Mason's "In Kind Contributions" Disguise Payments to Political Operatives

Didn't GA tell you that yesterday?

But yesterday I didn't have a spreadsheet with ALL of Mason's 2011 Municipal campaign ELECs with corresponding "in-kind" receipts (money in) and "in-kind" expenditures (money out) for each report.

Why did GA do this?

Because numbers talk.

On May 2, 2011, Candidate Mason files her first reported "in-kind contributions" on her 29-Day Pre-election report.  Her $12,000 total "in-kind contribution" pays for the $8,000 (2 month) deposit and $4,000 March rent for her campaign headquarters.

On May 3, 2011, Candidate Mason reports her $4,000 "in-kind contribution" to pay April rent (on her campaign headquarters) on her 11-Day Pre-election filing.

Election Day comes and goes on May 10, 2011.

On June 24, 2011 her campaign files its 20-Day Post Election report, wherein the candidate pays Terminal Printing with Mason's $25,408.44 "in-kind contribution."

All quiet for 391 days, then...


On July 19, 2012,  Beth Mason reports her $48,000 "in-kind contribution" to pay political operative Barry Brendel's LLC, Cutting Edge Communication  and her $8,500 "in kind contribution" to pay Ryan Yacco for political consulting work!  Mason splits these payments between her January 15, 2011 ELEC report (551 days late!) and her October 15, 2011 ELEC (278 days late!).

On July 23, 2012 (4 days later)  Beth Mason files her $10,200 "in-kind contribution" to Brendel's LLC and her $5,000 "in kind contribution" to consultant Yacco. These "in-kind contributions" are reported on her April 15, 2012 ELEC- only 99 days late!

On July 31, 2012 (8 days later) Beth Mason files her $9,600 "in-kind contribution" to Brendel's LLC and her $5,000 "in kind contribution" to consultant Yacco.  These "in-kind contributions" are reported on her July 15, 2012 ELEC.

On October 15, 2012 Mason files a timely October 15 ELEC, wherein she reports her $10,500 "in-kind contribution" to political operative Brendel's LLC

Jeez, all of that "in-kind" loot washing in and out of Beth Mason's 2011 municipal campaign to pay political operatives and consultants is making me dizzy!

I think I need to sit down. Oh, there's more.


  1. Hmmm...wonder if Brendel declared that 92k on his taxes.

  2. wonder if Mason's landlord realizes he could rent that visible corner for about 11 grand a month instead of renting to her. What a mis use of space on such a nice corner
    An eyesore on so many levels

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. This online business publication also carried the story, which seems to be gaining traction:


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