The Prosbus Puzzle

One of the mysteries of Bajardi v Pincus (aside from why it was ever filed) concerns Hoboken Patch screen names, prosbus and Curious Gal.

If you don't know, prosbus and Curious Gal authored hundreds of provocative posts attacking Dawn Zimmer, her administration, her allies, Kids First, and me.

There were dozens like this one by prosbus:

And dozens more like this by Curious Gal:

Well, you know GA whacked them back.   Like ping-pong.   Whack!  Whack!  Whack!   I've never been sued for a rough volley and no one's ever claimed to be defamed by my wicked serve.  Whack!

Not these opponents.  These hothouse flowers alleged they were "defamed" because I addressed prosbus as "Lane Bajardi" and Curious Gal as "Kim Cardinal." 


So here's what happened...

On September 11, 2014, Judge Christine Vanek ruled: 

Yep, the Court removed the issue of prosbus and Curious Gal's identity as a legal issue from the case.

Now here's the great mystery:

Eighteen days after the judge determined it didn't matter who posted under screen names prosbus and Curious Gal, Plaintiffs produced the person claiming to be "prosbus" and "Curious Gal:"

Paragraph 5 of the Petrosino certification:   
"Curious Gal" and "prosbus" were online fictional characters intended to provide a civil counter-narrative to comments posted on Patch." 
Did he say "civil counter-narrative?"  You mean like this?:

Yeah, that's "civil."  GA's archived over 200 pages of Curious Gal and prosbus posts.  I would call that collection many descriptive terms but "civil" is not one of them.

Then of course, there's the deposition of political operative Tom Bertoli back on January 9, 2014.

 Bertoli testified under oath that Lane Bajardi admitted to the screen name identity prosbus.

Eenie, meenie, miney moe... I pick Tommy.


  1. Petrosino lying again?

  2. That's just creepy. Petrosino is on the HoLa board. What was he doing bashing reform and trashing public schools on Patch?

  3. What a miracle! They identified who prosbus and curious gal were within just a few days. And lo and behold it was someone who they probably interacted with often in Hoboken politics! What an amazing Hoboken coincidence

    If the plaintiffs were truly concerned about their names being thrown about it never made sense to leave the user names of prosbus and curious gal out of the suit. Of course the suit was never about that, it was about destroying the lives of anyone who dared question Mason, especially Horse and GA

    I wonder if Mr Biancamano could shed any light on any of this? I believe he knows Mr Raia pretty well and Petrosino is Raia's friend. After all we saw how highly the plaintiffs think of "Sandwich Head". Maybe he sees the light now

  4. Well THIS is a nice change of pace. Most people were thrown under the bus by Lane and Kim. Petro here threw himself under the bus. Whatta dooosh.

  5. Thank you very much, prosbus!

  6. Anyone care to hazard any guesses as to why Stojkovic would give up so much to support Mason, a woman she clearly despises and why Petrosino would perjure himself for Corpulent Gal and that dick, Priapus?

    1. OUCH!

      Priapism (/ˈpraɪəpɪzəm/[1][2]) is a potentially painful medical condition in which the erect penis does not return to its flaccid state, despite the absence of both physical and psychological stimulation, within four hours. Priapism is considered a medical emergency, which should receive proper treatment by a qualified medical practitioner. There are two types of priapism: low-flow and high-flow; 80% to 90% of clinically presented priapisms are low flow disorders. The name comes from the Greek god Priapus (Ancient Greek: Πρίαπος), a fertility god often represented with a disproportionately large and permanent erection.

  7. This sounds really weird. Did Petrosino not realize that admitting in court documents that he wrote all those vile online attacks would reflect negatively on his academic/professional standing? What school would want someone like that on staff?

    Either he's clueless and self-sabotaged his career, or he's playing fall guy for a Hoboken couple.

    Something doesn't pass the smell test.

    1. I agree. This doesn't pass the smell test. The only thing I can think of is that the Bajardis blew a lot of smoke up Petrosino's ass, made him think the case was a winner and that he would get something out of it if he played his part. Or else they threatened him. His testimony didn't even matter, right? It didn't matter that he was either screen name. He exposed himself for nothing. Who paid for his flight from Austin?

