Stack Attack?- UPDATED

(Updated, 10/06/13 10 AM)
A friend of Mayor Brian Stack's alleged victim, Dan Alvarez, has weighed in- see his comments below.

GA is still recovering from the debilitating after-effects of my hickey attack, so I'll keep it brief.

Dan supports his friend's version of events and adds that his friend did NOT photograph meetings (there go GA's 'videographer' jokes), the pics at the police station were taken by friends NOT the press (though the JJ reporter, Anthony J. Machcinski appears as a photo-credit), and the victim WAS wearing a neck-brace in the video report. 

Now, a neck brace makes sense for a neck injury. It was the wheelchair that caught my attention.  My hickey only required  transportation to the ICU on a gurney, a spankin' new gall bladder and three zaps of a defibrillator - but no wheelchair.

As I told Dan, courts are for resolving legal disputes not political ones.   So GA looks forward to swift justice for the truly injured party.  That's not for me to decide.   Choking is not acceptable, if that is what happened.  Hickeys are.  Maybe Stack should have given him one of those instead? Allegedly.

Now excuse me,  it's time for another blood transfusion. 

*** disputed by alleged victim 

(Original post)
GA normally sticks to Hoboken topics, but today this Jersey Journal headline caught my eye:  Secaucus resident says Union City Mayor Stack choked him at holiday party


Not Brian!   (I'm on a first name basis with him though he doesn't know me)

Not the man who never forgets my birthday in two languages.  And wished me a 'Feliz Navidad' this year!  My readers know how I feel about him. *blush*.  I save all his cards.

So, is it true?

Here's what the JJ had to say:
A Secaucus resident who attended a Union City Christmas party has filed a simple assault charge against Union City Mayor Brian Stack, saying Stack choked him for appearing at Union Citypublic meetings.

According to the Secaucus resident Ray Mitchell, he was attending the holiday party at Schuetzen Park in North Bergen on Dec. 14 when Stack approached him and questioned his recent appearances at city meetings in Union City.

Mitchell said Stack then accused him of being a "spy" and then choked him
Wait a minute... this scenario sounds familiar.

A guy who lives out of town (Secaucus?  Princeton?), and shows up to film*** public meetings in a city where he doesn't live (Union City?  Hoboken?)... and shows up where he's not expected (Wallace School? A Christmas party in Union City?)... this story is so confusing.

Mason political operative Barry Brendel films Hoboken 12/18/12  ZBA meeting
See, that's Barry Brendel who does not live in Hoboken, but shows up to public meetings with a camera that he almost knows how to use, and once he finds the 'on' button, shoots video footage of people who end up in really nasty Beth Mason ads or on Nazi Trucks for a campaign funded by Beth Mason,  who used Beth Mason's 1200 Washington Street offices for their headquarters and a staging area for anti-Zimmer midnight flyers.

Does Brendel  travel from the Princeton, NJ area because our meetings are so fascinating?  Maybe. 

But another reason is that he's a political operative  employed by City Councilwoman Beth Mason.   Like his son, Tim.   Do you know that the first night Brendel Jr. showed up to film GA at the ZBA, I went up to him during a break to chat him up and do you know what Daddy's little boy told GA?  
After civil, benign words to the Mason videographer, he threatened he would "get the police" because I was "looking at him".
Yep.  I  believe Brendel Jr. was baiting me to create an incident.  Imagine that headline: Secaucus resident says Union City Mayor Stack choked him at holiday party

Ooops!  Wrong headline.

GA's imaginary headline might say, "Princeton Resident says Hoboken ZBA Commissioner kicked him in the nuts."   LIES!   I would NEVER do such a thing.  

Well, GA found an interesting anti-Stack blog. Ooops!  I linked to by mistake.  Here's 

Anyway, GA has NO idea what actually happened to the young man who alleges he was choked by Stack.  Was that in Princeton or Secaucus?

GA's posted the video below so you can hear the young man tell his story. Note how he chokes up right where describes how the big brute... uh, Mayor Stack allegedly choked him.  His voice wavers and he blinks back tears.  The young man describes being choked by that monster, uh... mayor for "30 seconds or a minute."

Um... which is it?  30 seconds or a minute? That's kind of a big difference when someone's got their hands around your neck, no?

Anyway, the Jersey Journal posted these pics of the young man's injuries., and they are grievous.  Red abrasions on his neck.  See them? Those neck abrasion were so.... abrasive that they spread to his legs.  Yep, see the pic... the man couldn't walk.  My God, that middle-aged Mayor Stack  put that poor, strapping, muscular  and healthy-looking young man in a wheelchair.  Allegedly.   And a neck brace.  Allegedly.

Thank goodness, the press*** just happened to be waiting at the police station for the wheelchair-bound, neck-braced victim to wheel in and file his complaint.  

The VICTIM:  top left: neck abrasions, right: Stack's prey in a wheelchair with neckbrace,  bot left: police complaint-credit: Anthony J. Machcinski/The Jersey Journal

God, that's awful... what happened to that young Princeton videographer who films Stack at every ZBA meeting in Hoboken.  Imagine, that poor young man attending meetings and crashing Christmas parties and what's he got to show for it?

