Mason valentine to Governor Christie: backing South Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney (right) |
"Oh, what a world! What a world!" cried the
Wicked Witch of the West as she melted under a pail of water thrown by
"Who would have thought a good little girl like you could have destroyed my beautiful wickedness!"
It looks like Hoboken's
Wicked Witch of the North, Councilwoman
Beth Mason, has thrown the water on herself this time.
Mason's bucket of water is her
endorsement of Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop's presumptive opponent in the gubernatorial race who is a close ally of NJ
Governor Christie.
How close? Christie and his staff lobbied Senate Republicans hard to
oust popular Republican Tom Kean Jr. as NJ Senate Minority Leader. According to
Business Insider:
Why did Christie push for this? Because his success as governor has been largely predicated on his good relationship with Democrats — especially Senate President Stephen Sweeney. Kean and Sweeney are in the midst of a nasty feud that sprang up when Kean campaigned hard against Sweeney...
GA applauds bipartisanship; Dems and Repubs working together for the good of their constituents.
In fact, Mayor Zimmer has an
excellent bipartisan relationship with Christie that has served Hoboken well; remember how
Christie gave Hoboken 5 million dollars to keep the hospital open after
Mason, Occhipinti, Russo and Castellano refused to bond that amount. Note Zimmer has
never bashed Christie, while Mason has attacked the Governor in numerous TV ads such as this one:
And she's dissed him publicly.
Mason refused to sit on stage with Christie when made his first visit to
Hoboken. Nope, Mason snubbed him by sitting in the audience while other Councilpersons followed protocol and sat on stage with the Governor. From the audience, she accused Christie of "putting forth a cut in hospital care" to which he responded "Wrong!", then 'bopped' her:
Sources say Mason refused the
NJ Assembly slot before it was offered to
Carmelo Garcia because she would NOT endorse Christie.
And now?
Mason is embracing the Republican party through the back door by supporting Christie-man, Stephen Sweeney.
This after Mason is believed to have given $250K to the Democratic Party candidates in 2012.
GA's heard that
Christie has a strong distaste for our
Wicked Witch of the North.)
Backing Sweeney pits Mason against
most Hudson County Dems who will support
Fulop, except Union City's
Brian Stack and Bayonne's
Mark Smith, allies of Sweeney's.
Well, it appears Mason's mud-machine has moved on, out of Hoboken into Jersey City.
GA hears of a plot to destroy Fulop's right-hand man, Tom Bertoli, through dissemination of some very dirty false rumors. And boy, are they dirty.
Yikes. The theory must be that knocking out the smart and street-wise
Bertoli is the path to taking down Fulop.
Mason tried the same stunt last year in the Jersey City election. Her filthy fish-cake was shopping an old document and news clippings to the media, giving out thumb drives like candy, in an effort to destroy the career and reputation of
Bertoli, thus dirtying up
Fulop. You recall Beth and Ricky Mason sank a fortune into Healy's campaign.
Now you have Mason throwing a dessert-reception with Sweeney next week at the league of Municipalities in Atlantic City, and low and behold vicious rumors about Fulop's right-hand man, filthier than ever, are starting to blow about.
Classic Mason. Ask
Ravi Bhalla.
Well, since everything Mason and her fishy operative do turns to shit,
GA wouldn't bet on this smear campaign going anywhere.
Speaking of her failing fluke, "no one" has seen him since he was outed as double-crossing
Frank Raia and his boss
Beth Mason, by canoodling with
Ramos' people
Mark Albiez and
Paul Swibinski throughout the mayoral campaign.
Because where Mason-mud goes, her mendacious minnow can't be far behind.
I suppose Beth Mason and her perfidious perch ought to come with warning labels- they are the
Kiss of Death to any campaign they touch.
Does Sweeney know Mason-backed Move Forward campaigned with SWASTIKAS on a 'Nazi Truck'? |
To repeat, Mason cannot pick her nose. They will take her $ and that is it. Fulop is a rising star and not to be messed with. Sweeney is a politician who will play both sides but has made bad promises to large organizations and will pay for this in the future.
ReplyDeleteIMO Mrs. Richard G. Mason will do, say and spend any amount of her husband's money to buy herself a political position.
ReplyDeleteYears of repeated failure have only made her more desperate and willing to sink to ever new lows.
Will the Masons be able to find someone respective to their open checkbook ? I think we all know the answer to that question.
