These are true and correct excerpts from sworn certifications filed on July 3, 2014.
The certifications were filed as exhibits in support of Plaintiffs' opposition to my Motion to Compel Plaintiffs To Produce Discovery Ordered on April 25, 2014 or Dismiss or Strike Complaint.
Plaintiffs' EXHIBIT F- Kim Bajardi Certification |
Plaintiffs' EXHIBIT E-Lane Bajardi certification |
Plaintiffs' EXHIBIT H-Perry Klaussen certification |
I wonder if Plaintiffs told Klaussen that Defendants had thousands (9,000 approx.) of his responsive email communications BEFORE he committed perjury for them?
He gave you all of my emails? He included the ones where I said lots of stuff about women and jews? Hope he didn't give you the one where we talked about Claire's tits. OK well at least he didn't give you that one right?
ReplyDeleteHow much does Beth pay us for committing perjury? I forgot to ask about that.
Delete(1) No
(2) Yes
(3)Yes, he did
(4) Unverifiable
Perry Klaussen considers Glen Beck and Bill O'Donnell credible media journalists?
ReplyDeleteATOM BOMB!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI would think blatantly lying like this in court is a bad idea. It certainly won't help this couple when they are sued for having filed this frivolous lawsuit
After all they put you and your family through, sue them GA!
DeleteJust say'n it might be time to set up a family trust and transfer all tangible assets to say a child so they can not be seized by the court.
ReplyDeleteOMG. Accusations of perjury certainly can't help at this point, and the worst part (or best, depending on your perspective) is who knows what new damning disclosures will surface tomorrow. Or the next day/week/month?
ReplyDeleteBetween this and the MSV bombshell emails posted today, everyone on the dark side must be yanking their hair out. And again, it's not reform saying these things about them, it's simply their own words exposing them in their own emails. That's gotta hurt, a lot.
Karma, baby.
If they had been honest about who they truly are and what they did, they couldn't have filed this lawsuit. They've committed a fraud on the Court. They kept it alive and forced everyone to spend time and money. They deserve jail time for this.
ReplyDeleteTrue but how much less effective would they have been if they stood in front of the City Council pontificating or had a byline on 411 if they said they were on Beth Mason's payroll ?
DeleteKeep 'em coming baby! This is ridiculously juicccccy!
ReplyDeleteThe little runt really loves to swear. Such a puffed up weasel.
ReplyDeleteJudging from horsey's piece, the group of 5-10 is all there was running things. They came in dead last was it any wonder?
The Thompson Twins wrote a song for The Bajardi Twins :
You have it all wrong. All I get out of these e-mails is that Kim wrote things for 411 to publish that Lane sent to Hoboken411. She did not write for 411 because she did not send it to 411 herself.
ReplyDeleteYou stupid bloggers don't even understand what a lie is. That's why you'll never get a job telling the "truth" while not being paid by Beth Mason.
The 8 or so minions should have taken a play out of Hilary's book and deleted the 60,000 personal emails. In Hilary's case it was 30,000.
ReplyDeleteCome on Bethy, Hil is your idol. You gonna play with the big fish you gotta think like a shark. Swim away now little minnow, the great white is closing in on you.
Nice. The Bajardis perjure themselves, probably trick Klaussen perjuring himself... I doubt he had a clue what he was walking into. Is there anybody the Bajardis didn't throw under the bus?
ReplyDeleteNow at what point do the facts presented here catch the attention of law enforcement?
ReplyDeletewill they ever? if not why?
The political stings in NJ, many of which caught people outright (hi Peter), were politically driven and directed, perhaps no one is giving directions now, or they just don't care.
Forget about LE now and forever. Waiting for the cops has never served reform well.
DeleteGreat graphic GA!
ReplyDeleteI love the "GA" tattooed on Lane's shoulder. LOL! He also has a boot print tat on his ass.
ReplyDeleteLane and Kim are exactly the pariahs the deserve to be. Disgusting evil trolls, two of the most destructive people to ever come to this town. I hope they are forced to leave in social disgrace.
ReplyDeleteAt this point there's nothing new about Lane and Kim lying, under oath or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteWhat remains is the why of it.
Why tell this particular lie? 2 reasons I can think of.
1. Lies of sheer contempt. I'm lying to you because it is beneath me to tell someone like you the truth. I'm lying to you the way I would lie to a nazi or other human vermin who is never entitled to the truth.
They do a certain amount of that kind of lying. They are animated by hatred. Their relationship to a cause is always by the channel of hating the enemies of the cause. They do remarkably little in support of Beth or Tim. But their zeal and energy for trying to destroy Beth and Tim's enemies bordered on the sexual.
2. Because writing for 411 i the task of an operative. In order to deny being an operative, I have to deny writing for 411. Otherwise, why not tell the truth about it? What's the harm? Who cares if she wrote for 411?
But she lied about it. They both did. Klaussen did too. Why?
One of those two reasons I assure you.
" Beth and Tim's enemies bordered on the sexual."
Oh man, this is juicy. Kim was working at CNN when she was writing for Perry in 2007. Lane was working for Bloomberg when he was writing for Perry- until 2009. Why won't Kim fess up she wrote for Perry?
So is 1010 supposed to believe Lane was NOT involved in most writing?
DeleteIn the words of Arch Listson the Almighty, " Yeah, I believe that "
It sounds like Perry has a man-crush on Lane.
ReplyDeleteWhy would they hand you the smoking gun? It's like a Keystone Cops film.
ReplyDelete"I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment."
ReplyDeleteWell, that seems like an open-and-shut case. While excessive fines would be appropriate, hundreds of hours of community service could also be an interesting punishment. How sweet would it be to see Lane, Kim and Perry sweeping sidewalks or picking up trash in the park?
Perhaps they'll sue themselves. They're their own worst enemies. As the evidence is revealed it's hard to believe they had any legal representation whatsoever. No one to blame but themselves as this unfolds.
ReplyDeleteI understand the foregoing statements by me are true. I am aware that of any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I will owe Grafix Avenger my soul to sell as she sees fit, after I get out of jail.