Live from the Polls

Occhipinti campaign breaks the law, hangs sign at polling entrance.

8:15AM-  30 voted so far, GA is challenging in Ward 4-5. A fellow from the Ramos campaign popped in to tell us an Occhipinti sign was illegally mounted on the utility post well within the 100 foot minimum allowed from a polling place. The Ramos gentleman discussed how dirty the Occhipinti campaign was- the flyer, the commercial, posting signs on businesses, harassing phonecalls, and the nastiness about Bhalla. The Occhipinti sign is mounted about 15 feet up, too high to pull down. If anyone's out there, the gals working here need COFFEE.

8:50AM- Picking up, now  line of voters waiting.

11:00AM- On a break, went to vote at Calabro and was #116 at 10:30AM. Also stopped by Zimmer hq. It was buzzing with activity, folks coming and going. The esteemed Ed Florio was there and introduced himself- it turns out he's a GA reader, "every morning" and really likes the blog. Thanks, Ed!  Anyway, also challenging at 4-5 was the lovely Mrs. Ramos for her hubby's campaign, and a sweet gal for Timmy. When I left at 9:15 we had 56 votes cast.

1:30- 87 voters at 4-5 so far. We just had 2 celebs drop by to vote:

Promise you won't tell anyone, but when the Mayor was in the booth voting, Stan whispered in my ear, "I've switched horses... I'm a Tim man." Wow, what kind of man calls his wife a horse? Well... got a call from a member of Kids First campaigning on Washington and First. She said "Hi!" to Carmelo Garcia as he walked by with his wife. He turned and screamed, "I HOPE YOU LOSE!". So she replied, "Have you got that on tape?" Ha ha ha!!!

2:36 PM- 97 voters. It's sloooow... it'll pick up late afternoon and on. Patty Waiters dropped by earlier. Spoke to a source who told me, "Everyone's jumping ship from Tim to Ruben."

3:30 PM- Hooray for Lyle and John G for the cookies! Yum yummy...

(The white chocolate chip ones are killer.)

4:15 PM- Matt Calicchio marched in and said, "It's Nancy Pink Ass" a couple of times in the presence of several young kids, including Ruben's son and daughter. Then sat next to me and said he was Challenging for Peter Biancamano. Hey, Peter B. if you're out there, tell your beast to behave, especially around kids. He left after 5 or 10 minutes. New 4-5 vote total: 120 machine, 10 provisionals.

5:30PM- Breakin' the law!

'Better Schools Now' candidate Vanessa Falco, running mate of Brian 'Moving to the Burbs' Murray, wore a campaign t-shirt to the polls at Wallace!  GA hears at first she refused to remove her shirt, because "I'm a candidate!" She finally did, outside of the voting booth. But the moment Falco left the building, on went the shirt... within 100 feet of the school!  I guess LAWS are for OTHER people.  Nice role model for our kids.

6:30PM- A steady stream of voters now. Opened a second machine.  156 machine votes,  about 12 provisionals.


  1. Number 78 at 9:00am in 3-4.

  2. Timmy is a joke. I can't wait until we still get to see this sign up there weeks after he gets destroyed in this election. Let it stay up as a very public reminder to this feeble brained turd as he walks the streets looking for work.

  3. 12,000 voted in Zimmer / Cammarano, right? How many in presidential election?

    1. wow - that's amazing (and probably a bit low after Sandy).

      Governor's race probably will increase turnout a bit - which could be good or bad. Lots of low information voters out there.

  4. #11 at Church Towers btw 4th/5th at 6:35 this morning

  5. I voted by mail...but no Callicchio ever touched my ballot.

  6. My wife and I VBM, and since I personally took the ballots to the post office, I also signed my wife's envelope as required by law. Zimmer wins with 43% or more, Ramos and Tim O in the 20's. Just an goes on!

  7. Fin boy and Masonat Timmy's HQ at 2:30pm today.

    1. Those two scum owe the kids of this city an apology- starting with Ravi and Bindya's. There is no political objective in the YouTube ad buy. It is pure malevolence, just plain fucked up. Even the Ramos people I spoke to think its filthy. These sickos like to hurt people. Kids and teens see this fucked up ad again and again. They are not voters. The only objective is to make Bhalla and his family pariahs. I hope the voters repudiate the foul deeds of these two miscreants and that the Dark Siders shun them going forward.

  8. # 276 at 14th Street firehouse at about 2:45 pm - more than usual!

  9. I can t believe the turn out for TIMMY BOY reformer have changed there minds and want the city back to it old ways many Families on my block have changed there votes???. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE.

  10. And the winner is - Zimmer and Christie in a landslide......

  11. Will you be updating with numbers from HQ as they come in for those of us that can't get down?

  12. Please update. I looked at the county election results site and don't like what I'm seeing so far. I hope the totals go in a better direction.

    1. Those were the VBMs you were seeing I think.

  13. potentially GREAT news:

  14. Thank you so much, GA. Your constant news reporting all year long played a role in uncovering the corruption and dirty politics of the the OG, and swaying independent and undecided voters. Thank you.

  15. and I think it's time for the bubbly now!!! Congratulations to all Hoboken's winners!!!

  16. Congrats to the Zimmer Team and we should see much more progress now. I was close with my plus 43% for Mayor Dawn. Health and success to all!

  17. Good morning, folks. What a night! Thank you all for being part of Reform's victory.... it surely takes a village. Much more to follow.



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