Upside if they succeed in securing a appointed position outside of Hoboken we will see Mrs. Mason vacating her City Council seat and that would be good news for all of Hoboken,
That Nazi truck will follow Mason everywhere she goes.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who teams up with Mason (or hosts dessert receptions with her) might as well be driving it. Does Sweeney know the Nazi Truck was the first time in Hoboken history that swastikas were used by a political campaign? The truck, the video filming and production were all done by Beth Mason operatives. Beth Mason is also behind a lawsuit against 22 Zimmer supporters and bloggers.
Lots of luck to any politico who wants that kind of baggage and a ride on Mason's Nazi Truck.
Correction: that's 24 bloggers: Horsey and me, 10John Does, 12 Screen Name Defendants.
DeleteThose who would like a copy of the Nazi Truck video contact: grafixavenger666@gmail.com.
The good news is a simple Google search for "Beth Mason Hoboken" will provide political reporters and opponents with a treasure trove of her past dirt...much of it courtesy of GA and MSV!
ReplyDeleteNo one ever accused Beth Mason of being smart. No one. Ever.
ReplyDeleteDon't where Finn Boy went off to, but Mason has stepped in the big leagues now, and this time when she hurts people behind the scenes, she's going to get burned. Teaming up with Smith is a combination of Gen Custard's last stand and the maiden voyage of the Titanic. Smith and his crew made every bad political choice imaginable, pissing off menendez, Sacco and Fulop. Now they've made a fatal decision to side with Mason? I guess they need her money like everybody else has, and figures if Finn Boy and the Russos can pick her pockets, so can the boys from Bayonne
ReplyDeleteNo Mason page 3 ad in the Reporter this week.
ReplyDeleteFinboy's playing hardball?
Maybe beth finally wised up and decided not to trust finn boy as a delivery boy since there's always a little extra delivery charge when she does
Deleteyou think the dummys wised up? he's been ripping her off for years. spreading it around. she can't do nothing about it. he knows too much.
DeleteWhat is it with delusional queens always trying to push cake. Don't they know it's this very carb that fuels the revolution?
ReplyDeleteIn time, when these attempted alliances fail like everything else she does, the Richard G. Mason funded / Beth Mason hosted event for Sweeney will be referred to as "Just Desserts"
This was an interesting post. You should do more posts like this with actual facts in them than the usual daily personal attacks and reprinting rumors you don't know to be true. Before you attack me as well consider how many regular people are left commenting here and on Horse. Any of the good you have done toward trying to expose corruption is undone by the amount of sheer anger and untruths you print here to make yourself feel better. It seems to have become about revenge and egos for you. You posted about Tim O. on both 9/11 and Memorial Day. Couldn't give it a rest for even one day and waited until the next day. You spent two entire days on that asinine Manning letter, at least 16 hours in creating graphics about something that was a political blunder but at best just bad campaigning. Maybe an hour could have sufficed. You have accused Mason of some kind of wrongdoing for years and nothing has come out in any other forum. You have become an embararsment to the mayor but lucky she won in spite of you. My point dear is that you have lost your way. You can thank me for being someone who tells you to your face.
ReplyDeleteblunder? You guys did your best to destroy raia and tim, and guess what, Ramos still lost. But don't worry, you ripped off beth more than enough and got raia to over pay you and your phony press people. In the end, you're still loser for all of the rip off and dirty tricks, and in the end, nobody but beth will want you, and maybe not even her if she ever wakes up from her drug overdose
DeleteSounds like somebody let finn boy out of his fish bowl, or is it the phony press person
DeleteKane ?
ReplyDeleteIt's me Rosebud.
Kane's been exiled, sniff sniff. His IP lands in a graveyard on the Isle of Lost Trolls.
You're full of shit, cretin. GA posted "We Remember You" on 9-11 and "Memorial Day" on Memorial Day.
ReplyDeleteGA has a zero tolerance policy for trolls and trash. Don't let the cyber-door hit you on the way out.
Poor Sppongetta, having to post on a Saturday night when she should be out and about with the cougar looking for her next victim. Sad that she is losing the love nest sooo quickly. I wonder if she is sooooo fucking stupid that she has left Yeti sized foot prints all over the internet. Keep. Your. Legs. Closed. To. Another. Man's Woman. Especially when staying in her home! Sadly, here are more than a few ho bags in this world.
This sleeping with another woman's man really seems to resonate with khoboken, go figure.
ReplyDeleteNot just to me..... LOL
DeleteIt resonates with us all, Anony when she's getting ten times to going rate to do it.