Zimmer on Magazine Cover

Readers might recall that GA posted the February 2013 cover of Glamoor magazine.  That was the same issue where Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer was named one of 10 influential American women advising the rest of us: "How to Get Sh*t Done in Life".    

What was the mayor of our Mile Square city doing in Glamoor?

Zimmer rose to accidental prominence during and after Superstorm Sandy; her leadership of our Mile Square through the flood and recovery brought her national attention.  And didn't you hum  "Kumbaya" when our Republican Governor Chris Christie came to Hoboken in support of Democratic mayor?  I did.  

February 2013 cover

So, it's ironic that Mayor Zimmer has risen to even greater prominence for revealing the "Kumbaya" moment was not what we believed.

Well, GA got an advance copy of next mponth's Glamoor magazine, and guess who's on the cover!

February 2014 cover

Imagine that!

What a difference a year makes.
