2014 BoE Ward/District Election Results

Here are the ward/district results, folks.  GA was right: Biancamano got an astounding 466 VBMs total, and Rhodes-Kearns got 452.  And yesterday, MSV broke the news that the HC Board of Elections was turning 'suspicious' VBMs,  to the HC prosecutor.  These questionable ballots were first reported to the County by 'Parents for Change' campaign manager, Joe Branco.

The two candidates who received the unusually high number of VBM's are highlighted in yellow.



  2. Not only were Peter and Fran the winners of the VBM lotto, but Peter somehow out did is ticketmate by a whopping 450 votes on the machines. Number 1 with a "bullet"?? Poor Fran. That's gotta hurt.

  3. Fran and Peter both won the VBM lotto, but Peter beat out his teammate by a whopping 450 votes on the machine. Number 1 with a "bullet". Ouch. That's gotta hurt.

  4. It looks like they did pretty well on the machines at Church Towers also.

  5. interesting. So Fran pushed for the ticket in her neighborhood. Did he do the same for her in his?

  6. http://politickernj.com/2014/11/atlantic-county-dems-investigating-possible-ballot-abuse-in-school-board-elections/

    It looks like this is not only a Hudson county problem.

  7. I just don't think much can be done about it unless someone testifies that they were paid to vote. In fact 4 affidavits testified to just that in Occhipinti 2010 and no action was ever taken.

    How might the VBM laws be changed to curtail what happens in Hoboken? Obviously our own assemblyman has zero interest in the subject, but we could embarrass him and go to a different assemblyman/woman.

    It's such a disgrace that these people who call themselves democrats the rest of the time have nothing to say about the underlying racism of this practice. But they'll all be there on MLK day mouthing platitudes and getting filmed carrying a stack of empty boxes of relief supplies into HHA the next time the grid drops.

    1. Sadly, I agree, Dang. Why were four affidavits from the 2010 election ignored? It's because the corruption is systematic, and the county is rotten to the core. Disgusting, but perhaps reform officials and supporters can come up with a way to fight the powers that be and push this forward.


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