  8. Hey Petro was just being a swell guy and admitted to writing under some posts. Who was writing all that stuff responding to the call of Lane and Kim Bajardi? Doesn't matter, it was all a big waste of time (and money) of course. Maybe that was the point.

    Pedro came up to testify I hear. Except he didn't have anything to testify to and the court sent him home I hear. So he flew all the way up from Austin and went back to do nothing but stop by the courtroom. Hope Beth reimburses him for all his airfare. LMAO!

  9. Trying to riddle why what looks like a wild distraction would be brought forward after the Judge had ruled the issue irrelevant and not under consideration. Was this by any chance timed with a settlement offer ahead of the trial? And Pretosino's "admission" designed to spook you into settling? What were they thinking and what would motivate Petrosino to make this "admission"?

    1. How did you know? Yes it was. Only the "offer" was that I PAY THEM almost 5 times the amount of my mortgage. I did NOT tell Plaintiffs" to go fuck themselves." no, I was civil. I might have said, "I would rather die than pay your clients even one penny," which I meant. Yeah, I think that's what I said.

  10. Dr. Anthony Petrosino, a professor at University of Texas and 'active' board member of Hola spent copious amounts of time bashing the Hoboken public school district, the parents who supported them, and the children attending. Is this the kind of character the Hola school endorses for their board? The corruption drained out of the Hoboken Public Schools and pooled over at Hola. Shame. They can do better. So can U of Texas. Petrosino is a liar and festering sore neither city needs.

  11. Petrosino's blog is closed to the public except for "invited readers only."

    When did that happen?

    1. Well not like his blog was all that useful or had much intelligent to say. It was all for the haters, him being the biggest of the bunch. His assertions were thoroughly trashed by his betters.

  12. This is FUNNY!!! Petro posting as a boy and a girl!!! Got issues Anthony?

  13. Dr. Anthony Petrosino's saying under oath that he was posting under the names CuriousGal and Probus on Hoboken Patch is highly detrimental to the HOLA.

  14. Isn't Petrosino the Orwellian apologist who did a faux statistical analysis of Peter Biancamano's BOE "win" that included everything except the fact that Frank Raia bought him 466 votes?

    Nothing lower than a self-described intellectual who puts his facility with language to the service of making excuses anti-democratic deceit and criminality. There's other words for it. Squealer. Goebbels. I prefer scumbag.

  15. If Petrosino is in fact Prosbus and CG, then it's time to write a letter to the Hoboken Reporter and bringing his commenting behavior to the attention of a wider general audience and hold HOLA accountable. Parents in town who send their kids to HOLA need to be made aware of the internet postings by a member of their board of trustees (

    What does Barbara Martinez have to say about Petrosino's behavior? Does she think this is suitable behavior for a HOLA board member? My guess is as more HOLA parents learn details of his commenting history, they will demand that he step down. Will Martinez do the right thing and ask for his resignation now, before HOLA's reputation suffers further damage?

  16. GA, I really think you and DH need to pick out the gems for a staged reading. Of course we'll need a narrator to fill in the gaps. I'm thinking, something ridiculous, like Beth's dog (if she has one, or cat, even better).

    Who can do Lane's radio voice?

    1. We should do a community theater musical production. It will be a tragic-comic operetta, a la John Waters. "On the Watercunt", with Mason's character mumbling how she could've been a contender. If Midler can sing Kim Kardashian's tweets. Just sayin...:

  17. Dr. Anthony Petrosino got his shorts in a twist when the new BoE administration no longer appreciated his services after discovering he was warming a chair at the University of Texas instead of Hoboken. After not much thought, they determined it wasn't in the children's best interest to shell out over $140K a year to a no-show employee and terminated his contract. He got all butthurt and sued them. Too bad he lost and had to pay $$ back. Does Hola really need this leech? Is it in their best interests to keep him on their board? How productive is he on the Hola board while he's camping out in Texas? Maybe he posted to Patch from Texas on their time. Who knows.

