Wow, what an honor! The Greater New YorkCouncils, Boy Scouts of America has chosen Richard G.Mason of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz s its National Eagle Scout Association Committee Chair!
Did you know that Ricky Mason of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz's wife, Hoboken Councilwoman Beth Mason was a filmmaker?
Here is one of Mrs. Ricky Mason's films, starring a swastika, a blogger, and a Nazi-film poster:
ABOUT the film: Hoboken Councilwoman Beth Mason's personal videographer filmed this video which displayed on 5 huge video screens on a rental truck on October 16 and 17, 2012. This marked the first time in Hoboken history that swastikas were used in a political campaign. The media coined the phrase "Nazi Truck". Hoboken's Jewish leaders repudiated the Nazi Truck and asked those responsible for an apology. None was given. The video production and political operative who orchestrated the Nazi truck video were employed by Beth Mason, wife of Eagle Scout Ricky Mason. The subject of the truck attack, is a political activist/blogger who is a critic of Ms. Mason, and serves on Hoboken Zoning Board of Adjustment. None of the allegations on the Nazi Truck are true and represent the most debased and unethical character of Hoboken Councilwoman Beth Mason, wife of Eagle Scout Richard Mason of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, LLP.Isn't that terrific? The Masons attend Hoboken United Synagogue where they are appreciated for their generosity.
And here is filmmaker Beth Mason's newest production! Released just yesterday, it plays on YouTube, and is expected to blanket local cable media and perhaps get a primo SuperBowl slot.
ABOUT the film: This production is slanderous and defamatory, chock full of lies, and may result in litigation. Until the financial backer of Mrs. Ricky Mason's film-making career pulls the plug, she will continue making films which will surely earn accolades on Above the Law when she finds herself on the other end of a defamation lawsuit.
Don't you wonder if Ricky Mason is as involved in these video productions as he's been in her political career?
GA notices the above press release cites that Mr. Mason's 501(c)3 is called the "Mason Family Civic League". Funny, when GA checked there was no registered 501(c)3 with the NJ Secretary of State, only a "Mason Civic League, Inc." which has employed political operatives and hosted the Move Forward political campaign at it's non-profit gallery. Btw, the Nazi Truck film was made for the Move Forward campaign, although no one has ever taken credit. I wonder why?
Mrs. Ricky Mason is proud of this latest film; here is today's press release, and look at the bottom- she posts a still image from her film!
Aw, 'His and Hers' press releases. Kinda romantic, no?
I'll bet Mr. Eagle Scout is proud of his film-maker.
Hey, look!
Mrs. Ricky Mason appears to have used the SAME video production crew for BOTH of her films!
GA photographed Barry Brendel (pictured below as "Tree") and his son Tim Brendel ("Apple"), filming me at the Zoning Board, for the Nazi Truck video!
And look! Here's Mrs. Ricky Mason's videographer Barry Brendel filming Ravi at the last city council meeting!
Fantastic photo of Barry Brendel video taping Ravi Bhalla, courtesy of MSV |
Congratulations Richard Mason for being awarded the National Eagle Scout Association Committee Chair!
You've made Hoboken proud.
So Dick got awarded a "silver beaver" ?
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget that the boy scouts are a bunch of homophones so of course Ricky is happy to join them. Masons are shitty liberals if it doesn't help them personally.
ReplyDeleteWell at least its NY and not NJ. Hoboken scout troups are under the Northern NJ Council.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure the media would have fun with this.
ReplyDeleteBusted! (...and apparently optimized for Google search!!)
ReplyDeleteOh? Well, I learned this name-repeating technique from this week's Hoboken Reporter, who printed my name 6 times in 6 paragraphs about the lawsuit, while omitting the Plantiffs' names, Lane Bajardi and Kim Cardinal Bajardi.
DeleteThat's right, the Hoboken Reporter did NOT mention the Plaintiffs names, not ONCE. But they couldn't print mine enough. Strike you as odd?
Since the Hoboken Reporter appears to have coordinated their hit pieces on Bhalla with Beth Mason (note reference to said Hoboken reporter article in Mason's press release), I suppose my request to add the Plaintiffs' names will go in the circular file.
That can be interpreted as the Hoboken Reporter protecting them as sources and political operatives for Beth Mason, heavy ad buyer. Can you think of another interpretation?
Or do you think the Hoboken Reporter did that for... what did you say- "optimized for Google search"? Really, would the Hoboken Reporter do that?
I just sent this to Above The Law and the NJ Secretary of State- no "paid for" verbiage on Beth Mason's film which she's stupidly promoted on her newsletter. I wonder her buddy Larry Stempler thinks about all this?:
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing Brendel still manages to suck at the Mason teat. Even a train wreck like that crew ought to know when they're getting ripped off. That guy milked them like nobody's business four years ago for a useless e-mail service and as soon as the cash flow slowed down for five seconds, he hightailed it over to the other side.
ReplyDeleteOn page 13 of their 2012 annual report, readers will not be surprised to see that Richard G. Mason was a "major contributor" to the BSA GNYC: Perhaps they will update their 10 merit badges in his honor:
ReplyDelete1. SWIMMING - with sharks
2. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE - covering up after you've created a toxic mess
3. COOKING - the books
4. CAMPING - roughing-it in a seven bedroom mansion
5. MAMMAL STUDY - the care and feeding of your hired thugs
6. FIRST AID - when to wear a nurse's outfit
7. PERSONAL FITNESS - how and when to throw a fit in public
8. LEATHERWORK - leatherwork
9. WILDERNESS SERVICE - clearing paths for others who've lost their moral compass
10. CITIZENSHIP IN THE WORLD - create your own 501-C-3 -or- shell games can be fun!
DeleteDon't sell him short. His firm was also a Major Contributor. Wachtell is listed later on.