their is a god.

    Karma is a bitch too.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. STOP IT. Leave Stojkovic's medical issues out of the discussion.

  11. Further evidence of the level of depravity of these two women. Disgusting.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. It bears mentioning that Dominos, whatever else it may be (and I am personally not a frequent customer) is in fact a Hoboken business that employs Hoboken people, including kids from the Hoboken school system. I would think that anyone who truly cares about this community would think twice about thumbing their noses at any business that pays rent and taxes to participate in it. This type of snobbery represents everything that's wrong with the "members of our" who sought to run the city from the walled-off palace of a crazy rich lady for whom they fancied themselves the puppeteers.

    1. If you're a parent and your kids like Dominos, that's the end of the discussion. These 2 heartless bovines have kids. They should understand that much. Losers.

  14. Well they are not only lacking in intelligence and empathy but don't understand sarcasm.

    "Meeting=Dominos" Clearly means her kids get fed a quick meal because she had dedicated her time to volunteering for the city, and doesn't have time to make a healthy meal. Probably ordered from another pizzeria but everyone with a 1/2 a brain understands what she meant. Though Dominos is quick... Kids are happy because kids love pizza, educated parents know that pizza isn't the best meal to serve. Sobolov is more then just a smart mom, she is a good mom, great community leader, well respected neighbor and friend to many.

    Irene Sobolov, thank you for your service and for all you do and continue to do for the City of Hoboken. You are loved and admired.

    1. Irene is a Mom. Lane and Kim are cave people. What does Kim serve her kid while she's writing for 411 and Team Mason?

  15. Weren't many buildings in Hoboken originally built with kitchens on the "garden level"?
    ...they weren't built with a "basement".

  16. First off, I love Domino's....they've really improved their crust recipe in the past few years. My kids also love Domino's, and when you have hungry teenagers, the price is right! Have you tried the Parmesan Bites? Delicious.

  17. Irene and her family have given much of themselves to the betterment of Hoboken for more than one generation. She is the type of person who should receive honors and blessings from all of us.

    Instead, along come two agoraphobic, overweight, angry misanthropes who have no lives, but who are intent on destroying a small city and the reputations of some of its inhabitants, all at the behest of one who still sits on our city council.

    It is very hard not to wish them all ill, but instead, at this holiest time of year for Christians and Jews, this is what I ask:

    That the Bajardi's, Sojkovic's and Mason's have the need to, and find a way to leave Hoboken soon.

    That they discover better living through pysochotherapy

    That they never again perpetrate similar crimes on any other community

    That their children grow up and lead healthy, productive lives and one day forgive their parents for what they have done to the family reputation and name

    Lord, hear my prayer.

    1. My wish is that they should live and be well....just not here.

      It wouldn't hurt if they paid for the damage they did to others before they left.

    2. They should live and be well....just not here.

      It wouldn't hurt if before they left the paid for the damage the did to others.

  18. The Twin Mansion to the Mason's on Hudson just sold for 4.6 million.
    Exorcise the spirits of Beth and I'm sure she could get close to that.

    Hint Hint

  19. Since Lane is known to walk out of POG meetings and taking his two slices of Pizza, I'm sure he knows what "good" Pizza is.
    Another Bajardi Hypocrisy, the guy who storms out of a meeting demands to get two slices of Pizza he was entitled to consume if he stayed, is now attacking someone for giving their kid a treat of Dominos. The Sobolovs are a happy family and those kids aren't growing up with a mom like Sara, Kimbo or Beth

  20. Lane and Kim couldn't afford a Brownstone like Irene's. I'd rather have a kitchen in a basement than an entire apartment on the 5th floor

  21. If Irene is "cheap crap", what kind of crap are Kim and Sara?

  22. They are a couple of vapid shrews. Hey Branko, is this what you hitched your wagon to?
    Lane and Kim deserve each other. Good for nothing lowlifes. What a douche bag train wreck.

  23. Our final today - Salt of the Earth 1, Scum of the Earth 0.

  24. Is anyone currently in contact with Sarah or Kim? Wondering how they are handling this relentless onslaught of their own scheming, nasty doings. What's the word on the street? Knowing from these emails how obsessive they were about following every post and comment on "the blogs", I have to believe they are still paying close attention. People don't change.

    1. Their peepers are wide open and zeroing in on everything said here... "Hello Bitches!"


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