Hit Job on Jamie Cryan

Holy cow.    

GA had written recently that Jamie Cryan and Tim Occhipinti are in the cross-hairs of those who believe the third ticket, One Hoboken, doomed Ruben Ramos; Cryan was  One Hoboken's campaign manager and Tim, well- you know.

It appears the campaign to destroy Jamie Cryan has burst out of the starting gate.

GA was copied on an incendiary letter from an apparently fictitious group called the "Hoboken Independent Obama Democrats" that was allegedly sent to State Democratic Chairman John Currie by two persons who appear to be fictitious.

The subject line of the letter is: "HOBOKEN DEMOCRATS DEMAND CRYAN OUSTER".

But the letter is not from the "Hoboken Democrats." The group who signed the letter,  "Hoboken Independent Obama Democrats"does not appear to exist, and neither do its "authors".  Not in Hoboken.

What did the letter say?

I won't repeat a thing.

It was sent to me, a horse and mainstream reporters: Dean DeChiaro, Max Pizarro (PolitickerNJ), Charles Hack (Jersey Journal) and others.  Of course, no credible journalist will touch it.

GA smells the Benedict tuna. Yep.

In my opinion, this mean, nasty smear has fin-prints all over it for these reasons. (1)  the SAME kind of characterizations and references used to smear Cryan are a Finboy signature, (2) the allegations are so extreme and so damaging, only a true sociopath would disseminate such mean, personally destructive allegations, and like a source said: no  one in Hudson County politics is "dirtier" than the cretinous crayfish, (3) the letter is sloppy and easily debunked- that's a tell(fish)tale signature of the dopey flounder (4) his allies are thrown way under the bus-how do you think the "Benedict" got in front of the "tuna"?    If I were either of two femmes, you'd better watch your back.  You could be next.  

Now, what does this mean?

GA's speculates this is a move to clear Hoboken's Democratic Party leadership for a Russo takeover. Russo and Ramos are 'together' and likely planning a united political 'comeback' as Chairman (or Chairwoman Michelle) of the Democratic Committee leadership.  Ramos will oust Tim in 2015, then run again for mayor.

Wow, this is NASTY, NASTY, NASTY.

Super-nasty: HIT job on Cryan


  1. I'm not that plugged in, so a dumb question: does Hoboken's Democratic Party wield any power? Not that I'd want it (or anything) to be in the clutches of the Russos, but just wondering what exactly the group does, and how might a Russo-led group impact on reform.

  2. It once served as a money conduit for OG campaigns. In 2001, it routed almost $235,000 to the Anthony Russo campaign. It routed over $541,000 to Roberts and his council candidates between 2003 and 2005. As is the answer to many such questions, the answer is usually the same: it's all about the moola.

    1. Thanks, Eric. Curious about who HDP supported financially in this year's mayoral and city council races.

    2. No one. Reform took enough seats in the HDP to change the bylaws and prevent the organization from supporting candidates in non-partisan city races. Once that happened, activity dropped off to virtually nil.

    3. This is why Russo wants the committee back, in order to revert the bylaws back to when they could use that money

  3. why not post the unedited letter? curious what it says?

    1. It's probably so over the top and full of foul stuff that it is not worth repeating. Let the OG/corrupt crowd fight it out with each other. No need to get involved

    2. I'm as curious as you are, anon @ 3:31 pm, but think of it this way: if GA posted the letter, she'd be no different from the Hoboken Reporter when they act as a mouthpiece for fish boy's sleazy hit-job spin. No reason to help him get hiss message out.

    3. Why would I post a defamatory letter that's written by a political operative posing as a fake organization to libel someone? Why would I be a party to that?

  4. So Finn Boy is at it again -- operating on behalf of the Russo family. Finn Boy can't ever stop with the anti-jewish stuff. That's his signature. But in this case, he's trying to get Cryan out of the way so that Madam Russo can slip back. The russos hate Raia, so that this will keep Raia from running against Michael Russo in two years. Last time when Raia ran for mayor, Finn Boy operating as their mole had someone hack into Raia's website. This time, Finn Boy got some gals to hook up with Tim and Cryan and have one big orgy at Raia's expense, spending Raia's money on anything but the campaign. Finn boy pretends to be Cryan's friend, and Beth's friend, and Raia's Friend, but he's only loyal to Russo -- and will do anything (I mean anything) in Russo's service. This includes sabotaging Beth's 2009 campaign, and Raia's campain in 2013. Now, he's taken the first blow in the 2015 campaign by throwing Cryan under the bus after Finn Boy introduced him to the very people he's blaming him for being involved with.

