
Folks, Tommy Bertoli is a man of his word.  Last week he dropped by GA and  posted "Good luck with your court case and let me know if there is anything I can help you with."

Well, as a matter of fact...

This morning I served Mr. Bertoli in person with an Interrogatory and Notice for Discovery and Inspection.   If you've never seen one, it starts like this:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Defendant Nancy Pincus hereby demands that Tom Bertoli answer the following interrogatories and respond to the following document requests in the time and manner provided by the relevant provisions of the CPLR or any superseding preliminary conference order in this matter. 

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that these interrogatories and document requests are deemed continuing so as to require supplemental answers should Tom Bertoli obtain further or supplemental information subsequent to the service of answers. 
Followed by the  "Interrogatories" which are a list of questions.  (GA will not publish those.)  I hope Tommy doesn't mind the length of my list; there were so many allegations on a variety of matters, that I was forced to ask him many, many questions.  I was relieved that he seemed eager to help get the truth out.   

And he knows exactly what went down.

GA likes it hot and spicy


  1. Exciting news. Thank you very much Grafix Avenger!

  2. Oh my. This could be damaging (or at the very least embarrassing) to certain figures in the local political scene, never mind for the plaintiffs. If someone was smart, they'd drop this case before it gets ugly.

    1. That's if defendants let them out. They don't get to drag all those people into dogshit, force them to spend $ on a defense then take their toys and go home. it depends on bertoli. He knows this all leads back to beth and ricky mason.

    2. It doesn't matter what Tommy says. We filed first and we're the victims. Maybe now everyone will take this as a teachable moment and leave us alone when our political operations in Hoboken and the courts go wrong. Beth will sign the checks to defend us and somehow we'll get out of this. We're going to get out of this aren't we?

      Hey about we split a twinkie GA and call it even?

  3. Delicious!!!!! The sauce, and the good news

  4. Im giving up Ragu. Its Bertoli from now on.

  5. GA, you served TB? Not your lawyer?

    1. Yep. I took over my case last March. My lawyer was absolutely brilliant, but I wont throw more money at garbage.

  6. Mason Civil Lawsuit LeagueSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:54 PM

    This sounds like a potential nightmare of a political operation in the courts gone wrong.

    Too bad for the prosbus' and curiousgals of the world and by that I mean thus to all scumbags. Wonder how the phone is burning up at Chez Mazon? It can't be good the bodies are dug up pointing directly at Beth and Ricky.

    Gee, who will go under the bus first? It won't be Beth and Ricky, we know that.

    1. Well they do like to double down on doing dumb things.

  7. This doesn't jive with the good news we're being told in the small dwindling world of Masonistas. Think I'm going to look like a jackass again.

    I hate when that happens.

  8. Sell tickets to the deposition. I'd pay to see that. Bertolli helped the Tim O. campaign, donated his services then how did that bald weasel repay him? Donated to Healy.

  9. Just the facts! This case should have an interesting outcome.

    1. The information coming out in the court filings that I am sure some people do not want to come out is interesting enough all by itself. It was completely stupid to file that suit knowing an avalanche of information would hit the public realm.

    2. i'm sure that lane/kim/beth/ricky were counting on a classic SLAPP scenario where the defendants would simply get scared, run for cover, roll over and play dead, try to settle, etc. instead, the defendants mounted a fight, which plaintiffs never expected.

      be careful what you wish for, what goes around comes around, karma is a bitch, etc.

    3. If people would just keep their mouths shut and stop giving us up along with our emails left and right, we wouldn't be in this predicament. When Beth pays you, you're are required to keep quiet about all political operations including ones we initiate in Hudson County Superior Court.

      There was a lot of time and planning by many people on this civil suit going back months. We got the story in the media the way we wanted and everything looked good and all of sudden it's become this horrible nightmare for us and made Beth and Ricky so very unhappy. It's so sad.

      The lawsuit didn't win the BoE election for us in 2012 as thought and give us momentum to take out Zimmer and her team this year. Unfortunately, as a fallback, Beth was forced to ask Ricky for another $100,000 to nullify the last council seat appointment in court appeals.

      Isn't it enough that you Zimmerists foiled all our efforts on Hoboken411 by making that website irrelevant? Do you know how much time and effort went into attacking all those residents and officials? We poured our heart and souls into it and worked really hard to protect Beth Mason's rear for years. Anyone who crossed her in any way was savaged. The future was ours.

      Now no one cares what goes on Hoboken411 and we had to get away from there as the FBI was breathing down his neck.

      It's all become so horribly tragic for us. Now it looks like not only are the Zimmerists going to victimize us again but the court system too.

      Woe is us.

    4. The Bajardis had no interest in settling. im told they asked for "north of seven figures" to settle. I heard they're running around telling people they're getting a big payday from this lawsuit. Dont know what that means.

    5. Not sure but heard Horse refuses to accept a settlement for a million and thinks there's far more damages with Beth and all of her people involved. Doesn't look good for Beth, Ricky or their ops who put this dumb lawsuit together.

      Not sure who the low operative on the totem is pole but they have a lot of 'splain to do.

    6. anon @ you mean they are "running around telling people" at the time of the suit or now? i can't believe they'd be so positive now, all things considered.

    7. Anon @ 3:19. Its about a week old, came from someone who talks to them. But i also heard they didn't want the paper to do a one year SLAPPiversary story. Have their lawyers figured out their clients are fruitcakes?

    8. before they were so proud of their ability to have the HR do a big splash when the lawsuit was first filed but now they don't want to see a one-year/"where things stand" update story? hmm. and i think lawyers like their clients as long as the meter is running, regardless of what they say or do.

  10. Not a single new jersey lawyer would've touched this one, except for louis zayas and i guess he was unavailable. They got bumpkins from out of state, some dude with a girl's name.

  11. Her name, I mean his name is Whitney.

    Whitney Houst...that's Gibson. Whitney Gibson.

    You know her hit song: I Will Always SLAPP You.

  12. It will be most interesting to see what comes of this Q&A.
    This is gonna be great!


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