Paetzold calls for investigation of 60,000 emails obtained by Mason's "business partner"

Mayor Dawn Zimmer certification

At last night's City Council meeting, two members of the public questioned 2nd Ward Councilwoman Beth Mason about how 60,000 emails between the mayor/HMHA and the hospital buyer, Holdco, got into the hands of her "business partner" James Barracato one month before the hospital sale closed. 

The speakers were HHA Commissioner James Sanford and 2nd Ward resident Franz Paetzold. Paetzold was clearly disturbed about the breech of security involving emails obtained by unauthorized personnel during the sale of the hospital.  Further, he asked the City to investigate how the email breech happened, so we may "learn" how to prevent it from happening again.

The fact that James Barracato obtained the 60,000 emails and gave a disk to Ray Smith of the Hoboken Reporter is not in dispute.

Mason looked very uncomfortable when confronted by Sanford and Paetzold.  GA observed Castellano's eyes darting around like a rat spying a predator. Tellingly, at the end of the meeting in the 'New Business' portion, Mason passed on her turn to speak;  time she should have answered Sanford and Paetzold's questions. 

How about telling the public the truth?  Don't we have a right to know?

Email discovery provided by Plaintiffs in Bajardi v Pincus shows Barracato bragging to an anti-Zimmer associate he is "getting the 60,000 emails that the HMHA/Zimmer exchanged with the hospital buyer during the sale process."

From whom

The public wants to know what Mason knew and when she knew itMason very publicly had opposed the sale of the hospital to HoldCo. It is clear from Barracato's emails that the unauthorized breech of  confidential communications was intended to undermine the pending sale.

GA stands with Franz. 

This matter calls for an investigation.  If crimes were committed, the guilty parties should face punishment.

This kind of illicit document trafficking to undermine the sale of a public asset should NEVER happen again, and how can we prevent it from happening if we don't know WHAT happened and WHO is responsible.


  1. WOW! Well laws being what they are I'd say Jimmy and Sara and Kimmy will have some answering to law enforcement types in their future.

    1. Don't forget Kimmy's civic issue loving husband Lane. We don't want the Feds to discriminate against women here. Everyone into the Fed's Big Blue Bus!

      Last stop on the Blue Bus special: 9th and Hudson! Round'em up!!

    2. Oh, dear. Lawyer up, guestarama!

  2. Orange is the new black -- a quick glance and that fat guy in the photo looks like he's in an Orange Jump suit ahead of schedule!

  3. I heard they not only trade smokes in prison, but Hostess Twinkies, Cadbury Bars and Pizza ... enough to make a Minions wife happy for at least 18 months

  4. I think some strawberry blonde's roots may be showing soon. You go to jail and you better hope someone bakes a few bottles of hair dye in your cakes

  5. Perhaps Beth Mason will now set up a private meeting to answer the questions for Fanz and James at a gas station in Weehawken ?

  6. So is Franz a good guy now? Bravo to anyone who speaks out in a pubic forum against Beth Mason, but at the same time I'm always seeing Franz hanging out with Raia and various Mason minions, so I'm not sure where he stands or if he'll continue to "do the right thing" in the future.

    1. Zomborgspouse is at it again?

  7. Both Franz and James are simple Simons.

  8. Franz is honest, James Sanford campaigned AGAINST LENZ and helped Timmy leading to the election that made Mason the council president
    Sanford is a joke

    1. I agree. Reform can't forget this.

    2. Using the HHA as a springboard for politics is wrong on every level.
      Sanford is a republican. Anti HealthCare, Anti Gay Marriage and Anti Human rights

    3. Those national issues are important but do not matter locally for council. Look at Mason, she probably is on the good side of those issues but has done nothing but cause havoc and pain locally. She almost bankrupted a hospital and the town of Hoboken out of pure spite!!!! Who cares if she is Pro Choice if she destroys the livelihoods of 1500 adults

    4. Franz is too close to too many people that make me question his motives. I wouldn't vote for Franz any more than James. Still waiting for a reform candidate to step forward.

    5. James POV against gay rights can lead to chilling anti- gay policies against gays in Hoboken, City Hall and throughout or normally very welcoming city.

    6. Anon @ 8:55 AM. Well, that is a First Amendment issue. James can say whatever he wants. So can you. I can guarantee that such unpalatable views will not be digested in Hoboken, but spewed up on the curb and swept away.

