Joe Branco Responds

Nancy here is my response;

I had absolutely nothing to do with that truck for those days and times those videos was played, nor did I have a hand in making those videos. I was never asked my opinion about making the videos or hiring the truck. The first time I heard about the truck was the night of the BOE meeting.

As far as my commercial is concerned I hired and paid Pete Ramano from Local Joey. He made the commercial and he hired the woman to do the voice over. I just gave him the text. I never meet her, nor do I know who she is. You can give Pete a call and ask him for her name and number so you can ask her if she did the voice over for the truck video. You can also ask her who hired her so you can finally put this to rest.

And for the record, I would NEVER use that graphic imagery in any shape or form. My kids are half Jewish, which makes my wife Jewish, which makes my Mother in-law Jewish and her Mother, my wife’s Grandmother who is still alive at 92 years old Jewish, and who was alive during the holocaust. And to top it off, I was also a Shabbos goy growing up in Williamsburg. I also helped build sukkots out of wood and bamboo every year during the harvest season. I respect the Jewish faith a little more than you considering you are Jewish and YOU are the one who used that imagery to depict another Jewish American for political satire.

And as far as the “SLAPP” comment is concerned I know what it means, it was a play on words. I will however slap you and him if you continue to make false statements about me and that video and hiring that truck to display those videos. That is a promise. 

So Nancy you can spin it all you want, It doesn’t change the fact that I had nothing to do with that video or hiring the truck to display your distasteful imagery that YOU created. You keep forgetting to tell everyone that it is YOUR IMAGE!

Food for thought:
Nancy, If you never created that imagery of Beth Mason,
Roman would not have copied you and created his own version of H411Perry’s,
________________ (unknown) would have never made the videos about your distasteful imagery,

The public could have been spared, and not reminded of a dark part of history that most people want to forget.

So I hope you are proud of yourself. 

Thank you for your statement, Mr. Branco.


  1. Joe, your response is very cagey. I would go so far as to say it's not-paid-for-friendship-esque. That is, it begs questions for the peculiar choice of words. Lane's famous remark begged the question "what are you paid for then?" Yours begs other questions.

    "I had absolutely nothing to do with that truck for those days and times those videos was [sic] played."

    "For those days and times," Joe? Now why would you add that? Is this your tacit admission at last that you did hire the truck to play the Russo/Dwek tapes like Stuiver and Lincoln said you did? Are you saying that you just didn't hire it for "those days and times" during the BOE race but did hire it other times?

    Wouldn't you agree that if you have never had any dealings with that truck and its owner that the simplest thing to say would be to simply say that? If you are now saying that you did hire the truck in the past but not this time, are you also saying that you have no idea who did hire the truck this time? You didn't call the owner to ask, telling him, "hey, everyone thinks I hired you- who did?"

    "I was never asked my opinion about making the videos or hiring the truck."

    Again, if you know nothing about it, why wouldn't you just say that? Picture this:

    Someone I am known to really dislike has just been shot. The police come to question me. Which response would pique their interest more:

    1) I have no idea who shot x but I sure as hell didn't.
    2) I was not asked my opinion about shooting x.

    Seriously, Joe...

    You do acknowledge, don't you, that the graphic used on the truck was the same one held up by Beth Mason in her bizarro "I'm Gabby Giffords" publicity stunt and in Lane Bajardi's famous easel episode? The same Beth Mason, who provided HQ for your BOE ticket as well as a large illegal contribution to it? Do you acknowledge that Beth's personal videographer supplied pictures of GA at a BOE meeting that were used on the truck?

    Have you ever spoken to Beth about those "coincidences"? What did she say?

    Are you going to address any of that or just talk about the reasons why you shouldn't have had anything to do with the Nazi truck?

    Must one really have Jewish bloodlines to know not to display Swastikas on the street?

    Is it at all intellectually honest to conflate what appears on a private blog with what is broadcast on the street? Is internet porn the same as porn on a billboard in front of your house?

    Finally, are you saying that you have no idea who was behind the truck?

