Ramos Supports Selling-Out Hoboken

If a picture ever spoke a thousand words, this one could write a book:

left: BoE candidate Brian Murray promotes leaving Hoboken  while he campaigns for School Board right: Murray is supported by Ruben Ramos

Somehow, one point of fact has slipped through the cracks in this BoE election cycle.

The candidate Ruben Ramos supports is a local realtor who encourages families to leave Hoboken for the suburbs in regular seminars called "Hoboken To the Burbs", presumably to list their homes or condos and earn a commission on the sales.

The realtor is Brian Murray, who with Vanessa Falco and Patty Waiters, is running on the  Ramos-backed "Better Schools Now" slate.   Murray has also been one of the loudest critics of the Hoboken School Board under Kids First, and a fan of School Board member Carmelo Garcia.  (Carmelo has been best known lately for his secret tapings and 'ethnic cleansing' lawsuit against Mayor Zimmer.)

Fan of Carmelo Garcia

In GA's view, Murray's drumbeat of negativity, his incessant harping about the "failure" of our schools is equivalent to running down the kids in our district.

At the recent BoE forum, he rehashed that discredited Truila poll which called Hoboken "America's least Attractive School District".    That BOGUS poll appeared on a real estate blog and was then picked up by the Wall Street Journal; note the WSJ Education Reporter at the time was Barbara Martinez, the President of the HoLa Board of Trustees, an opponent of Kids First.

And if you recall, in April 2012, Murray and his buddy, Joe Branco, were the "Pool Dads" who created a ruckus at a School Board meeting, blaming Kids First for lack of approval to host a kids' event at the HHS swimming pool.  In fact, Murray had dropped the ball:  he never obtained  insurance to use the pool nor did he return the Use-of-Facilities application to Marty Shannon, HHS Athletic Director. Thus, the BoE was NEVER NOTIFIED about the matter; it was never introduced in the Finance Committee to put it on the Agenda for approval.

Yet, Murray has never acknowledged responsibility and still complains about it, and has continued to be one of the loudest critics of the Hoboken School Board under Kids First.

And as he has bashed our schools, and Kids First leadership, his "Hoboken to the Burbs" seminar appears to flourish. 

Here is what a Hudson County TV reporter said in February 2013 in a piece about Murray's "Hoboken to the Burbs" group called "The Hoboken 3":  "The Hoboken 3 are hoping to drum up new business as a result of the seminars but it may take some time."  And one of their realtors said: "The schools are the number one priority for anyone moving out of town."

Now here is Murray in one of his own "Homefinder" video series talking to buyer and sellers about how LITTLE INVENTORY there is in Hoboken's existing housing stock.


Okay, have you got it?

Murray badmouths our schools, and hosts seminars to encourage families to move out because of "the schools". 

Back to the above photo.

That is the BoE candidate campaigning at a soccer game, advertising his seminar "Hoboken to the Burbs" with the huge banner and the Hoboken Housing Authority is the backdrop!   Is he advertising to the tenants of the HHA?  Of course not!  He is using them as a backdrop to tell the condo-owners how to get out of Hoboken and far away from the HHA!  My opinion, of course.

This photo was sent to me by several people, one called me sputtering mad,  "this is a sell-out of our city, using the residents of the HHA to market leaving Hoboken to the uptown affluent crew."

GA agrees with that opinion.  As a long-time supporter of our public schools and the great work of Kids First, such brazen behavior is shocking.

Here is a CANDIDATE for School Board, who BASHES our schools 24/7 while acknowledging to the media that "our schools are the number one reason for leaving", who then markets LEAVING our city "to drum up new business" in Hoboken's low-inventory housing market... 

If this is not a conflict-of-interest, and a failure of conscience, then I don't know what is.

And Ruben Ramos?  He's A-OK with this because:

"You cannot legislate character... it's not going to stop me from accepting an illegal bribe from someone"


  1. There's an additional angle to Murray's profit motive. He's not only looking to make money on a property sold in Hoboken, he's also working to make money on a purchase in the 'burbs.

    He's a two fisted double ender using a business model to profit on both ends. So his message about the schools is really just good business - for Brian Murray - at the expense of the kids.

    He'll deny it of course. But his $$$ game speaks for itself. He's looking to score on both ends by selling out Hoboken as a bad place to live and that includes the schools as his "selling point."

    So in the end, he's consistent in order to fatten his wallet.

  2. Brian Murray has defined himself as being just negative and whiney.

    Not the qualifications you would want in someone in public office.

    His performance at the debate was embarrassing.

    1. I was horrified by the debate performance of all of Kids First opponents on stage. For various reasons. As for Murray, it really struck me what he said to Sobolov.

      If you recall, in response to one of Murray's whiny diatribes she spoke of how she had asked him for coffee numerous times to see if they could resolve his concerns or at least discuss them. His answer: I didn't want to have coffee with you because you lied to me in the past.

      I believe Murray was referring to the Pool Dads saga, but can't be sure.

      My takeaway was this guy wants a Board position but won't have a cup of coffee with a member of Kids First? That does not bode well for a cooperative working relationship with all board members. And it was petulant, petty and childish. Not qualities I care for in a School Board Trustee.