    7. Oh you know what James POV is on the issue?? Many Republicans are pro Marriage Equality and for Gay Rights. Until he publicly states otherwise you should not assume he is on 1 side of the issue or the other

    8. Is Franz still a Pupie guy? Does he no longer hug it out with Matt Calicchio in the back of council meetings? Did he give up on being on the Ramos ticket? Where else does he have left to go?

      James Sanford is guilty of trying to get more Hoboken residents involved and supporting good government in Hoboken. He was one of the key volunteer HHA commissioners backing Dana Wefer to clean up the HHA. Those are notable efforts. Hope he keeps it up! Thanks James!

    9. You forgot his campaigning for Tim O.
      Using the HHA as a political stepping stone is wrong and bigoted.

    10. I know Carmelo Garcia tried it and look what happened.

  9. The Mayor's Version of the Minion is attacking Franz now. Guess, they forget how she had the help of Raia in the massive harvesting of VBM ballots , Andrew Amato..., Beth Mason's original crew like Cohen, Holtzmann and Danny

    1. I saw that. Zomborgland, who sounds very much like a person that is more than just a supporter to Zimmer. Very smart, but has a history of ranting against Franz and anyone he/she doesn't invite to convert over from the Mason refugees to Zimmer
      Even though he was never a Mason fanatic, unlike the contest she took on a few years ago....

    2. Yes, he seems to get very agitated at the very thought of anyone questioning of Zimmer...

    3. Now now now. Playing this stupid guessing game is for the Mason Minion crew. Rise above. Don't be that person. Let's focus on anyone unseating Mason from her position

  10. I'm in agreement with Anon @ 7:42 AM. Reform is a mix of folks from all over the political spectrum- and from parties who duke it out on a state/national level. I am a registered Dem- and so are some of the most corrupt elements in this City. Who cares if Sanford is a Repub, when he has the balls to get up at the City Council and query Beth Mason about "corrupt practices" and why her "business partner" had a disk with 60,000 of the mayor's/HMHA emails with the hospital buyer- a month BEFORE the sale closed?

    I want MORE Repubs and Dems and Libs and Conservatives and Libertarians and Green Party and ANYBODY else to face Beth Mason in public and ask the same question.

    Flame wars between Dems and Republicans does not accomplish anything for Hoboken. My 2 cents. Now you can sue me.

    1. Sanford didn't make Mason try to close the hospital, but he did drive Tim to the scene of the crime

  11. I have to give kudos to both Sanford and Patezold for standing up and asking Mason to explain herself. and her people in front of the City Council.

    If they end up running for office I will evaluate if they are worth voting for or supporting.
    If either one ends up running against Mason he already is a much better choice.

  12. What accomplishments can Beth possibly tout in a reelection bid? Serious question, what reasons can she give to justify voting for her? She ignores the needs of the 2nd ward in favor of arranging dessert receptions for South Jersey pols, never responds to emails from constituents, doesn't answer their questions at council meetings. And when she does get involved with her ward, it's to vote against funds to fight the Monarch.

    I have no idea if James or Franz would run against her. While we don't know what their agendas would be, I can't say I'm overly excited by either of them but we'll see. Someone should to be able to step up and beat her, considering her dismal record of non-achievement and all the things she's done to try and damage the city.

    1. Apparently Beth' s only real lifetime accomplishment was to marry a guy who made a lot of money.

    2. She's not the only one...

  13. Why is James Sanford bad for the second ward?
    James just moved there recently.
    James has not been able to play well with others in the TRUE, State sanctioned GOP.
    When James tried to get elected to the Hoboken Republic Leadership he received ONE vote. Not sure if it was his own.
    James campaigned for Tim Occhipinti when reform needed his 4th ward support ( his former ward) helping Mason win the majority to disrupt the entire city.

    While the mayor's "closest advisor" writes on MSV under Zomborgland attacks on Franz Paetzhold for having drinks with Raia, at least Franz didnt have to vacate his seat because of VBM's

    1. If having a drink with Pupie Raia is a problem his boy Biancamano is in real trouble.

  14. When the GWB stuff hit the fan, Christie wanted everyone to believe that he didn't know what the people closest to him did it and he knew nothing about it. A sacrificial lamb was offered up.

    If I were close to the center of this mess I would be worried they are looking for a fall guy.


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