Earwitness News: "A bloodbath is coming..."

Oh, dear.

This Earwitness News dispatch was gleaned from sources close to Russo, Ramos and those 'in between' (uncommitted), who are all saying the same things; they're enraged, furious and "out for blood".

Here is what one of them just told me:
A bloodbath is coming after this (election).  Win or lose, Barracato and Mason are outcasts. The Russos and Ramos will come for Cryan, Occhipinti, Barracato (Finboy)  and Mason.  The Russos and Ramos feel like they've been shit on.  All the nasty, dirty tricks behind the scenes, the twisting arms, phone calls, dirty tricks, the midnight flyer.  The Russos are furious about the midnight flyer. No one has ever shown them this kind of disrespect.  This is a blood feud, they will not forgive.  They know it's all Barracato and Cryan.  

Barracato and Cryan's midnight flyer
This is the first campaign Barracato's run by himself and he  tested out all his dirty tricks.   He's worn out his welcome everywhere.  He's destroyed political careers with this campaign.  He's destroyed Occhipinti.  He's destroyed Cryan.  And others. Not everyone likes what he's done to Ravi.  He went too far.  He's frivolously thrown away Franks money and if Frank loses some people might not get paid. 

But most of all, the Russo and Ramos people are furious at that flyer. Barracato better get really good at mixing drinks.

Wow.  GA also heard that Finboy is gunning for me and Al Sullivan.  What else is new?  Here's an old proverb my mother taught me: A bad carpenter quarrels with his tools.

In this case, a bad tool quarrels with carpenters.


  1. Bloodbath. It couldn't happen to a more deserving group of people.

    Chop, chop

  2. One does not need a keen mind for simple arithmetic. Even without a divided house, they would be in a hard fight against the Mayor's record. Perhaps, GO, the National Game of Japan, which has reported to have been invented around 2255 BC, by the Chinese Emperor Shun to strengthen the WEAK MIND of his son, should be the consolation prize for the 'bloody' losers. lol

  3. I wonder how Castellano feels about endorsing a candidate who then thanked her by shitting on her family.

  4. Barracato's a small-time dipshit, why does anyone pay attention to him? What has he ever accomplished? And what could he possibly "have" on you and Al that anyone would give a crap about? Dude needs a slap of reality, and as much as I dislike Ramos and the Russos, they are just the ones to do it. I'd move out of the area if I was little Jimmy.

    Karma, baby.

    1. Karma goes for ALL overtly involved in this election - "Karma eventually comes after everyone eventually.You can't get away with screwing people your whole life, I don't care who you are.That's how it works.Sooner or later the universe will serve you the revenge you deserve." - Jessica Brody, The Karma Club

    2. Finboy is a small- time dipshit, a Paul Byrne wannabe, dumb as he is mean. One of his many mistakes is underestimating his enemies, and he makes more of them every day.

    3. Paul Byrne was tops in his field, smart, at times tough and flashy -mean when required but with a sense of gentleness and truthfulness at the end.. Of course, he had human weaknesses but not in the mind.

  5. so it turns out that Beth did NOT pay $150,000 for a tv spot on Monday nite football. The spot appeared all right. But she and Raia apparently are shuffling heavy duty cash as much as $160,000 into Tim's campaign. So far they got two very badly written letters to the newspaper, a rotten campaign flyer, a bunch of love tweets about Tim's manhood, and not much else. Do you think Finn Boy, AP and Cryan are ripping off Poopy and Beth? This is a classic case of overcharging their clients. If Beth and Raia were smart, they'd stop payment on the checks.

    1. That. Is. Amazing. 160K. OMG. Kaching. #leeches #downthetoilet #passion4loot #tappedlikeabeerkeg

  6. The Occipinti people ran out of candy by 5:30 and started offering bags of dog treats to kids!.

    1. My kid got a giant Hersheys milk chocolate bar wrapped in blue paper, with One Hoboken candidates and ballot numbers. I saw Raia and that big slob Calicchio.

  7. Call the Guinness Book, new World record for clueless investing. Have another weenie at the picnic, Poopie the pooped out has been, I guess you can afford it. Maybe you should spend your money on clues instead of supporting Tim the Titanic.

  8. Hard to believe Tim quit his job for THIS.

  9. Tim's demise was never completely his own doing. It's hard to win an election when you have your own PR person working for another campaign to destroy you, and have your staff only interested in grabbing whatever money they can before the ship sinks. This was a designed disaster from the start.

  10. Word on the street is none of these people are getting paid when its over.

  11. the problem is that Finn Boy has already made his secret deal with the Russos and Ramos to survive. That's his golden parachute. Ramos will go after Raia, occhipinti, Cryan even mason, but he'll leave Finn Boy (and maybe even AP alone) because they helped destroy the Rain campaign from the inside. Finn boy may not be smart, but he's cagey, and he'll betray anyone as long as he survives.

  12. Yeah, and he knows better than to mess with the real mobsters who do business in Hoboken. Finn Boy might betray Raia, Mason or Cryan, but he knows they can't hurt him. The people who supplied Finn Boy with AP and other gals are dangerous and ruthless

  13. I don't know what deal Finboy made but I doubt its still on after that flyer hit. The Russos take attacks on the family very seriously and if Finboy really thought he could lay this on Zimmer he's as dumb as Tim.

    1. Finboy is behind all the mess in the campaign and Jamie Cryan too. Finboy was involved in everything: the Manning debacle, the stupid mailers on parking, the flier with Anthony Russo on it: everything!

      All I did was design a candy bar piece based on Timmy's cock. You'd think a cock is a cock but Timmy has a crooked corrupt cock.

      I luv it. It's Amazing!

      "Some girls they're so pure, Some girls so corrupt" I find my corrupt half.

    2. Aardvark, don't you mean "clock"?

    3. Oh yeah I meant clock. What was I thinking?
      Oh and btw, I hate your gut GA. I'm fighting for my mercenary life here.


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