Inane in the Membrane

A reader sent me this Facebook "notification" today. The top two are real-Tim's...


  1. Perhaps someone could report the dead plants in front of the Masonic Temple of Crassness? Or does Tim like dead plants too much to do that?

  2. LOL The City already scheduled the clean up and the same guy who has been doing it for months was sitting in his truck waiting for 9:00 to start so he wouldn't disturb people. It is already done.

    Tim a day late and a dollar short again.

  3. What is it with dead plants and this crew of miscreants? First there was Timmy's DOA Boys and Girls Club fiasco. Then Joe Branco left those dead dead dead bushes up all summer now Masons piled on with yet more public execution and desecration of greenery. Love the symbolism

    1. Nowhere is the symbolism more telling than at Room 84. Those trees, imprisoned in un-watered, sun-baked pots were left to die in the withering New Jersey summer heat.

      They are (were) a form of cypress known as aborvitae - which is Latin for "tree of life"

      Perfect metaphor for their approach to the life of our city.

    2. The belligerent bar keep must have been reading this as he just had the dead plants replaced. Let's see if they last.

  4. People blocking the side walk across the street from City Hall waiting for cake.

  5. You know hoboken is in a good place when this is the complaint.

  6. Timmy feeds his Facebook while the 4th ward goes unrepresented.


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