The Russo Robocall

Did you get it?   GA did on Christmas Eve, at 7 PM.

Sponge Bob Interruptus.

Who do you think it was?  3rd Ward Councilman Michael Russo!  He, his wife and daughter wished me a Merry Christmas, and somberly told me that in lieu of his annual Christmas card, he "will be making a monetary contribution to Sandy relief across the state"

Did he tell you the same thing?

I'm guessing he did, since GA's gotten emails from all over Hoboken from folks just as special to Councilman Russo as I am.   GA appreciates the 'Merry Christmas' greeting.

But the rest of the call was as transparent as a Fredrick's of Hollywood nightie.

It appears the 3rd Ward Councilman's robocall went city-wide.

Citywide?  Does Russo send Christmas cards to all six wards of Hoboken?  Of course not.   So, his Christmas Eve robocall notified the entire city he was calling them in lieu of the card they weren't going to receive.   That's like you calling a stranger and telling them the call is in lieu of your annual birthday gift. Make sense?

But Russo is a politician and you're not. So the call was about sending a message.

So what was it?

Russo wants the entire city to know he "will" contribute to Sandy relief "across the state."

A source told GA that's the new Dark Side strategy to oppose the Mayor:  minimize the Sandy impact within Hoboken and emphasize Sandy damage outside of Hoboken.  Then they'll attack Mayor Zimmer for over-reacting, talking to the media, and asking the government for 'too much' help.  You saw Occhipinti do that at last week's City Council- opposing $2.25 M in emergency appropriations on the basis that the Jersey shore suffered more 'structural' damage.  The same Occhipinti that (it appears) left 5 tons of Louisiana donations for us in Bayonne.  Beth Mason is fundraising for the rest of Hudson County, including Weehawken Mayor Turner's 527 political organization and throws parties in Secaucus.  Now Russo in his robocall tells us he" will" contribute to Sandy relief "across the state."

Across the state.

What about contributing  here  in Hoboken?  One option is  a bipartisan 501(c)(3) dedicated to helping Hoboken residents by sponsoring grants based on need.

Russo's schtick is disingenuous on so many levels.
  • The cash he dropped on a city-wide robocall probably matches the cost of Christmas cards to his ward. 
  • Russo's primary residence is Church Towers. Like many Church Tower residents, he has a beach house, likely to have had storm-related damage.  (Poor Dave Roberts' house floated out to sea)  Is this another reason why he says he's giving "across the state"?
  • Note his promise, he "will" contribute.  Will?   Why hasn't he already?  The storm was 2 months ago.
  • Why didn't he name the Sandy relief charity? He's had 2 months to come up with one.  Imagine, recording a message for all six wards of Hoboken but not caring enough to select a charity you are allegedly giving to.   Here you go, a list of Hurricane Sandy charities from that GA found in 2 clicks of a mouse.  
All Hands Volunteers     
Alley Cat Allies    
American Humane Association     
American Red Cross     
Bergen County's United Way    
Best Friends Animal Society     
Catholic Charities USA     
Catholic Relief Services     
Children's Hunger Fund     
Church World Service    
City Harvest    
Community FoodBank of New Jersey     
Community Foundation of New Jersey     
Convoy of Hope     
Covenant House New Jersey     
Direct Relief International     
Episcopal Relief and Development     
Feed The Children     
Feeding America     
Food Bank For New York City     
Food For The Poor     
The FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties    
Gleaning for the World     
Habitat for Humanity International    
Heart to Heart International     
Hope For The Warriors®     
International Medical Corps    
International Rescue Committee     
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation    
Matthew 25: Ministries     
Mercy Medical Airlift     
New York Cares     
Operation Blessing International    
Operation USA     
Rebuilding Together     
St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center  
Samaritan's Purse    
Save the Children     
United Methodist Committee on Relief    
World Vision     
The Zakat Foundation of America
Now do eenie-meenie-miney moe.  

 How hard was that?

And while you are "contributing", how about letting residents keep the money they're spending to defend your idiotic lawsuit against Jim Doyle?


  1. Dead on accurate about what was behind the call. Unfortunately for hi, he still thinks Hoboken circa 1985m where this kind of crap would work. We are well past these pathetically transparent games that he, TIMMAY and that uber cretin minion, that scaly little anchovy Finboy. At least the dynamic duo went under cover so that they can claim plausible deniability for the recent crash and burn efforts i.e. the Nazi truck, the fake charity, the fake fundraiser dinner, the missing donations from Louisiana. If this is the best that the sorry lot can some up with, downplay the damage form Sandy and claim the mayor soiled the City's reputation by working to get aid resources when they were DRASTICALLY needed, then they have for all intent and purposes, concede the next mayoral election. SSSSSHHHH, don't tell them that. Let them keep self inflicting such deliciously wacky wounds.

  2. I still find it disgusting that people feel entitled to squat in affordable housing apartments while they own homes elsewhere. The should be a law....hmmmm.


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