"Sandwich head...and his dopey team"

Is that a rock band or a slate of School Board candidates?


A-ha!  "Sandwich head and his dopey team" are a slate of School Board Candidates!  That's according to the "not a political operative" guy.

In fact, Hoboken411.com asked the "not a political operative" guy to caption Hoboken411's graphic of "Sandwich head... and his dopey team" which makes  the "not-an operative" guy a Hoboken411-graphic-captioning consultant.

If Peter B. is "Sandwich Head," then Carmelo Garcia and Frances Rhodes-Kearns are the "dopey team?"  So, Lane "not an operative" Bajardi calls Carmelo Garcia "dopey."

GA does not think Carmelo Garcia is a dope or "dopey," nor would I ever file a bad-faith lawsuit against a dozen people whose allegedly-defamatory statements are factually correct, shaking a tin cup for $2,000,000... in the process turning over a mother-lode of evidence proving the statements were in fact, correct.   So, I ask...

Who's the dope?



  1. D'oh! Nothing like taking crude and immature shots at people behind their backs. And god forbid H411 come off as "advocating for one side or the other", huh? They never do that sort of thing, of course not.

    Good thing Lane lives at the opposite end of town because I know of one Italian deli where he'd now get his little "not a political operative" ass handed to him.

  2. Italian deli owners are sandwich heads? I'd say his SLAPP-head is filled with mutz.

  3. The only thing Lane does well that's sandwich related is "cut the cheese"

  4. Peter works at MSNBC ( BROADCAST TV) I bet Lane was just jealous of someone who was in that food chain as opposed to being in Beth Mason's food pantry

  5. I bet Lane would shit " a loaf" if he was ever approached by Peter or anyone else in Old Hoboken who dislikes shims like The Bajardis

  6. Italian deli owners have been defamed! Camelo and Bubbles have been defamed! Better call in the out of state ambulance chasers to demand 2 million salamis and a pound of mutz, hold the mayo.

  7. Lol.... Perry Klaussen can't caption his own graphic? He needs Lane Bajardi to do it? Does Bajardi wipe his ass for him too?

  8. I don't know about a dope but I know about a looney Leprechaun.

  9. Between this and other email exchanges between these two, I'd confused as to who actually runs 411. What Lane is doing is exactly the same as the role of a managing editor: determining what content goes in, how it should be positioned, what it should look like, instructions on layout/graphics, when the story will go live, etc. And Perry is seen here "playing catcher", just a yes man who's job is to follow orders.

  10. The Plaintiff sure says nasty things about a variety of people in these emails. And I don't mean just about his perceived "enemies" on the reform side.

    So far we have seen some very mean things said by the Plaintiff about Mrs Keim, The Russo family, Beth Mason, Mr Tremiteidi and now Peter Biancamano, Carmelo Garcia and Mrs Kearns. Is this just the tip of the iceberg? Does he have more awful things to say about his so called allies?

    Good to see his true feelings out there for these people to see.

  11. Suing GA and Horsey had to be the dumbest move of Lane and Kim's existence.
    What is it like 30,000 emails?
    I bet waterboarding would be more enjoyable for them?

  12. The arrogance and hypocrisy are staggering. With each email reveal I find myself asking the same question: what were they thinking proceeding knowing these emails would be become public record? They have proven the rule that discovery is a two-way street. A very dangerous two-way street.

  13. Bajardi and Barracato have a news cycle mentality. They never think anything through past the next day's blogpost or dog shit-encrusted copy of the Hoboken Reporter. They were and are singularly incapable of strategy. They never thought about discovery. Never thought it would get out when it did happen. They assumed they'd win and eliminating discovery would be a bargaining chip in the settlement. Now they've fucked everyone. Beth, Ricky, Sara, Kleinman, Swibinski.

    When the chips are down, there's always someone you can go have a beer with. They've fucked that up too. No shoulders to cry on. No one to say, hey, I get why you did it, you'll get em next time. There's no next time. There's just waiting to get called into the boss's office. Tick-tock, tick-tock.

  14. Meathead sandwich head Peter is that and more. He belongs as a turd in the punch bowl too.


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