JC Blogger Calls Mason "Biggest Loser"

The Jersey City Desk is Johnny Action Space Punk's blog, started in 2007

Jeez, word's really gotten around.  Hey Johnny, what do you think she'll get from the HCDO for that pile of loot?


  1. In the words of Judge Smails (Ted Knight) in Caddyshack to his loser nephew Spaulding:

    "You'll get nothing and like it!"

    1. Ha! So do corrupt politicians sue bloggers in your neck of the woods like they do in Hoboken?

  2. Fanz de Actione Space PunkMay 15, 2013 at 12:13 PM

    Hooray for the Jersey City Desk! Hoboken can always welcome a superhero. Count your blessings your First Amendment rights are not under the attack of political operatives commissioned by the likes of a Street Money Mason. Beth Mason just saw more of her dreams to buy political office flushed with her $46,000.

    Darn nice day Jersey City and Hoboken are having. :)

  3. Yippee. Mason has nought to show for her 46k investment. Well, actually, she DID make enemies among the winning team, so there is that, at least, to be thankful for. Not to mention the fact that we Hobokenites take a dim view of our council member taking more of an interest in the outcome of a Jersey City election over the needs of our own community. Mason is absolutely politically tone deaf, and the only reason she's where she is has to do with the generosity (or cowardice?) of her rich husband. For a politician, she makes a pretty good housewife.

  4. A question for wise guys like Uvula and Bertoli.

    Is there a chance that Beth wins (to some degree) just by playing? Hear me out.

    Ostensibly the money went to a losing candidate, but isn't it really a 'gift' to the HCDO? Can't Beth legitimately say, hey, I can't help it this guy is a train wreck - he's YOUR guy. But I did my part - I showed up with 50 large.

    The HCDO has to respect that, no? I mean there has to be a tipping point where Beth's complete lack of warmth and charisma - 2 things indispensable to even the phoniest politicians - is offset by the right amount of money. Maybe it isn't 50. Maybe it's 75 or 100 or 500k. But the number is out there. And Beth is willing to pay it.

    The HCDO sees that now. Did she stab Fulop in the back? Maybe. But there's a dollar value that let's you out of that too. The fact is - Healy is a terrible candidate, but the HCDO runs on money, not honor. Are they really going to hold Beth's lack of the latter against her willingness to cough up the former?

    1. The HCDO also knows that the most hated person in Hudson County politics can't even win a city wide race in her own town and she has done nothing but alienate people since she whipped out her checkbook. The HCDO still wants to win races. Beth won't help them one bit and she won't support them either. She is nothing but an ATM to them. She is useful for her money but she won't ever be their candidate.

    2. HobokenLeaks

      Nah. It's not a matter of "What I did" it's a matter of "What I will do". So whether she backed Healy or Fulop, that's not so important. For the HCDO it's a matter of "Show me the money".

      Even if she does pony up the scratch, having said that, there's a liability in going with her. She's may not be poison yet, but she's not exactly health food either. Hopefully the HCDO knows what's going on in Hoboken, and sees there's a faction that genuinely hates her. And that faction is more politically astute, educated, monied. So there's a calculus they must contend with.

      Not to mention, she doesn't really have the smarts. Get her in a debate with a legit candidate and she'd be chewed up and spit out. Yet, she doesn't realize that. She surrounds herself with morons who create a sycophantic echo chamber.

      And her husband's no prize either! He's an enabler! I mean, at what point does he say, "Enough is enough!"? Is he so enamored with the prospect of his wife being a muckety muck that he will pay whatever it takes? Or (and this is my suspicion) is he such a coward that he hands over the checkbook just to keep the peace? Frankly he may be convincing himself that he wants this for her, but it's really the cowardice at work. Poor schmuck.

    3. or......

      Bethie boo threatened to divorce lil Ricky, which would cause him to lose half of what he earned to her. So this way, he shells out less than half. A wise economic decision. It would result in a pitiful life, but a financially sound one.

  5. BIG changes [revamping] in JC and Hud. County!

  6. Big changes in BAYONNE


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