Did you read Augie Torres' Political Insider column this weekend? He wrote:
No rookie when it comes to politics, I'm certain "retired" 30-years-plus veteran cop Romano expects to do the right thing and cross the political pitfalls as they emerge. He will more than likely concentrate on his county duties since his chances and those of other Mile Square City anti-administration types have no chance of unseating Mayor Dawn Zimmer, she of the extra long term in office and headline grabbing smoothie.And two weeks ago, in Al Sullivan's Between the Lines:
Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer already received her Christmas present with the huge support she got in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, but her opponents, who seem to be against anything Zimmer is for, are not only going to wind up with coal in their stockings but egg on their faces when they try to unseat her next November. Hoboken Councilwoman Beth Mason, who recently caught up with Santa Claus at the Bayonne Tree Lighting (and possibly Mayor Smith) appears to want some county or state seat in her stocking. Unfortunately for most of the other anti-Zimmer people, they might have to take comfort in coal.Is it any wonder no one is trying to club and claw their way to the head of the line to face Zimmer in 2013?
It's more of a 'who pulls the short-straw' contest that nobody wants to win.
Which is exactly WHY you Dark Side people should run the ONLY one of you who WANTS to- Tim Occhipinti.
Timmy's already got a devoted Facebook-army, a portfolio of Santa Claus pics and can draw a map of every pothole that needs plugging (in his ward). With a heap of friends like the NJ Transit Guy and Beth Mason, Timmys's campaign coffers would runneth over.
Consider it, Dark Side people. What have you got to lose?
Occhipinti for Mayor 2013 campaign slogan: Vote for Tim Because He Takes the Cake |
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