  3. What's the match for? To creat more invetory??
    He certianly is the self promoter. Making money coming and going. He's seems to have learned his lessons well, sponsor a team to get your name out, hand out the cupcakes and hotdogs, create a social club and throw a few parties. PT Barmum and Tweed wrapped up into one little package.

  4. Thanks for bringing the truth out. If Mayor Zimmer's team and her school board candidates carry the day on Tuesday, they owe you a huge debt of gratitude. As for Murray, his greed is the indigenous characteristic of the candidates he supports. birds of a feather steal together.

    1. I hear that there are flyer being passed out tonight. They seem desperate at this point.
      anyone got it yet???

    2. flyer? these people got no game. who they coming after today?

  5. My guess is Murray sucks up to Carmelo so he's in line to be listing agent for Vision 20/20 luxury units. Even Murray can smell the BS about that project. Watch out Mama Russo!

  6. OMG! So his whole BoE campaign is one huge marketing promotion for real estate. Sell out the city's schools and make the bucks on both ends of the move. Classy.

    1. It seems so to ME. IMO, the more Murray dumps on public schools, the more 'motivated' the buyer, so he gets a sale in Hoboken and a buy in the burbs. Win for him while Hoboken public school kids LOSE.

      Kids First has been doing a terrific job as has Mayor Zimmer and our Reform Council. They are in it for US not to line their pockets.


  7. Ever watch the BOE Mtgs? He comes once a month to snear "No Plan"! Then spends an entire debate forum not mentioning his plan! Not a single idea. Spent the entire time bashing the distirct. Like money in the bank $$$
    Didnt even think about him getting some 20/20 action! mo' money mo' money mo' money. But here, have a cupcake from the nice soccer coach/realtor in front of the handy dandy Move to the Burbs sign.

    What a POS

  8. What's even worse is Patty and Falco are helping him!!! What is the matter with them?

    1. Patricia Waiters lives in Applied Housing as a token Uncle Tom. Did she ever in all her years living there ever condemn the racism of Applied? I wonder why? What more do you need to know about her? And she supports Vision 20/20 without any detailed plan being available or tenants bill of rights. She is is hypocrite like Carmelo Garcia that use their race to betray and back-stab their own communities. How were they both involved in causing the affordable housing units in Applied to drop from 90 to 20%; causing thousands of Hispanic families to be permanently ethnically cleansed out of Hoboken. How dare any of you sleep well at night knowing what you have done in Applied and now plan to do it to the HHA for $? How much $ does it take for you to sleep well at night?

  9. This is truly unbelievable! What balls! What chutzpah! This guy is as sleazy as Carmelo Garcia who needs to be fired forthwith! What is it about Hoboken that attracts these slime balls? Forget it, I momentarily lost my bearings... Hoboken has always attracted the worst of the worst. Thank goodness it has also attracted the Best of the Best, as in Mayor Zimmer, Dave Mello, Ravi Bhalla and Jim Doyle! Two days left, folks. Let's get it on and never let up.

  10. So Carmelo Garcia, Exec Director of the HHA and Eduardo Gonzalez an HHA board commissioner, are okay with this banner at Momma Johnson Field? Really?

    1. Really. Yes. Carmelo would have had to give him permission.

      Also it seems that his running mates Ruben, Eduardo, Joe, Laura, Patricia and Vanessa are okay with it too. Shame on them.

    2. Empire Realty is okay with this, too? Of course, they'll get the commissions. Great for the community and their reputation.

  11. Who's their campaign manager? Branco?

    1. Bronco couldn't tie his own shoes let alone be a campaign manager. He's the three stooges rolled up into one man -- only without even the smarts Moe had

  12. Great story GA! You've pulled together a lot of threads, many of which I wasn't aware of, that paint a complete picture of Murray. I've always wondered where the vitriol he spouts at school board meetings comes from. Now I understand.

  13. There's something disturbing about the " moving to the burbs" sign hanging in a public housing project. Those people can't afford nice houses in the suburbs so the sign is not for them. It's for affluent people who want to get away from their children who attend public schools. It takes a special kind of balls to hang that sign there.

    1. I agree! Absolutely incredible that Murray did this. Contemptuous disrespect for housing project residents. More amazing, and telling, is that Murray's BFF and housing project executive director Carmelo Garcia, gave Murray the go-ahead to hang his sign. More evidence (not that any more is needed now) that "Director Carmelo" doesn't give a sh*t about the HHA residents. As for Murray, who advocates segregating public schools a la Jersey City's McNair magnet school: what the hell is self-proclaimed advocate Patricia Waiters doing sharing a ticket with him?!

    2. Agreed. His political tone deafness is on full display here. His unwillingness or inability to understand the message he's sending to HHA residents is disturbing. The idea that he might be entrusted to influence the direction of any child's educational future is chilling.

    3. Bathtub man could give two shits about what the hha residents think. They can't afford to buy or sell real estate. He can't make any money, he don't care.

