Hoboken411: "Attack the businesses they like..."


  1. That's crazy even for that dumbass.

  2. This guy hasn't taken any ownership of his inability to create a solid, honest business. He operates on hate.

    Someone break it to the poor fool that hate does not generate love nor money.

    Good Lord. He really needs to go to school to learn business 101. Maybe even start Kindergarten over to learn how to share, be kind, respect one another, play nice in the play yard, etc...

  3. well forget ever trusting an online restaurant review...hey, AG, did you send this one to City Bistro?

  4. "Attack businesses THEY like"?

    Give unfavorable reviews to businesses that don't buy ads? WTF????

  5. Was this wrong? I was just sharing some ideas with minion and well things got more detailed with the plans and was trying to tie in some business with destroying Zimmerists. Beth always likes when we do that and the cash bonuses are really yummy.

  6. Still Perry After All These Years

    Four in the morning
    Crapped out
    Longing my life away
    I'll never worry
    Why should I ?
    It's all gonna fade

    Now Is it by my window
    And watch the cars
    I fear I'll do some damage
    One fine day
    But I would not be convicted
    By a jury of my peers

    Still crazy
    Still crazy
    Still crazy ager all these years

  7. I hope every current and prospective future advertiser of 411 reads this email to get a glimpse of how the man behind curtain really operates. i also hope the remaining site visitors do as well, so they an properly consider whether to believe anything they read.

  8. So it is now officially confirmed that Hoboken411 is a shakedown operation blackmailing local business into advertising or otherwise getting a bad review.

    I hope a group of business owners get together and sue his ass. He'll have to settle for less than the one million he wants for the Hoboken411 web address to pay his lawyers. Well unless Checkbook Betty covers his ass.

  9. His territory? hahahahahahaha

  10. I always heard tales of such shakedowns regarding reviews and positive posts but never ever thought I would see the plan laid out in writing!!!! And a lawyer let all of these emails get released so this frivolous suit could continue??? I tell you, if the plaintiffs don't keel over from embarrassment with all these emails they may after paying for the defendants expenses, lawyer fees and damages.

    I look forward to seeing how the Avolettas who own City Bistro and owned Lua feel about this email. I wonder if there were any negative articles about either from December 10, 2009 until today?

    1. It takes a conscience to feel embarrassment. These sociopaths only care they got caught. Krazy Gal's been running around for years crying how she and her family have been stalked and attacked and threatened. She is a lunatic. Certifiably insane. And boy, did those two throw Klaussen under the bus!

      The Avolettas should know, and so should the rest of our business community.

  11. Wait, a "Tony" was telling businesses that Perry is a sleaze ball?
    Oh, sounds like a guy that was right all along.
    Why shouldn't people complain to advertisers they patronize. Imagine if you were Lenz, Pincus, Zimmer or any of the many victims and you spend money at a store or restaurant ate at a restaurant that Perry was making money from those 411 Victims had a right to let them know thy were boycotting. It's their right. NOT A THREAT. These clowns did what they accuse others of 100000000 fold. So glad those CANCERS were shut down, The Masons, The Bajardi's and That Sara were a cancer on this town and Perry was their host. F them all

    1. What's actually funny is that Klaussen was taking the threats made by this "Tony" seriously. I doubt the businesses Klaussen thought he was threatening did. These guys were paranoid fools afraid of every little shadow.

  12. I wonder if a certain AM radio station follows this business model for their sponsors who are still being read by that Minion/Operative ?

  13. Maybe the should have sent Kim in to dine as an incentive.
    Hey, My wife Kim will eat here if you buy some ads on our website ?

  14. Interesting that you don't have a reply to this email. It appears not even Lane could be bothered with this nonsense.

    1. He probably took the conversation offline. Emailing about extorting businesses isn't wise.

    2. They were on the phone multiple times a day. They could start chats in email and finish on the phone.

  15. Hoboken411 hooked up with the Mason fanatics and now they burned his ass. Great story and great news to see another piece of truth escape right to the publci.

    Who's the loser Perry?

  16. Do you have the email where Lane says "that's absolutely outrageous, Perry. Our working relationship is at an end. I simply can't associate with someone so vindictive, petty and wrong. You DO know don't you that you can be sued out of existence for what you are proposing here? It was bad enough all those many, many times you called women c*nts. I never once objected or corrected you but I thought about it. But now you have gone too far. We're through!"

    That email. Keep looking I'm sure it's there. That's what a non-scumbag would say.

  17. I'm wondering if it would be mean and vindictive to compile a list of businesses that got bad reviews and send this too them.

    How many people do you need for a class action suit?

    1. i don't think there would be any grounds for suing, it's not illegal. certainly stupid, unprofessional, unethical and immoral, but not illegal.

    2. Well Yelp is suing people for fake reviews...

      If Mr. Klaussen published fake reviews with the intent to damage someone's business...

      The intent is stated in these emails, now all the victims would have to prove that their businesses suffered (hard to proof I know).

      If anyone used to trust H411 and stopped going to an establishment, or decided not to try one. Now that we know the truth. Time to visit those places and be our own judges. Maybe share the experience with the owner of said establishment.

  18. Yesterday, H411 posted some very negative things about City Bistro. Looks like they still must be rebuffing 411's sales pitch

    1. i had no idea 411 was still around, haven't gone there in years. it appears that guy is still a mega loser.


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