Advance Copy: This Week's Hoboken Reporter


  1. This is the second story saying this but you have not provided any names of these reporters? Who are they? The Reporter has had MANY MANY MANY former employees. I would guess your next story is going to say Ramos hired former Patch writer since Claire is leaving....

    1. Anon, my source asked me not to name them. I was permitted to name Tim Carroll, who was hired by Ramos but quit shortly after.

      Does it matter who they are? When the folks at the Reporter start getting calls and spin, they will know.

    2. The Reporter has almost as many ex-reporters as Mason has ex-nannies, ex-assistants and ex-friends, though not as many "campaign workers" as Ramos is likely to hire.

    3. GA, you have the little Ramos troll all riled up. Good work.

  2. "but but but...who are they???!!!" "but but but...what about ravi???!!!"

    ruben, that's all ya got? really?

    1. Unfortunately for him, yep.

  3. Lets face it Zimmer has fallen short and has lost control.

    1. Lets face it, you are a troll that is as welcome here as a turd in a punch bowl. I have heard that this trite "Zimmer has fallen short" theme is the Ramos brain trust's hopes to getting Momma Ramos her no show job back. No happening, but it is kind of funny and lame. that.

  4. Ramos actually has dumber trolls than Beth. This jackass is just one coors light away from saying "I know you are, but what am I?"

  5. i like mayors who a) don't cause our property taxes to go up 80% and b) don't got to jail. i like mayors who are fair and honest. i like mayor zimmer.

  6. I like mayors and councilpersons who don't sneer at me because by accident of birth, I wasn't born in Hoboken.

  7. romano?

    1. The man was completely useless as a freeholder and just socked everyone with a big fat tax hike. Good luck on that record to run on.

  8. I did not put much stock in this story. But check out the Reporter's version of Maxwell's closing. Nothing about the changing scene, Hoboken bar culture. The place is closing solely because of parking.

    So sayeth the Reporter. What crap. What a disservice to people who love that place. What an insult to common intelligence.

    But to answer the question in your headline, yes, apparently they will publish this crap.

    Now we'll get to hear from a lot of CuriousNerds who would never set foot in Maxwell's about how this "institution was was destroyed by Dawn's draconian parking enforcement." Frankly if people are dumb enough to believe that, they deserve the government they get.

    1. Todd Abramson, booking agent and c-owner of Maxwells was quoted on another blogsite [], basically saying the changing culture and the parking situation were considered in the decision to close.


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