Well, the folks over at PolitickerNJ told me they would "check out" the facts- that the penalties corresponding to two ELEC vs 2009 and 2011 Mason Campaign Candidates,(de facto) Treasurers, and Treasurers could total an astonishing $14.3MILLION ...and they did.
Politicker NJ also linked to GA. Thank you, PolitickerNJ, for acknowledging the nexus between citizen blog-journalism and a traditional media outlet.
Props to Horsey who provided the chart.
Folks, this is a big story. The magnitude of "transactions" named in the complaints for each Respondent, and corresponding possible penalties is simply stunning. Or as PolitickerNJ put it "unbelievable."
GA corrected my figure for Wachtell Partner Richard G. Mason's potential ELEC fine- he was charged with 142 transactions $ 965,600.
The revised ELEC fine grand total may reach $14,378,396
Bravo GA!!