BREAKING: Feds at the HHA

GA was keeping this quiet but apparently others aren't so here it is.

According to witnesses, the Feds were at HHA this Monday; one witness described the "white men in suits" on the grounds. The next day an HHA maintenance employee confirmed the visit and said the agents had been going into "boiler rooms."  Looking at generators, perhaps?  Ones that didn't get raised with federal grant money disbursed?  Stay tuned....


  1. I hope they aren't going to make Carmelo's work environment hostile by checking that he did what was required for him when he took in certain grants.

  2. Wouldn't an arrest be lovely right before election day?

    When Torricelli dropped out of the senate reace 10 years ago on Oct 1st, the Dems did get away with putting Lautenberg on the ballot even though the law cited said 51 days before an election.

    So to be safe...please arrest Carmelo before Sept 15th.

  3. Listen just cause they were white americans doesn't mean they are feds, they could be
    Jehovah witnesses or some Mormans doing God's work!!!!!

  4. All FBI are not white men. Hopefully, it was the FBI but we need more facts. For example, did they inspect or attempt to check any resident's apartment or car. Did they take any records? Who were those inspecting the boiler rooms?

  5. The witness did not say "white = FBI", that's silly.

    They described the visitors as "white men in suits". That's only the ones they saw- perhaps just one team of several dispatched. The HHA employee and witnesses are the ones saying they were Feds.

    I suppose you can try contacting the Newark office and ask for an inventory of what they took, who the agents were and where they inspected- see what they'll tell you. Lotsa luck!

    I surmise that if the Feds are looking into the boiler rooms, then it could be about the generators. FEMA gave the HHA a grant to lift the generators after Irene in 2011. My understanding is the federal money was taken but the work wasn't done.

    Who knows if that's why they were at the HHA, but that's what comes to mind.

    1. I was spoofing silly. Instead of specific records,I meant - did anyone see them take any boxes? Everyone has a photo taking cell today. Surprising, no pics of cars and such. We all knew what they took from city hall in the email case - 12 feds with white gloves - have a great

  6. I bet they are FEMA Rep. Looking to see if work was completed with the money they sent.

  7. they drove black sedans, parked illegally on Harrison street and had big placards in the front window that said "Federal..." (i forget what the rest of the sign said, but it was definitely someone from the feds.)

    1. Unfortunately, you forgot the important what agency? The Who? Lost much weight as a witness; however, helpful that some Federal Agency was there.

    2. Let's see: black sedans, men in suits walking through HHA boiler rooms... the INS? IRS? Meals-On Wheels? That investigative agency of the federal government, the F.B... something-or-other?


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