A wheelchair and neck brace. And lots of press. And articles coordinated with political attack blogs.

GA understands exactly how these neck abrasions can cause serious injury.  They can even be life-threatening without immediate treatment. You see  the other day during a  make-out session, I experienced heart palpitations and heavy breathing, got all tingly... and the next thing I knew, I was in HUMC's intensive care unit! 

The VICTIM: left: GA's neck  with hickey  right: Paramedics at the scene carry GA and hickey to HUMC
Thank goodness, GA didn't need that young videographer's wheelchair and neck brace.

Here is an interview with Stack's alleged victim.  Hey he's out of the wheelchair! 

Must be that restorative Princeton water.  Abracadabra....


  1. Hi,

    I'm the victim's friend and business partner.

    This incident really happened and no one wants to hear otherwise. Subpoena everyone and bring in the FBI.

    PS The taxpayer isnt going to pay for this horrible incident. This is coming out of Stack's personal bank account.

    Correction needed: The victim still has his neck brace on in this video.

    He was in a wheelchair at the hospital a few hours after the incident occured because he, as Mitchell claimed: "my head is killing me"

    Stack has serious rage issues and needs therapy.

    Everyone is being subpoeaned. TELL MCALEVY "OLD WAR HORSE" TO BRING AN ENTIRE ARMY OF LAWYERS WITH HIM. The amount of evidence, that hasnt been disclosed just yet, is our business. The prosecutor hasnt even contacted the victim. No one has offered any type of assistance. Not one lawyer has stepped up, because they all fear this Mayor/Senator.

    The victim never videotaped or took pictures in any of the 4 public meetings that he attended.

    He stated: "why would i do that? Its already being filmed by Hudson County TV"
    The victim was a volunteer in both of Stack's last campaigns.

    it was my idea (his business partner) to go to the event that evening. I thought we were going there to shmooze and have a good time.

    Subpoena everyone. He did this and we don't want to hear otherwise.

    As for evidence: Enter your plea, Mayor.

    The victim would be satisfied with a public apology in exchange for dropping charges.

    No one is out to "get him"

    This is not some clever Nick Sacco (whom we've never never even met) conspiracy. We're real estate agents and part of our job is to network. In fact, i personally emailed Larry Wainstein about a real estate matter back in September. A representative from his "North Bergen Concerned Citizen's Group" office called me to invite me to this party, which was being sponsored by Wainstein and Stack.

    Sacco must be laughing his ass off.

    Just ask Irizarry (involved party that police never even questioned) whether Stack is guilty or not guilty:

    Final Note: The taxpayer isnt going to foot the bill for this freakish attack: The settlement or jury award is coming out of Stack's personal bank account.

    Stay Tuned. This one is going to be classic.

    The fight for the mayor's political life.

    "Feliz Ano Nuevo"

  2. I apologize for not taking the time out to properly proofread and edit prior to posting.

    I have to tend to my client's needs and try not to stay overly obsessed with this incident.

    I really wasn't expecting to have to deal with a strangling mayor, who wants to deny and spin these charges around on his own political enemy.

    The Hudson Reporter quoted Stack in saying that this is: "Nick Sacco and his political cronies"

    This guy is a real asshole.

  3. "Thank goodness, the press just happened to be waiting at the police station for the wheelchair-bound, neck-braced victim to wheel in and file his complaint."

    Those pictures were taken by one of the victim's friends. Ray didnt submit these pictures to the Journal until last week.

    Look at the date of the incident.

    Now look at the day this story broke.

    Vital Stats

    Stack 6'3 (guessing here: 240-250 lbs)

    Mitchell 5'8 160 lbs

    Not much of a fair fight, but lets add to that, union city detectives (either on or off duty), city officials, and all stood by, watching Mr. Rogers assaulting a private citizen.

    One of the commissioners finally broke it up, because the Mayor was fuming to go outside and fight, even after choking him out.

    The mayor has known Ray and his family for many, many (since Stack was 18 years old)years.

    Stay Tuned.

  4. Thank you Dan, for providing your statement(s)and I'll make some edits- but I'm keeping the hickey.

    I hope justice prevails in this case.

    You know, I am a cynical gal. I've had a little experience with Hudson County dirty tricks.

    If you read this blog, then you know I've been the victim of a years-long campaign of intimidation and harassment by political operatives. Did I mention stalked? Yep, they show up at meetings w/video cameras, then carpet bomb Hoboken with midnight fliers and put the video on a truck with swastikas and blast it around my city, Hoboken. Sound like fiction?

    Nope. There's more.

    Did I mention a SLAPP suit? Councilwoman Beth Mason's operatives filed one, predicated on the fact they are not operatives, just an "ordinary couple." And our shitty media 'bought' it, lock stock and barrel. Worse, they know exactly who and what this "ordinary couple" is, but reported the spin they were fed and hyped their frivolous, politically motivated suit. Yep, the case is such a stinker, this "ordinary couple" couldn't find a lawyer in NJ to take it so they went dumpster-diving in Ohio.

    All because they want to silence this blog. Imagine that?

    Well, courts are where legal disputes are settled, not political or personal ones. So your partner and Stack will have their day in court and may justice prevail (like I said above).

    Thank you,


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