CHUTZPAH: Waiters Electioneering at City Hall

Candidate Waiters on the steps of City Hall with a handful of campaign lit

So much for piddly election law!   See NJ Voters' Bill of Rights:
Electioneering: It is a crime under State Law to electioneer within 100 feet of the outside of the polling place up to and including the polling room.  There can be no campaign signs or material in this area and no one can campaign on behalf of any candidate or public question.


  1. These signs should be posted in front of every voting location.

  2. Who in their right minds would ever vote for her anyway? Freedom and the right to run for office are great things, but it seems like this woman has some issues. Isn't this just a vanity think she does for every election, running for any available office? At least Biancamano and what's-her-name didn't even bother with the third person on the ticket, what do Murray and his clueless "I don't know nothin' about no anti-semitic statements" sidekick has Waiters on their? Does she actually get votes at HHA?

    1. Yikes, autocorrect! "a vanity thing..." and why do Murray and his clueless "I don't know nothin' about no anti-semitic statements" sidekick have Waiters on theirs?

    2. No ordinarily she get's paid to be in the elections - she fractures votes. Unsure of this election. She is a nutcase. As is Murry and Dangbat.

    3. Since when does Waiters care what is legal or moral ?
      She counts on people being intimidated by her loud and obnoxious behavior.

  3. She would run for dog catcher if we elected that office.

  4. I wonder if she even went to COLLEGE.

    1. Well, I wouldn't hold that against her. Plenty of smart and successful people haven't. And plenty of dummies have degrees.

      That said... oye vey.


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