  14. He touts the public schools as a culture of failure - Step up rich folk, here's a cupcake. Run Away to the Suburbs! The schools are terrible because I said so! I will sell your condo! Cha-ching! Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

  15. I'm a bit fixated by Murray. He is so negative about the schools and the board, won't acknowledge any positive changes or trends. He acts like there are things he can do that are not already being done. Putting down schools helps his business. But on the other hand, he says he plans to stay, and his kids are in public school, and he wants a top high school. I'm perplexed. Some candidates use positions solely as stepping stones, is that the explanation?

    1. The guy posts videos of himself in a bathtub as an ad on his website. Who the feck knows what he's thinking.

    2. Selling houses while segregating the schools aren't enough? Now we need another Peter Biancamano? Duh, I'll abandon the kids for a council seat. I wonder who will write my talking points for the council? Stepping stones, indeed.

    3. Who doesnt want a top high school?! He has no plan but , ya know, he tried. Such a good selfless, trustworthy soul. Dont fret, you can sign up for his seminar and he'll hook you up solid. good guy ya know. Really cares about the community ya know. really.

    4. Kids from HHS go to Wharton, Stevens, Penn state etc...It seems if they have kids that go to these types of schools they are providing the education of the top schools.

  16. I hope Kids First team wins again. The other teams are just full of hate and lies. Go Kids First!!!

  17. Meanwhile he pulls his kid out of private school and enrolls him into the public schools.
    He is so full of shit.
    Uh...yeah..uh the schools suck so I am gonna pull my kid out of private school and put him the schools that I say suck. Vote for me and let me sell you a house so you can avoid the sucky schools I just put my child in.

    What planet is this guy on?

  18. i've only recently started paying attention to local politics, and can't really relate to ambition, but running for bd of ed seems like a long way to go to sell real estate.

    1. really? His claim to fame is this "Hoboken to the Burbs" niche in the Hoboken market. Part of his monthly Burbs seminar is make you beleive you have to bolt before your kid gets into 5th grade. THEN, he runs for the School Board - offering not one solution only constant bashing and part of campaign process he gets himself a soccer team and runs around town with a "Run! The schools suck" sign.

      What's the commission on "encouraging" even 10-12 families a year out of Hoboken? Cha ching bay-be.

    2. Not a long way really. He imagine he had to do much. looks like Petrocino wrote all his lit and facebook posts. His buddy Branco threw a few parties and got his mug in front of hundreds of parents (voters/customers). All he had to do was spend two months promoting his Move Forward out the Door biz.

      Not a bad investment for the rate of return if you ask me.

    3. what do you REALLY think about a candidate for the BoE who once a month signs in to speak, delivers his usual negative remarks and doesn't even stick around for the rest of the meeting? I guess he's in a hurry to get back to some more important event, like selling some more real estate? - I will NOT VOTE for anyone who does nothing but spout negative remarks about our Hoboken schools! Kids First has done a remarkable job, and I sincerely hope they'll be voted in for another term!!

    4. What is his motive of running for Board of Ed?
      He didn't do any research on public schools and who they have to teach.
      He doesn't know the High School has extremely high performing students going on to attend Ivy league colleges.
      He wants the taxpayers to pay for every child's after school and aftercare programs, which will drastically raise the budget.Then complains that the budget is too high.
      The guy says we'll do this by having a selective high school and he wants 7 years to do this The state says we have to provide an education to all students, not only students who test in and get high grades. How do we do both? Create another school? Where are we getting the money to do that? Hiring another entire staff for another school would cost millions and yet he complains about the current budget. He wants 7 years for a plan to come through and yet kids first has only had majority for 4 years?

      He says he will bring the elections back to April, costing an addition 100,000 to the taxpayers but he complains about the cost of the current budget and by law he cannot do make that change for another 3 years. His term would be up when he could be a single vote to vote on that decision.

      Yes, it seems he didn't have to do all that much to run for school board. Just signed a piece of paper to put his name on the ballot, spoke at a debate about stuff he did no research on and go to park events with his move to the burbs sign wearing a vote for me button. Not hard at all. Let's remember- he's Carmelo Garcia's buddy- Work ethic is pretty weak with that group. Carmelo missed 2/3 board meetings and never shows up toany of the committee meetings. Garcia being his mentor, this is nothing but a cakewalk.

  19. The man is a real estate professional and he doesn't understand the concept of liability insurance when he wants to use the school system's pool. That alone told me how under-equipped he is to be on the BOE. Heck, his personal war against the BOE is all about him not being able to take a little swim it seems. I wish he would do us all a favor and take a long walk off a short pier and do a little swimming out to sea b/c we don't need people like him on the BOE.

  20. Barbara Martinez fought for Hola to be housed in Wallace school -- it was voted down 5-4. "holar gals" were bought by Franke Raia who built them a school in the form of the city owned building which housed the Boys and Girls club for $1.00 in turn kicking the boys and girls club out of the building in order to make space for the dual language darlings, including Barbara Martinez' child, Rueben Ramos' child, Carmelo Garcia's child, Joey Brancos Child as well as Anthony Olands child. The "Holar Gals"rewarded Barbara Martinez and Frank Raia, and Anthony Oland with a board appointment. Reuben Ramos' was awarded a job for his wifey.

    1. Don't forget Carmelo's wifey has a job, too.

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