    In a mile square city, a truck that solely benefited your BOE ticket and that displayed a graphic that Lane Bajardi created and Beth Mason used in a debate, the same Beth Mason who provided HQ and an illegal donation to your BOE ticket - you are saying you have no idea who was behind it?

    These are questions which you can choose to answer or ignore. I see that you have developed a habit of threatening lawsuits here and on facebook. But I have drawn no conclusions. I cannot, however, prevent the public at large from drawing their own conclusions. Nor can a lawsuit.

  2. Branco uses the old "some of my best friends are..." defense - and takes it to a new level by invoking family - to justify his associations with those who would seek to do grave harm to Hoboken as they struggle to regain control of our city, its boards and commissions and the grand prize of all - the school board budget.

  3. Your (plausable deniability) letter seems to indicate that you have a guilty conscience. The fact that roman was discussing how lucky rory got off because he ate a slice of pizza in bennys im Occhipinti defriended him, has little to do with nancy nor the "nazi truck" (your quote).

    Though I appreciate your divulging that you knew of the nazi truck the night it was running, I have to wonder why as , campaign co chair , you did not put an end to it. It ran for 2 or 3 more days.

    Also interesting is that you had "absolutely nothing to do with that truck for those days and times those videos was played, nor did I have a hand in making those videos." Kinda makes me wonder- we know you werent driving the trcuk nor actually taped/made the videos, but we know someone thought up and arranged the whole fiasco, which as you say, you had " absolutely nothing to do with that truck for those days and times those videos was played, nor did I have a hand in making those videos"; obviously, thinking of, arranging and paying would not be on those dates, it would be before and after those dates.

    You then go on to say " I was never asked my opinion about making the videos or hiring the truck. " This begs the question; Well if one chooses to do something and doesnt inform others, i guess they wouldn't be asked their opinion, would they?

    Questions continue to abound when, as co campaign manager, you state "The first time I heard about the truck was the night of the BOE meeting." odd- as a campaign manager, shouldnt you be aware and approve of all material coming from the campaign, especially considering, it will be attached to your name? This indicates 1 of 2 things either: 1- Your camapaign was a mess with no leadership and/or 2- You refuse to take responsibility for the actions and content of the campaign you co-ran. Both of which seem to indicate questionable management skills.

    To further complicate you letter's intention, you state "As far as my commercial is concerned I hired and paid Pete Ramano from Local Joey. He made the commercial and he hired the woman to do the voice over.....You can give Pete a call and ask him for her name and number so you can ask her if she did the voice over for the truck video. You can also ask her who hired her so you can finally put this to rest." you seem to know which company was used for the Nazi truck and it just so happens to be the same company that you consistently use and have a relationship with, (considering you refer to the persons by familiar first name).

    To tie up your letter you threaten the following: "And as far as the “SLAPP” comment is concerned I know what it means, it was a play on words. I will however slap you and him if you continue to make false statements about me and that video and hiring that truck to display those videos. That is a promise." Interesting considering no one made any false statements about you nor that video regarding your recent need to respond. The words used by roman to rory were akin to; "atleast you got off easy..... instead of having your name and phone number plastered all over a truck."

    Joe, a word of advice, whatever your issue with this truck, let it alone- you leave many questions hanging in the air when you go off half cocked responding with something that had absolutely nothing to do with a Nazi truck. These questions would have never entered my mind, had you not written that letter, the way you did.

    You like posting pictures (that according to Rory, Carmelo took) of Rory walking out of Benny's? So be it! Have a ball! Rory's kind of attractive for those who are into that rugged look. I am sure many like to see his pic. But, there is no need for you to seemingly continually work at implicating yourself for a disasterous campaign issue especially when nobody has made any reference to your responsibility in the post. You are obsessing, again.

  4. I was hoping you could answer one question. As co-campaign chair of Move forward, Has your campaign returned the illegal campaign donations to Mason's organization (re;Hoboken Campaign Finance Ordinance/resolution)?

