Ouch! Beth Mason Campaigns Fined $44K for ELEC violations!

Announcement in today's Politickernj
What a disgrace!  Councilwoman Mason is an embarrassment to Hoboken.

See what happens to lawbreakers, folks? Shame, an elected official and her Treasurer husband- a partner at a prestigious white shoe law firm- can't obey simple campaign reporting law!  What is the world coming to?  

$44,000!  The  Hoboken Reporter wrote 2 pages this week about Bhalla's waived $100 fine...

Beth Mason & Co's fines are 440 TIMES the amount of Bhalla's!   Will The Hoboken Reporter  write an 880-page Special Edition about Beth Mason's ELEC transgressions?


  1. If only she had that 46K back she gave the Healy campaign about now...

  2. she's also got ops in lyndhurst, a sloppy sardine barkeep and lil SLAPPy mcSuepants who NEVER show up on her elecs!!!!

  3. Not 44 times the amount of Bhalla's, but 440 times! I think that's HRs total page count for the year.

    Ricky and Beth may have to pull up 2 of the couch cushions to find that much change lying around...

  4. 440 times Bhalla's fine.

  5. Ha ha! You're right- I left off a Zero! Thanks.

  6. Not 440 times Bhalla's fine - infinitely more which is appropriate because she's infinitely more culpable. Bhalla did nothing wrong. Mason did way more wrong than what was included in the complaint since ELEC never even investigated her illegal cash payments in 2009. Bhalla's fine was waived because the DCA knew the case was complete BS. He paid $0 and Mason paid $37,000 (a 20% discount for pre-payment which is a multiple of infinity.

  7. $44,000 will buy a busy month of frivolous litigation. That's nothing to sneeze at!

  8. that's one of my favorite photos of her, she looks like a burnout on quaaludes.

  9. If the intent of the fine is to penalize the criminal in such a way that it hurts them to the point where they are highly unlikely to engage in such practices ever again, this doesn't even come close. 44,000 is a rounding error in the checkbook of the over-compensated Richard G. Mason and in Hudson County and New Jersey, these types of crimes are soon forgotten, or worn like a badge of honor in the most corrupt county in the most corrupt state.

    We can hope that this fine is used by anyone Mason may run against for future office.


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