These good folks have stepped up for all the right reasons- their kids attend district schools; they have no interest nor ambition in local politics. Angley, Stromwall and Gray are running because they recognize the GOOD happening in our schools since Reform took over the School Board majority in 2009.
Parents for Progress doesn't BUY your vote, they ASK for it.
No, you won't get a $35 check for voting for these parents. You will get much more.
A vote for 2-3-5 is an investment in our COMMUNITY. Parents For Progress will CONTINUE the PROGRESS the district has made, it's expanded educational opportunities which did not EXIST before Reform 'cleaned house' in 2009. PROOF is in the 'discovery' of the wonderful offerings at our High School in the historic turn-out at the recent Parents Open House. District Schools are in transition and that is because of the HARD WORK and EFFORT since 2009 to nourish our children's education experience in the district.
GA's the parent of a child now attending Hoboken's Junior/Senior High School. It's terrific- she just wrapped up a robotics class where kids use principles of physics to animate Lego 'robots' (they create) with computers, is doing advanced Math in Johns Hopkins after school and has wonderful teachers. Anyone with questions about it:
Folks, we must continue all of the wonderful advancements in our schools made since 2009. Shame on Biancamano and Rhodes-Kearns for trashing our schools and their performance.
Folks, please VOTE. These elections are historically low-turnout. If we do not VOTE we cannot WIN.
Get your friends, neighbors and everyone to the POLLS. Please give Angley-Stromwall-Gray your support.
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