    1. It looks like you read the letter. Yep, the same fishy song and dance. But he may have screwed the pooch on this one. Cryan's got more powerful friends than that flopping flounder could ever dream of, Cryan's peeps will turn him into tuna fritters.

      Amazing too how the backstabber threw his gal friend from under the bus. The other one had better take note.

  5. geesh, now i really want to see this letter...

    1. I'm sure you do. So as to rub it Cryan's nose in it and hurt his girlfriend even more. Go back into your hole, Finn Boy

  6. When does Beth get a clue how shes been ripped off for years? trusted him while he overcharged for everything. Found ways to spend her money only he didnt spend he took it all or skimmed. everybody got a piece, she fed a lot of hungry Russos and he made sure to get the biggest piece for himself. You see what they did to Raia? Hes been doing it to her for years. She and Frank are Hobokens biggest suckers.

  7. What truly scummy people inhabit the Old Guard political cesspool.

    Cryan knew who he was making deals with and I have no sympathy for him.

    1. You're right, Anon 827. Cryan, his girlfriend, Tim, his girlfriend and others all thought they were getting a piece of the action, skimming off the top of Raia's money. They just got betrayed by Finn Boy, who always uses people then throws them away when he's done. How can we feel sorry for Cryan when he got to be part of the orgy?

    2. How does a Cryan girlfriend even fit into this? Does Jamie have a girlfriend and if not what is all this blathering about?

      FinBoy does what he does and he double crosses everyone except the Mason's checkbook. That he takes good care of and makes sure to point the finger of blame anywhere and everywhere else.

      In this case, they are blaming Jamie Cryan. Which is ridiculous but that's what they are doing. FinBoy is definitely involved as GA says, his fin prints are all over this.

    3. Jamie was as deeply involved as anybody with the over charging of Raia and giving Raia nothing for his money. His girlfiend is a close associate of AP, who was to Jamie what AP is to Timmy. Finn Boy oversaw the operation, -- which appears to be that both girls were hired by the Ramos campaign to undermine the Rain/Tim campaign and succeeded. The letter suggests that Jamie and his girlfiend (if that's what she is) had a falling out. Most likely it was over their take of the campaign profits. Ap got hers through overcharging for mailer services -- which turns out to be about $10,000 which is what she demanded. Don't know how much Jamie's gal got or from what account

    4. The $10,000 added bill was a last minute thing -- something Cryan told Raia a day before the election was going to cost about $1,000 but turned out to be about $9,700 the day after election. This is typical. Costs for mailings -- most of which were never sent out -- may be been has high as $92,000 -- when those inside the Raia camp estimated the actual costs to be under $30,000. Just who got the $62,000 difference is what a lot of people are asking near Raia. Obviously somebody got rich off of Raia for a cmapaign in which he came in 7th, and Tim did ever worse.

  8. geez, what's up with raia, that he can get ripped off so badly? does he now realize it? is he mad about it? is he DOING ANYTHING about it now, like taking certain fish to the woodshed?

  9. reading the hoboken reporter, sounds like raia doesnt care about anything...also what is with that beth mason letter? errr, she sounds like a congresswoman but you know she is not...not even close

    1. Opinions on state and national issues from a councilperson who did not, will not and cannot do any part of the job she was elected to do in the 2nd ward of Hoboken are irrelevant distractions from an incompetent fool.

      Ironically too, she had her usual waste of ink on page 3 focused on a clothing drive with references to hurricane Sandy, when during that crisis, she combined efforts with Occhipinti and diverted to Bayonne five tons of donated goods headed for Hoboken's Sandy victims. After exploiting the good intentions of the people of Louisiana for political gain with Bayonne's Mayor, turning the Train of Hope into the "Train of Nope", why would anyone trust "Mason Civic" with anything?

  10. posted today on hangin' from the vine:

    "Cryan shouldn’t consider this a big threat. Ramos couldn’t carry his own ward in the mayor’s race and Hoboken should be about sick and tired of dealing with the Russos. In fact, if a credible candidate shows up in the Third Ward next trip, Michael Russo will be beaten."


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