    The local ordinance states there is a fine of 3x or 4x the amount if such contribution are willfully done/not returned, (if I am not mistaken).
    WOW! that's nearly 24k if that is the case. How does a campaign pay more fines, than it takes in? How would that work. I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for that fiasco.

  5. One more quick question, That identical blue truck was used on election day for the Move Forward Campaign. Why has that cost not shown up on the ELEC campaign reports? Isn't that a violation of ELEC laws?

  6. Joe may or may not have had anything to do with the production of the Nazi Truck. But he certainly knows the crew and introduced them to Hoboken political types (as long ago as the Russo truck). I believe him when he says he didn't hire the truck either time, or this time, or whatever he's saying. But I think he provided the information to the people who did pay. Care to comment Joe?

    1. Again its like the steps on an escalator we keep going round and round. I dont know who paid Noel this time or last time (Russo) How they got Noels number this time to hire him is belond me since I dont know who hired him and he wouldnt disclose that information to me.

      As far as last time(Russo) I already went on record by stating I gave Noels number to Jake and Jake took care of the rest with Greg B (who made the video). It was Jakes Idea not mine.

      Please Comment under your real name an add a photo so I know who im speaking with.

    2. To be clear, it was the FBI who made the video of Councilman Russo accepting a bribe. I merely subtitled it. For details see


  7. I'm glad Joe's letter has generated a lively discussion and no one's threatened to sue anyone here yet.

    Well, there is fact-based commentary and then there are indisputable facts. Events that occurred in public, witnessed by many. Indisputable facts are not subject to a 'defamation' claim:

    (1)FACT: The Nazi Truck appeared on October 16 , 2012 outside of Wallace School. Branco, co-manager of the Move Forward campaign, was present. He did not ask the Nazi Truck to leave, even though it was blaring political attacks and imagery he finds offensive in a quiet residential neighborhood. Nor did he ask it to refrain from playing the video again. Branco, co-manager, was the most senior representative of the Move Forward campaign at the BoE that night. He took no action.

    (2) FACT: On October 17, 2012 the Nazi Truck was parked across from City Hall. Branco was there. He may be on video- I can find out from a friend who was there taping. Branco did not tell the Nazi Truck to leave.

    Those are facts. Witnessed, photographed.

    I would like to ask Joe why he took no action on either night. That's a fair question, isn't it? (Especially from the gal who starred in the video without her consent)

    If Joe wants to tell all he knows about how the Nazi truck came to be, the crew who were involved, I will publish his story. As I have posted many times, the filming and production were done by others, not Joe.

  8. Again Nancy your wrong. I didnt see the truck that night I heard about it that night from somone at the meeting. I showed up late.

    The next night at city hall I did go up to noel who owns the truck and asked him who hired him and his response was " I can disclose who hires me in policital videos to protect there rights, I cant even tell you." He was standing by his truck. Other individuals were also speaking to him an took his cards. That truck is used all over northern nj for advertising.
    This is it, I have explained myself on what I know and when I knew it. To this day I still dont know who made the video or hired the truck, and received confirmation this morning that the woman in my commerial is not the same woman in the truck video.
    There u go Nancy...

    1. He can't disclose who put Lane Bajardi's graphics and Beth Mason's (who provided HQ and an illegal contribution to Move forward) video on his truck. And that's good enough for you, right Joe? You didn't ask Beth about it?

      Like I said, the public at large will draw their own conclusions. That includes anyone over the age of 10.

    2. Please comment under your real name, and stop staying Lane Bajardi's graphic it Nancy Pincus Graphic and Roman Brice's Graphic.

      That a Fact!!!

      They are the ones that started This whole mess.

      Again Spin it how ever you want but a 10 year can still connect the dots.

      As far as the Elec reports, and who contributed and how much - I was not the treasure, so please send those questions to Frank Raia.

      And if you want the woman's website who did my commercial all you have to do is ask, but please ask under your real name.

    3. What about the illegal donation and the non reporting of elec expenses?

    4. Joe, unless I am mistaken it appears you think I am blogging as Hoboken Leaks.

      Let me state for the record I am not Hoboken Leaks.

