
  1. Carmello's a rat! What do you expect? This is a man who was made President of the Applied Housing Tenant organization by private developer Joseph Barry. In the capacity of President, he betrayed the tenants of Applied Housing, who were of Puerto-Rican origin like himself. Carmello actually went door to door to have tenants sign a petition to drop a lawsuit against real tenant organizations trying to defend their interests in low-income housing in Applied. The end result: Applied Housing's affordable rental units went from 90% to 20%. All those tenants lost their homes. This man has a history of betraying people, particularly of his own ethnicity for private developers. Why are we surprised he would betray politicians and now the tenants of the HHA for the interest$ of private developer$? Once a rat, always a rat.

    1. ..and his BFF, Joe Branco.

      How does it feel to be "disowned" in a political horse trade by your best buddy? How does it feel to be "disowned" so your best buddy can trade up for bigger and better friends because he is "destined for greatness"? He used you, tossed you under the bus (to Jake's house?) and it's all on tape.

      Put that on a video truck.

    2. Carmelo the Puerto Rican Ethnic CleanserAugust 21, 2013 at 11:38 AM

      Most of the people eradicated re: ethnically cleansed from the Applied buildings were Puerto Rican just like Carmelo.

      Carmelo had no problem not only tossing them out of the bus but right under. Barbara Reyes and all these other people who talk about how we can trust Carmelo on Vision 20/20 are clueless.

      Just because they don't have a clue, doesn't mean everyone else should follow. Some of those people in the HHA who do are just sad.

    3. Are you saying that Carmelo was for ethnic cleansing before he was against it?

  2. After finding out what was said on the tape and making it public, the friendship between Branco and Ramos is as dead as the bushes in front of Club 84.

  3. Stack & Garcia, perfect together - through thick n' thin.
    Stack will get Ramos a position after his bid for Mayor fails.
    Zimmer will win in a landslide.
    Pupie will not make it to the council - his $ will not buy it
    Mason will become Freeholder
    Matt C. will become a pro wrestler
    Branco will buy another bar.
    Garcia will win the Assembly but no one ever trust him.

  4. How will Mason become freeholder? Don't both Zimmer and Fulop hate her?

    1. Outside chance: her $ and HCDO who was against Fullop and Zimmer. Outside chance only! By the Way, the Street says that Romano is with Zimmer...so you think about it?......only haveing some fun but many a true word said in jest....LOL

  5. Look at it from Branco's point of view - if he believes the transcript as written, he's been a fool for years. However, if he doubles down and continues to believe in his friendship with Carmelo, he can point at us and laugh at how stupid we are. How they are going to take the town. How he & Carmelo came up with this plan together to fool Stan into believing Joe B was expendable just to get Stan to say whatever it is that Carmelo thought he'd get him to say.

    So Joe looks like a fool to everyone but Joe.

  6. Joe Branco must feel real stupid and as for the RAT everyone is staying away from him. Poor Ruben might of had a shot. This lawsuit can be the best thing to happen to get new leader ship in the HHA.

  7. Carmelo Garcia sues the mayor et al, then leaves the country.

    One can surmise this was not his choice or he got out of dodge because he realized he f-uped.

    As for Joey Branco, pony boy isn't the brightest tool (a tool, yes) and has been enamored with Carmelo Garcia for years. He is a forlorn child who just needs to be shown love and affection. If you don't give it to him, he runs off with the bag of dough. Carmelo sees him the same we all do and used him for his cash like we all did. Including Cammarano. The difference is, Joe loves Carmelo and this betrayal will sting.

  8. Joey B is so confused. He was with Cammarano, then Dawn, and that Jen girl, no HHA seat, now with Ramos. Poor boy had it right the second time and that Jen girl, and could have been ok.

    Then there was the his involvement with hiring the NAZI truck. His love for Carmelo and that filthy weasel Brian Murray. Buddy, it's all down hill from here. No one wants ya. Joey B has jumped the shark.

  9. i've said it (many time) before and i'll say it again: karma, baby.

    think of joey's bogus hha meeting rabble rousing, his numerous unfounded accusations hurled at the mayor, the administration, hha board and city council members. and most of all, think of his role in the vile nazi truck. what goes around comes around, bad vibes come back to haunt you, and payback is a bitch.

    pride before a fall and all, so we shouldn't gloat or feel smug about it. maybe this will be a learning moment for the guy.


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