Tin Cup Tim

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 Timmy's 2012 invitation  vs. Timmy's 2013 invitation

A few days ago, GA was sent the invitation to Timmy's "4th Annual Politics, Pasta and Sinatra" to be held at Leo's Grandevous on December 12, 2013.

The word "fundraiser" did not appear on the invitation.  Just "Suggested contributions" of $125 for ("General Admission") and $35 ("Young Professionals") with "Checks Payable to Occhipinti for Council."

GA was struck by the timid language: a new Tim Occhipinti with his tail tucked between his legs bearing a tin cup, even offering us a discount if we'll just show up:  "Contact me directly if you would like to attend the event at a discounted ticket price."

A "discounted ticket price" on a suggestion?

Uh, oh.  That's how politically diminished Occhipinti is from where he was last year at this time.

The invitations say it all.

GA retrieved 2012's "3rd Annual Politics, Pasta and Sinatra" invitation.  Side by side, the two snapshots illustrate Tim's political downfall.

The 2012 invitation calls his event an "annual fundraiser", features custom artwork and appears to be professionally done- writing and graphics- by a political consultant or consulting group.   There is no "suggested" contribution, nor a "young professionals" price; it costs $125, firm.  Tim will grudgingly "work out special pricing if necessary. Please email me directly." And there's the legal verbiage "Paid for by Occhipinti for Council at 79 Monroe & Hoboken NJ"

In 2013, the invitation is a sloppy, cut-and-paste of the professional job done last year- and Timmy steers away from calling it a "fundraiser", negotiates "suggested" contributions- an unstated admission his stock's gone way down.  Also, there's no  "paid for" verbiage. 

In 2012, Occhipinti signed off this way:
Tim Occhipinti 
Hoboken 4th Ward Councilman 
917 721-3926

In 2013,  it's:
Fill 'er up.

Timmy's October 15, 2013 ELEC shows Occhipinti for Council (election: May 11, 2015) with a balance of $633.47- down from $14,373.03.

And so, the new, humbled Tim who spent his 2015 campaign cash like a drunken sailor, comes to us with arm outstretched, holding a tin cup labeled "Politics, Pasta and Sinatra".

The question is, WHO will fill his cup this time?  

Meanwhile, a peek at One Hoboken's BoE slate "One Hoboken Moving Forward" 20-day Post ELEC report filed on 11/25/13 shows a balance of  $3,508.11.  Maybe Timmy can "move that forward" into his 2015 war-chest?

Speaking of that ELEC, take a look at the disbursements made the day after the election, 11/06/13:


  1. GA, I think you missed the a huge giveaway. In 2012, "We thought it fitting", "We recognize", "We would much rather have you with us", "We look forward to seeing you"

    Now 2013: Just me, myself, and I. Seems Timmy is all alone, poor thing.

    1. Good catch! Last year he had 'people', a wallet at his disposal, and was puffed like a stuffed turkey.

      Yes,this year he's on his own, hawking a damaged product.

      Karma, baby.

  2. where's the spinmeister extraordinaire AP? this doesn't have that "communications expert" zing to it. hmm.

  3. The rip off of raia continued to the very last drop. These guys have no shame. They set up a scam operation to help destroy Raia from inside for the benefit of Russo/Ramos, and then they overcharge for services they never delivered. This is the same model they used in 2009 to get Cammerano elected, when they gutted the Mason campaign from the inside, Fortunately the feds got in on the act and slammed Cammerano in the slammer. The problem for those behind Ramos -- his agents such as finn boy and Ap -- couldn't make up for the lack of a run off election. Zimmer outfoxed them, and the big money operatives that were behind this. Without a run off, the whole operation was hot air, and Finn Boy, AP, Cryan and others knew it. So thinking to make lemonade, they decided to milk Raia for all he was worth. This won't satisfy the power brokers who hired them in the first place. They wanted Ramos in office to clear the way for a new wave of development. Now, those brokers of evil will wind without a lot of key players such as Carmello and will have to wait another four years before they can sink their vampire teeth into the Hoboken real estate market.

  4. Ok, really. Why are we supposed to give this guy money?

  5. Timmy needs $$$. Spongetta wanted another 10K. So Timmy has to make a move.

    To the theme of Magilla Gorilla:

    We've got Spongetta for sale
    A lovely Spongetta for sale.
    Won't you buy her,
    Take him home and try her,
    Spongetta for sale.

    Don't you want some Spongetta you can call your own,
    A Spongetta who'll be with ya when you're all alone?

    Spoken: How much is the Spongetta in the window?

    Take our advice,
    At any price,
    A deal for Spongetta is mighty nice.
    Spongetta, here's Spongetta for sale.

  6. GA - you got the wrong 20 day post ELEC filing. The one you posted was the school board ticket which ELEC posted in the wrong place. Timmy's ELEC committe is the one blow this one on the ELEC site and it has a balance left over of about $25,000 which has probably been returned to Pupie to repay part of his $125,000 loan.

    1. OK, will take a look.

      As you say, this ELEC was in the One Hoboken reports. If this was for the BoE, those are some unusual charges. Thanks.

  7. That BoE Elec deserves a post all its own.

    $786 on "furniture" and "painting" their campaign HQ? What campaign HQ? They worked out of 322 Wash, Tim and Raia's HQ. "Office supplies"? "Refreshments"? And a $7,910.00 "field operation"?

    Frank got taken to the cleaners!

    1. I was surprised to see Jack Butchko on there as a consultant. I remember him from Tom Greaney's campaign.

  8. So you're saying Finn Boy ripped off Raia in both the municipal and the BOE elections this year, managing to charge Raia for doing nothing in either campaign? Is that where the rest of AP $10,000 came from?

    1. It looks like both campaigns were ripped off by the same crew. Where the $10K came from is anybody's guess.


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