      Nor am I any of the host of names the Plaintiffs have accused me of being- and that has been certified by the lawyer defending the others. He could tell you who they each are, but I can guarantee you that he won't.

      Yes, indeed. Sorry, I am NOT Hoboken leaks, Jack Stop, This Means War, khoboken, InfotainMe, plywood, etc., etc. etc.

      This is already a matter of public record filed in a motion by the attorney representing collectively the John Doe Defendants and the Screen Name Defendants in the Bajardi SLAPP suit.

      Feel free to obtain it as the court document is a matter of public record. The motion was filed on September 19, 2012 at the Superior Court of the State of New Jersey, Docket No. L-3723-12.

      Happy reading.

    5. Bob, can you please add a photo to your profile so I know who Im speaking with? Again please refer any questions about donations or Elec filings to the treasure of the campaign.

    6. Joe, hope you are right about that.
      It seems ot me the job of chair is responsible to oversee the entire campaign. Or are you not of that caliber?

      voter fraud/absentee ballot charges:

    7. Bob, please show me where my signature is on any paperwork taking responsibility for any money coming into the campaingn or going out. You guys have all the paperwork from the campaign, please show me my signature. Otherwise for the last time please refer all questions to the campaingn treasure whose signature is on the elec reports.

      Again please add your photo to your profile so I know to whom im speaking with.

      Thanks Bob.

    8. Sorry Joe,I don't have the technological know-how to add pictures, nor do I see the logic in having such.

      If I understand correctly,accordingly you hold no responsibility nor had any input or approval rights for the campaign? I thought you were a campaign chair.
      Sorry for my misunderstanding.

      So What did you do for the campaign?

    9. Joe, as the campaign manager you are the one tasked with coordinating the campaign message, insuring everyone associated w/ the campaign stays on message and allocating resources. You may not handle the money or sign the checks but you make sure the money gets spent to support the campaign and you coordinate the activities of the staff & volunteers. That is what campaign managers do. Signature or no signature, you as campaign manager are responsible in our eyes as are the candidates, the treasurer and everyone else of importance associated w/ that campaign for everything the campaign does even if you aren't the individual who engages in specific activities. You are the campaign manager, you are responsible for how the campaign is run. If you don't like that then don't agree to manage political campaigns that know will do things that you know are going to annoy people.

    10. Odd that you admitted you intend to file a slapp suit, if they don't do what you say.
      Here's what you said:
      "And as far as the “SLAPP” comment is concerned I know what it means, it was a play on words. I will however slap you and him if you continue to make false statements about me and that video and hiring that truck to display those videos. That is a promise. "

      Here's the definition:

      "A strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.[1]

      "The typical SLAPP plaintiff does not normally expect to win the lawsuit. The plaintiff's goals are accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from participating in the debate. A SLAPP is often preceded by a legal threat."

      So you admit that you trying to "censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.[1"?
      Are you saying you are going to physically slap them?

      which is it, Joe?

  9. It's treasurer, not "treasure".

    1. Sorry Mel, I left off the R. Thanks for pointing that out buddy. Wow we are getting down to the dotting the i's and crossing the t's now.

      Say Mel can you also add your photo and full name so we all know to whom we are speaking to.

      Thanks Buddy..

    2. Sorry, Joe, I choose to post as Mel. You called it treasure many times before I corrected you. Glad I could help you.

  10. It is unfortunate (for him, especially) that JB cant seem to take any responsibility for the use of the Nazi truck to promote a slate of candidates for the BOE of which he was a co-chair. He should have resigned on the spot. However, it does appear that the Nazi Truck has stuck. And probably will be what defines him until he comes clean and condemns the use of the truck, the message that was displayed, apologizes to the Jewish community in particular and the larger Hoboken community for allowing a campaign of which he was co chair to run completely amok and drag Hoboken politics deeper into the gutter than previously known or even contemplated and disclose what he does know about who hired the truck and who produced the video, and not dodge the issue. Until then he is stuck with the Nazi Truck.

