Earwitness News: Peace Pipe to Zimmer

Well folks, lots of speculation on that 6th Council vote, who it will be.

The days of 4-4 obstruction may be over, but Reform still needs cooperation from one of the Councilpersons Carmelo- supporter, Sigsbee Cheatham, calls, "The Faithful Four" Cheatham's 'Faithful Four" are: Mike Russo, Beth Mason, Tim Occhipinti and Terry Castellano.

GA's latest Earwitness News dispatch  may put one of the "Faithful Four" higher on the list:

Cryan and Occhipinti sent peace messages to Zimmer.  They're looking to land somewhere in the Zimmer administration.   Nothing from Raia. 

No ones heard from Finboy.  Beth Mason is personal friends with Mark Smith and will be down in Bayonne helping his campaign. Mason, Smith and Sweeney, the trinity.

Occhipinti?  Why not?

He's got no friends on the Council, other than Mason.  And that's a shame, because Mason's lost interest in Hoboken politics. Bigger and brighter stages await her; she's on to Bayonne's mayoral race (Smith is a close ally of gubernatorial aspirant Steve Sweeney), then (she hopes) to Trenton.

But that doesn't mean she'll be gone from our neighborhood.

Mason's got a Giant to slay in Jersey City, and is allegedly behind a vicious whisper campaign against his right-hand man,  #35 on PolitickerNJ's 2013 Power List.  (Now that he's #35 and a force to be reckoned with state-wide, I will no longer refer to him as 'handsome devil' nor 'devilishly handsome') As for having Timmy's back?  GA wouldn't bet on it.

Which means Timmy is truly alone, and fending off knives.

So Timmy, remember that Zimmer is supported by Jersey City's Mayor and presumptive gubernatorial candidate Steve Fulop, the arch-enemy of your financial-backer, Beth Mason.  Fulop was your arch-enemy too, when you gave $100 to his opponent Jeremiah Healy in JC's 2013 mayoral race.  Of course, that was after Fulop helped elect you in 2010, which means you were FOR Fulop, before you were AGAINST him.

But, these Dark Side folks flip allegiances like they change their bloomers, so why should we be surprised?


  1. Who or what is a "Sigby Chamblis"?

    1. Mr. Chamblis is the tall, grey-haired, bearded gentleman who has spoken frequently at Council meetings over the past months in favor of Vision 20/20 and Carmelo Garcia.

      He's entitled to his opinion, though it certainly isn't my own. I'd call those Council members the "Faithful to Obstruction Four".

    2. Sigby is Last of the Mohicans except he's redoing the movie and starring as Last of the Carmelitos.

      He's new to the Hoboken scene but is in the HHA and also in his free time sits in the audience at the council meetings applauding the Russo clan.

    3. Ohhh so he is meeting lice? Like the 11th st condemned house guy and Tweedle Dumb who works for Mason.

      Probably hangs around the back of a meeting talking all night. Like lice on someone's head. Just a parasite

  2. wow, guess that hangin on the vine called the shot if this is true. Is Mason going to bring Finboy et al into the Smith campaign? If so, what happens to Buddy and Paul, who ran his last campaign?

    1. Whoever writes Hangin on the Vine knows the score.

  3. jump Timmy, jump! There's no future for you with the brain dead obstructionists All of them are going to get beat in the next election. The handwriting is on the wall.

  4. If Timmy thinks a few yes votes will make up for past actions and land him a job, he needs to think again. That kind of move would just show him as a spineless jerk willing to flip for whoever promised to butter his bread. He needs to establish a firm commitment to the city and show that he firmly understands what voters are looking for and why he was spurned, while developing independent opinions that rise above the level of idiocy of buying ridiculously overvalued land for parks. Good luck, sir!

    1. What are you talking about? Timmy wants Leo Pellegrini's job. He says he can do it a lot better. He also is for increasing the salaries of the Directors.

      Of course that is after he joined Beth and the Russo family in trying to repeatedly cut their salaries after they already had a reduction.

      Imagine a meeting where Mike Russo calls up Director Timmy to answer questions. That would be hilarious.

      Don't think the mayor would do that. Not this mayor.

    2. Timmy is out of work, out of favor with his bankers and will be out of office in two years.

      He is looking for a port in the storm but NEVER should be trusted by anyone.

  5. This would assume that Tim could think out of the box and decide to do what is right for Hoboken. Not likely.

  6. Tim's actions will have nothing to do with what's right for Hoboken. Tim will do what's right for Tim.

    1. All politicians balance their self interest with the public interest which is why our system works best when those interests are aligned. If due to his change in circumstance Tim's perceived self interest is now aligned with the public good and he therefore starts doing the right thing,that's a good thing for Hoboken. I'd rather have an elected official who does the right thing for the wrong reasons than one who does does the wrong thing for any reason.

      Nobody should ever be criticized for doing the right thing so if Tim starts voting the right way I for one will just say thank you Tim.

    2. Anon @ 5:31 PM-

      I agree with you, except for the part about thanking Tim. I too, hope Timmy does the right thing, whether or not it's for the wrong reason.

      Truth be told, my dream-Council is 8 Reformers and Tim. In that case, you needn't be in a position to thank him.

    3. I also hope Tim does the right thing and votes for what is right. That being said, no way in hell I'd ever vote for the slimeball.

    4. Even Tim is bright enough to understand that he is unelectable on his own and has burned far too many bridges with the people who put him into office previously to be reelected. Those who put him in office now have other options for their investments of time and money.

      If he starts voting to do the right things then all well and good but I see no viable outcome where he remains in office or in an appointed/employed position in Hoboken government.

  7. Sweeny and Stack are allied in support of Christie's inititiatives.

    Sweeny must like Mason's cash. Mason trying to get into Hudson county via south Joisey? Man, does she make things difficult for herself.

  8. hasn't it been demonstrated time and time again that beth mason's "support" does not help a campaign?? in fact, people LOSE when she gets involved. she's got the toxic touch, i can't name one campaign (besides timmy's) where she's supported a candidate who has actually won.

    1. Street Money Mason 'supported' 575 $40 workers who coincidently voted by mail for Occhipinti.

  9. Once VBMs and provisionals were counted, i heard Brit Montgomery Cook got more votes than Tim in his own ward. Even Tim can read that writing on the wall.

  10. I wouldn't be surprised if Tim Occhipinti moves out of Hoboken and vacates his Council position before his term is over.


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