Have a Seat

Sit back and relax.

Don't let those springs, straps and built-in explosive device fool you... it feels better than a La-Z-Boy.  

Can anybody guess what it 'does'?

It's a historic artifact aboard the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum where the GA crew went on Sunday, following a cloudy Saturday here:

No jellyfish,  plenty of shells
And so the summer goes!  

Weekdays, I take LA to Manhattan (art institute), weekends we do 'stuff.'

Folks, GA did not plan to drop off the radar, it just happened.  Keeping an eleven-year old off the computer is a full-time job. 

I hope you-all are having a great summer, wherever you are!

Where are you?

GA will post as time allows this summer, then will get back to 'normal' once again.   In the meantime, here's how another member of my family is spending her summer:

Dreaming of salmon?


  1. welcome back! and of course family comes first, no argument from me on that one.

    my summer is a bit boring, no getaway until labor day weekend. oh well, enjoy yours, look forward to the resumption of normal posting later.


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