    1. Say there Khoboken can you also add your photo and use your real name so we can all know to whom we are speaking to.. ok buddy..

      I guess the answers you guys were looking for just arent there. There is no smoking gun in my commercial, you just cant swallow the fact I had NOTHING to do with the TRUCK this time or last time.


      Nancy instead of posting lies about me, just pick up the phone and ask me first. Then you can post my responses to your questions. If we all want to make Hoboken better for our kids no matter what side of the fence your on, then we need to work together and stop with this he said she said BS. Im not going anywhere and I suspect neither are you, and the 5 people that comment on your site. (ok I take it back, 7 people with multiple screen names) Cant we all just get along??

    2. Joe, it seems that there is more interest in the illegal donations, non reporting of elec expenses and (now) your threat of a lawsuit which you admit you know is intended to "censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.[1" or did you mean you were threatening to physically slap/injure Nancy and Roman?

    3. Really? Jeez, you've got it backwards. The victim of your campaign's Nazi Truck should come crawling to you?

      No, in fact as a representative of your campaign shame on you for not apologizing for what your campaign did to me and my FAMILY- dragging me into a campaign that I was NOT a part of and spreading filth over the entire city about me for WHAT? Because? Lying that I was KF's "graphic designer".

      How about telling my 10 year-old daughter why that shit was all over the street on my block. You disgust me.

      You deserved to lose and your filthy campaign generated enough bad karma for 10 lifetimes.

      As for making phone calls, how about picking up the phone and calling Deirdre Wall the KF campaign manager to find out WHO was their Graphic Designer?

      As far as "5 people with multiple screen names" here are facts. Reform has a deep, deep bench. There are no duplicate IPs posting here. NONE. Again, pull the motion- I gave you the docket number above- pull the motion and read it and educate yourself.

    4. If it is a lie, prove it. Name who is responsible for the truck ads. You can only know for a fact it is a lie if you know who did the ads, who the narrators of both ads are and who paid for that truck ad. Far as I am concerned, those voices sound pretty darn close to me and that is in and of itself a smoking gun.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Rightagain2 your turn to step upto the plate.

      If you havent read my comments before I will inform you to please post under your real name so I know to whom im speaking to, and while your at it add a nice photo of your mug for everyone to see..

      Why do I have to prove it? You guys are accusing me, you prove it! The burden of proof is on you. Your bringing me to this mickey mouse blog court and passing judement on me for something I had no part in. So we can keep going round and round.

      Pretty close is not the same as hitting the target. I will give you the web site to the voice over woman if you really want, just ask under your real name

    7. You need to prove it b/c you are the one claiming that those 2 voice tracks that we all listened to and we all believe were made by the exact same person were in fact made by different people. Sorry Joe, but my ears say otherwise and until you prove to me I am wrong, I will continue to believe those 2 tracks were made by the same person.

  11. Your "fact" is wrong, Joe.

    The graphic - juxtaposing Leni Riefenstahl's original Triumph of the Will poster with GA's Triumph of the Shills mock-up was done by Lane Bajardi.

    Here's a visual aid. Look familiar?

    People do not need to give you their real names. They do have to log in to comment here. Thus I build up a track record under this name here and elsewhere, and people can judge that record. I have addressed you in civil terms. You may find the questions uncomfortable, but they are all based on your own assertions and what you expect people to believe. I am not surprised that you have answered so few of them. So I'll just ask you one.

    That is Lane Bajardi's graphic on the truck (as proven above). Beth did wave that same graphic at a debate where she appallingly compared herself to Gabrielle Giffords. The photo of GA on the truck was taken by Beth's videographer Tim Brendel at a ZBA meeting. Beth did provide HQ and an illegal donation to Move Forward. It is a one mile square city with damn few suspects under the circumstances. Needs to be someone with money. Someone who is obsessed with blogs and bloggers. Someone who thinks the above materials would be "compelling".

    Did you ask Beth Mason if she was behind the Nazi truck?

