It's Ba-a-a-ack!

credit: City of Hoboken

Yep, it's true!  There's Mayor Zimmer on the first PATH train outta Dodge this morning with PANYNJ Deputy Executive Director Bill Baroni.

At last, PATH service between Hoboken and 33rd Street has been restored.  Phew. 

Thanks to all who worked around the clock to get it running, and to our mayor for her tireless advocacy for the people of Hoboken.


  1. No that the Path is back, can we now focus our attention back to the damaged building in Weehawkin and building up Seacaucus businesses for Beth Mason's higher office?

    It's a real tragedy that she can't build a political career on the backs of Hurricane devastation with you Hoboken folks picking on her.

    She truly cares about everyone outside of Hoboken. Screw all you selfish Hoboken people, even Hurricanes in Hudson County pay more attention to Hoboken and leave everyone else alone!
    Beth is a Seacaucus hero.
    Carpet bags and all!


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