
Superbia (Pride)- (between 1556 and 1557) by Pieter Brueghel the Elder

Well folks, as we head toward Thanksgiving- and the first day of Hanukkah,  the news cycle takes a back seat as our private affairs come to the fore.

Thanksgiving is always a contemplative time for GA.  One thing I contemplate is an alternative to turkey. Here's what I cooked last year- a turkey made from ground beef.   This year it's oysters (which look nothing like turkey, unless...)

Thanksgiving 2012- GA's funky turkey

This year was one of recovery for Hoboken, battered by super-storm Sandy.  Our harrowing year offers much to contemplate and, in my view, to be thankful for.  Especially for those on the Reform side of the political fence.

After a brutal election cycle which saw some of the meanest campaigning in memory (except for last year's BoE Nazi Truck- the first ever use of swastikas in a Hoboken political campaign) reform swept the Mayoral, City Council and Board of Education races.  Woo hoo.

That said, GA would like to remind folks to take it easy, and not get too 'puffed up' with ourselves: judgmental, self-righteous, cocky and the like.  We won because we have better ideas; it is not who we are it's what we do.  Today's reformer can be tomorrow's schmuck- and loser, if we lose our humility and become intolerant of one another.

I'll wrap up my pre-Hanukkah sermon with:

Proverbs 16:18  Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 11:2  When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

Now, dig in!

Thanksgiving 2012: The Aftermath


  1. i give thanks to you, GA, for everything you do here day in, day out. the people of hoboken appreciate it.

    have a great holiday.

  2. I am thankful for hard working bloggers that have picked up the slack from the corrupt 4th estate (HR Distorter and the Jersey Lack of Journalism)

  3. I now know - Where the Beef Is! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Hee hee. It wasn't bad, though the stuffing was a misfire... too much garlic. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I have to say that at first glance that looked pretty disgusting. But the aftermath looks quite delish!

    Have yourself a very Happy Thankgivukkah!

    1. Well, it was even better under ketchup! You too, have yourself a Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. A very happy Thanksgiving and Hanukkah GA!


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