    1. Yes, HL you are right.

      Bajardi placed my graphic next to Leni R's 1935 movie poster, and that is what was disseminated everywhere and displayed on the Nazi Truck- Bajardi's visual aide from his City Council appearance- HIS spin on my graphic.

    2. HL
      Have you completely lost your mind?? or are u smoking giggle sticks. Lane made the graphic with Beth Mason photo and put Tim face on the chain around her neck.

      Is that what you want everyone to believe?

      Nancy you cant let HL go down this path. Please help him or her, I would know if HL is a he or a she if they just used their real name and photo. Throw them a bone, let them in on who really made that graphic. Come on Nancy.

      Also please comment under your real name and post a photo so I know to whom I speaking with.

      Thank buddy..

  12. My God, the dripping irony of it all.

    Mr Branco has demanded the name and picture of every person who speaks to him.

    But to all appearances he has done almost nothing to discover the name of the person who put swastikas in the streets in the name of his Move Forward slate.

    In the spirit of reconciliation, I have attached my picture, taken on the steps of St Patrick's in NYC. I was in rare form that day.

  13. Again bob, please add a photo to your profile so I know to whom im speaking to, otherwise this is that last time I will respond to you.

    I dont want people ie Roman or Nancy to spread lies about me that will harm my reputation in the town that I live in and work in. I have answers all your questions related to this truck backwards and forward, but you guys still believe I played a role in it without any proof.

    So to continue making false communications, either written or spoken is Defamation.

    And for those of you that know me on your side I have no problem defending my reputation in court.

    Im not trying to cenor or intimidate anyone, if you have proof then present it. But if there is no proof then its your opinion and therfore not a fact.

    AGAIN there is no proof because I had nothing to do with the renting of the truck or making of the video during the BOE race, or the renting, paying or making of the video with russo on it..(just gave jake his number)

    And no I did not treaten to physically slap/injure anyone its a play on words.

    1. "Im not trying to cenor or intimidate anyone, if you have proof then present it. But if there is no proof then its your opinion and therfore not a fact."

      "And as far as the “SLAPP” comment is concerned I know what it means, it was a play on words. I will however slap you and him if you continue to make false statements about me and that video and hiring that truck to display those videos. That is a promise. "

      "And no I did not treaten to physically slap/injure anyone its a play on words"

      I will however slap you and him if you continue to make false statements about me and that video and hiring that truck to display those videos. That is a promise. "

    2. Joe, you have no idea what constitutes actionable defamation.

      You are calling discourse you have brought on yourself "lies". And though it is coming at you from many people in our community, you continue to focus on and threaten Roman and I. That is harassment, buddy.

      The "proof" that you are trying to censor and intimidate discourse here are in your numerous threats on this thread to "slap" Roman and I. You should realize that you undisguised malice toward me here is enough to void any potential claim you believe you may have and stop any credible NJ lawyer from representing you. I expect you'd get stuck with some ambulance chasing hack from Ohio who is not admitted to practice law in NJ.

      What OTHERS have said about you here and elsewhere is fair comment based on acts YOUR campaign has engaged in with you in a position of leadership. If someone from your campaign had taken responsibility for the Nazi Truck, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead, you are trying to shut down discussion with threats, and sorry... this is not North Korea.

      By throwing such threats around carelessly, by bullying and intimidating Roman and I and the online community because you don't LIKE the judgment they have rendered about you for the deeds YOUR campaign has done, well... you haven't done yourself any favors here today with your comments here. before you run our mouth off, I suggest you talk to your buddy to find out how well his litigation is going. I have a feeling he's kept a tight lid on it.

      As for spreading 'lies', I will ask you again (the 3rd time) to cite WHICH publications on this blog you object to and why, and be specific.

      As far as trying to bully anonymous commenters to tell you their names, that's up to them. But based on your threats to Roman and I, don't expect miracles. Speaking of miracles, it will be a miracle if either Google or AOL give up any anonymous commenters' IDs should you subpoena them.

      And Big Shot, litigation ain't cheap. You may want to run that by the Mrs. first? Subpoenas alone will set you back $50K. Conservatively. And that's just for starters. You may wish to speak to your buddy to see how his subpoenas went. Wonder why you haven't heard about it? Ask.

