Look at that! Adorning the top of Union City's web site, this giant banner announcing Governor Christie's "Special Guest" appearance at a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Union City next Thursday.
Surprised? Union City Mayor Brian Stack is a loyal Democrat, after all.
Like Hoboken's mayor, Stack is unafraid to reach across Party lines because a good relationship with New Jersey's most powerful politician benefits Union City.
Mayor Stack's invitation |
Stack said he believes Christie is doing the right things to tackle the high cost of local government and keep property taxes down.
Union City received an extra $13 million in extra funding to help with this year’s $103 million budget, along with special authorization to use some of that money to offset local property taxes.
That's not selling out, that's governing.
In turn, Christie is acknowledged as a partner in the positive developments in Union City. Stack's invitation reads:
Governor Christie was instrumental in the construction of this new school and we look forward to his presence.Mayor Zimmer understands this. So does Christie.
Hugging Obama. |
Remember, Zimmer hosted the roll-out of the Governor's tool kit' in 2010 and they have had a good relationship since. And nobody blinked when Republican Governor Christie showed up with $5 million dollar of state money to keep our hospital open after Beth Mason, Mike Russo, Timmy Occhipinti and Terry Castellano voted NO on critical emergency funding. Without Christie's intervention, the hospital would have shut it's doors to devastating consequences: our buyer would have bailed throwing 1,200 people out of work, the defaulting of the City's $52 million bond( to be fully repaid in ONE tax cycle), taxes would have doubled or tripled, Hoboken's credit rating would have tanked, thus it's ability to fund future operations and infrastructure needs, City workers would be laid off.
So, bipartisanship is not such a bad thing.
Beth Mason, who now wants a slot on Stack's ticket doesn't know what that means.
When Christie showed up in 2010, Councilwoman Mason SAT IN THE AUDIENCE- NOT ON STAGE with other City Council members: Ravi Bhalla, Carol Marsh, Peter Cunningham and David Mello. That's right. Mason refused to sit on the same stage with Christie.. Instead, she sat with the public,a public telegraphing of disdain and disrespect for the New Jersey Governor. That overt lack of decorum was just her first "F*CK YOU" to Christie. Next she stood up questioned him in a confrontational matter which caused Christie to correct her forcefully. F*CK YOU number 2.
"F-U" Number 3 was Perry Klaussen of Hoboken411 photographing the event, which was turned into this:
Beth Mason's attack ad campaign linking Zimmer to Christie- click HERE for Mason Ad |
And Mason-tabloid Hoboken411 shows contempt for the Governor every time he comes to Hoboken or shows an interest in our City.
The bottom line is, will Stack pick a running mate for Assembly who respects bipartisan cooperation, who has behaved with decorum in the presence of our Governor and appreciates his help, and who can work with those on the other side of the fence?
That's Ravi Bhalla.
Or will he pick a woman who tries to destroy and defame her political opponents with frivolous lawsuits and smears in the media, who cannot work with them, whose attack-politics have alienated a plurality of Hoboken voters in a few short years- and who has publicly insulted Christie on his visits to Hoboken and on cable TV?
That's Beth Mason.
Who knows.
one comment.......did Colin Powel grow up anywhere in hudson county?