Frank 'Blocks' Patty from Third Place Finish?

Blocked by Raia?

At the recent HHS Open House, "Parents for Change" candidate Patty Waiters was heard openly venting at Frank Raia.  According to a source, Waiters held a list of  VBM requestors that she'd  obtained at the County- nearly 1,000 names, then described how Frank had told a friend to erase Patty as the 3rd vote on her ballot allegedly saying "I'm not paying for 3 votes."

Why now?  It's not like Raia hasn't harvested absentee ballots for Waiters before.

For example, in 2010 Raia ran a slate of BoE candidates: Patty Waiters, Kelia Colon and Ken Howitt.   Take a look at those election results below:

Ken Howitt, candidate for the 1-year seat, also scored 255 absentee ballots.

It isn't clear why Raia blocked Waiters for the 3rd slot on his VBM crop.   But it appears if Raia had granted Patty that third slot, she would have picked up the 188 vote-difference separating  her from 3rd place winner Sharyn Angley, and bumped Angley out of the winners circle.   

Oh dear, imagine that.

A friend speculated that Raia blocked the 3rd slot to burnish Biancamano's stature as a political figure by having him 'stand out' as the top vote-getter.   

Anything is possible, right?