      My advice: grow up. Take responsibility for what your campaign did. I have yet to hear you denounce that tactic or apologize for those who were victimized and for hurting their children.

  14. "A strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.[1]

    "The typical SLAPP plaintiff does not normally expect to win the lawsuit. The plaintiff's goals are accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from participating in the debate. A SLAPP is often preceded by a legal threat."

  15. Its been fun, have a great evening everyone. I will not be responding to any more questions on this topic anymore.
    Thanks for playing.

    1. Here's the graphic again, Joe. There it is on the Nazi truck and there's Lane Bajardi standing next to it.

      He juxtaposed them because the average person wouldn't be familiar with Leni Riefenstahl, and he wanted to play the Nazi card. They have been playing it ever since.

      But I see that we are not really talking here. I've asked you a dozen simple questions, and you haven't answered one. And now you can't even be forthright when graphic evidence is presented to you - repeatedly.

      So let's try to conclude on a high note.

      Thanks for not answering any of those rather obvious questions.

      Thanks for not commenting on the too numerous connections between Beth Mason's political operations and the Nazi truck.

      Thanks for demanding everyone's name when you and your little friends have so recently established your willingness to stalk, photograph, and facebook your enemies.

      Thanks for not explaining what the hell you meant when you said "I had absolutely nothing to do with that truck for those days and times" when it was widely reported that you were behind the truck when it was used to nail Russo.

      Thanks for saying "I was never asked my opinion about making the videos or hiring the truck" instead of saying I had nothing to do with the Nazi truck and don't know who did.

      We are starting a new year. A lot of people have been on the fence about you, whether or not you are actually in favor of reform or just out for yourself.

      No one is on the fence now. Thanks for clearing that up.

    2. That's just what 'zimmerlover' used to say. That total jerk who blogged on MSV.

  16. Joe's constant demands for real names and photos of us reminded me of this story:

  17. Joe you've made some false statements attributing to me what is easily proven false. I did not copy anything from GA, nor did I create anything especially the weasel with an easel's graphic presentation.

    That like the Nazi Truck was a Beth Mason presentation.

    Nor did I ever give permission to take a copyrighted graphic from my website and put it on Beth Mason's Move Forward Nazi Truck. Can you tell me who to send the bill?

    Remember Joe, if you "don't condemn" the Nazi Truck you "condone it."

    Nowhere in your protests about the Nazi Truck being linked to to your Move Forward campaign do you say you had NO knowledge of it in any and all five trips to Hoboken including on Election Day when it showed a MOVE FORWARD commercial.

    How'd that Move Forward commercial escape and find its way to the Nazi Truck Joe?

    Are you going to tell us you had no knowledge of any of this? if true, what does that say about your skills as a campaign manager? Worse, why would you allow your name to be associated with such atrocious actions in Hoboken by Beth Mason and her stink breath fish and do nothing about it?

    You didn't condemn it Joe then or now. So don't be surprised that people believe you condoned it.

  18. So JB throws the Poopster under the bus about the bogus elec reports. Nice work as I hear poopster was one of the few who voted against continuing the Nazi truck at a special meeting of the campaign that you did or did not run. Wonder how JB voted? Well not really. His vote is pretty easy to assess. Real nice. Spreading Betty boopless filth around town

  19. Joe, if you really are old, I have a child. I will post my real name and picture when she is grown.

    I have seen how some people in Hoboken treat women with children. I have no desire to explain to a preschooler about adults bullying people.

    I do not have a job that makes me a public figure. I don't run a local business that needs publicity.

    Also I've been online since the early 80's. I know people that have been stalked online. I know people who's stalker took it off line. I will not post something that will give a unstable web surfer info on me. I have no desire to come home home to a cat attached to my door with a butcher's knife.

    Online you don't have to worry just about the person you are exchanging with, but every lurker that reads and never posts.

    And legally we don't have to post our names. Our founding fathers wrote anonymously and I will too.


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