  18. What kind of things has Anthony Petrocino hola trustee said?

  19. Enough lying bullshit to shut down his own blog. It takes a real low life to bash children. Anthony Petrosino's education project floated belly up. What kind of education project attacks a school district? You think he could have done something more constructive with his time. What a waste of flesh and education.

  20. Replies
    1. Whoa. So much for aging gracefully. Halloween can be frightening

      The album of those pics has a comment from someone named "Khaalid Ben Re". Looks like that guy who thinks Jewish people were the result of cave women and dogs. Remember that nutjob? Careful Beth, you lay down with Cave Dogs, you come away with what I don't know

  21. Petrosino reminds me of Brendel. His facebook page is papered over with a lot high-minded hand-wringing on behalf of the poor and down-trodden. But both of them suck up to the highest bidder and do whatever is needed to keep that person in power regardless of the best interests of the poor and down-trodden.

  22. Petrosino is a sad bastard. He inflicts harm on others he envy's. He is both mentally and emotionally bankrupt hiding behind a canvas of downtrodden folk. He doesn't give a rats ass about the poor. This is clear enough as he assisted in kicking the Boy's and Girls Club out of their rightful space.

    Hola what a board of trustees!

    Frank Raia synonymous with the Russo's and Beth Mason. Take from the poor give to himself Carmelo Garcia. And Don't let that Reuben Ramos fool you. He breaks bread with them all. You can not change a tigers stripes Reuben.

    1. While a dual language education intrigues me, I'm not intrigued enough to put my child's education into the hands of Mr. Raia and Mr. Petrosino, or anyone that would trust them enough to put them on the board of a school.

  23. Will Barbara Martinez speak out against this sort of nasty behavior and take action? Her silence will be seen as condoning Petrosino's aggressive online bullying, a poor example to set for HOLA children.

    Will this matter be raised at an upcoming BoE meeting? Petrosino is buddies with Raia, that certainly puts Sandwich Head in a difficult position.

  24. I was discussing this matter with friends, and very few of them believe Petrosino was actually Prosbus and Curious Girl. Their guess, as a commenter stated above, is he was convinced (or volunteered) to claim responsibility for those commenter names as a leverage point to get a settlement deal. Plaintiff's thought they could scare Nancy and Roman into folding, they never imagined it would go to trial or that Petrosino's deposition would ever become public knowledge. Oops.

    Look at the comments from Prosbus and Curious Girl and compare them to those from Red Haven and other online names Lane said he used. In the opinion of many people, the tone and approach are extremely similar -- some would say identical -- to that of Lane's own emails and other online commenters names.

    Something smells fishy.

    1. Regardless of who was doing the posting under those 2 names (a person, a couple, a team of minions, etc..) the one thing I believe is true is that it all was a set up. They wanted to entrap and bait people into making outlandish statements in the hope of getting them on the SLAPP suit. From there they clearly wanted to identify who was behind the reform monikers posting on sites. From the emails released it appears they believed it was a small handful of people behind the user names. They assume that because they operate that way, why wouldn't reform? I believe they were dead wrong on that

      I'm sure they had a phase 2 if and when they could identify people as well. Another level of harassment in addition to the lawsuit.

      Either way I am still baffled these plaintiffs pursued this lawsuit knowing they released these 60,000 emails showing just how warped their approach to Hoboken was. I don't believe they received competent legal advice

    2. "I don't believe they received competent legal advice."

      Anon @10:17, would you mind if I nominate this for the Understatement of the Year Awards?

    3. @Anon 10:17am- I agree, it appears to be a setup. That being said, you are responsible for what you write. As you are responsible for getting whipped into a frenzy and posting things willy nilly.

      In this case, because Lane was a limited public figure, the bar was set high enough that the words were not defamatory/libelous & it was tossed. But I do not recommend trying to post the same exact words about a private individual, as the court may rule it differently.

      In my opinion, the lesson for everyone here is to mind what you say online.

      The lesson for Beth's team is to think before you email it. And really, maybe Lane and Kim should think before suing people and/or turning over emails.

    4. Well said Snoopy. I hope everyone here keeps that in mind. Let these emails speak for themselves and when commenting no need to go overboard.



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