First they ZEROED out the budget surplus for disaster relief.  Then they STOPPED government after the disaster hit.

On one side, we've got the petty, mean-spirited antics of the City Council  ZEROES: who tried to ZERO-out Hoboken's budget surplus last year, the one the Mayor tried to save for emergencies, like hurricanes.

The ZEROES also voted 'NO' on bonding for life-safety renovations to Hoboken Police headquarters: fixing faulty wiring, providing heat, repairing plumbing to stop second floor toilets from leaking on first-floor heads, among many other critical changes needed to protect the public and our police force- read here.

The ZEROES tried to kill our hospital sale, which would have doubled (or tripled) municipal taxes to pay off the $52M bond default, devastated 1,200 families of  unemployed hospital workers at Christmas, destroyed our City's Bond rating making bonding to fund City operations extremely expensive, likely resulting in mssive layoffs of municipal workers.

The ZEROES voted against bonding for a traffic light at very dangerous Hoboken corner required for the opening of a new park, 1600 Park. 

In 2011, the ZEROES voted 'NO' to a traffic light at this deadly corner- 16th and Park
The ZEROES voted AGAINST the acquisition of space for Hoboken Southwest park in the 4th Ward, after ZERO Tim Occhipinti campaigned on creating a park there. 

The ZEROES supported the Move Forward slate of candidates, who campaigned with  Nazi Truck-  a video truck that rode about Hoboken and parked at a public school flashing swastikas. The Nazi Truck was condemned by Hoboken rabbis who asked those responsible to apologize. None did.  (ZEROES are cowards)   Instead, Move Forward donor-ZEROES Theresa Castellano and Beth Mason did not repudiate the Nazi Truck. Not one ZERO did.   A source revealed the Nazi truck was orchestrated by Mason political operative James Barracato and Move Forward co-manager Joe Branco. Conclusion: Beth Mason, member of United Synagogue of Hoboken and the rest of the ZEROES endorse campaigning with swastikas.

Here's their latest attack on Hoboken and it's residents.

The ZEROES have stopped government dead in it's tracks in the aftermath of a historic DISASTER, Hurricane Sandy.  People are suffering- GA is one of them, so is our business community, trying to get back to where we were B.S. (Before Sandy).  The people of Hoboken, and our business community NEED the wheels of government to turn NOW.

But what have the ZEROES done in this historic crisis?

The ZEROES are suing the HEROES: City Council members who collectively saved Hoboken from the destructive efforts of the ZEROES.

The ZEROES are suing the HEROES because the 2 ZEROES (Mason and Russo) rigged an absence and abstention from the vote to fill Carol Marsh's vacancy on the City Council.   So when the Mayor cast a 5th vote to seat Councilman Doyle, guess what?  The Mason Brinks truck rolled in to finance a lawsuit against the Council in order to invalidate Doyle's appointment.  As MSV reported:
According to well placed sources attending the legal proceedings Friday, Judge Bariso followed the limited ruling saying he anticipated an application to see the City Council members reconvene as a body of the whole and vote on the open at-large seat.

The expectation of an application from the City seeing all eight members of the City Council voting on the open at-large council seat may lead to a potential fifth and deciding vote placed by Mayor Dawn Zimmer.

Failure for members to attend and or vote by teleconference if a ruling is made to see a vote of the full body in the same session could see that council member held in contempt of court.
So what does that mean?

The ZEROES are forcing the HEROES to expend their personal finances, time and energy in a Court room instead of GOVERNING during a CRISIS.

The ZEROES are forcing the City to spend money NEEDED to help residents and businesses recover from this DISASTER.

The ZEROES know they will LOSE when the judge approves the City's application to require their attendance for a vote to fill the vacancy.

So why are they doing this?

Because they are ZEROES.  The people will not forget this.

Meanwhile, a well-known (former) virulent opponent of Zimmer and (former) Beth Mason-supporter, the feisty Margaret O'Brien has seen for herself which side really represents the interests of the people, which side is NOT about Facebook photo-ops or politically-motivated charities created to get elected in Hudson County (while campaigning with Nazi Trucks)...

And lights are going on all over the City, from seniors to singles, business owners to retirees, as people see the partnership between Mayor Zimmer and Governor Christie to HELP HOBOKEN while the ZEROES stop government and waste our tax money on cheap political stunts.
Dear Editor:

Nearing the pinnacle of the storm, as the worst possible scenario loomed I approached our busy mayor with the plea that many of us Seniors needed life sustaining medicines and were unable to acquire our meds because of the flooding. She reopened several drugstores, called pharmacies to open and meds became available at no cost, low cost and pay me later cost for many of us, including several children that I know about, and many that I don’t. Lines were long at drugstores…..and they complied.

I would like to thank Rite Aid, Tuckers, CVS, Health Fair Pharmacy and others who waded with the mayor right through their own personal flooding and emergency issues to keep us alive.

An emergency number for meds was immediately set up and passed along on our charged cell phones and word of mouth to those in need. (732) 685-2091 thank you cell chargers and Mayor Zimmer….

I wonder how many casualties would have resulted if this issue was not addressed for all involved in the same. I am humbled in gratitude by so many who rose to the occasion and did so much….a simple Thank you for my life doesn’t seem to be enough…..

Margaret O’Brien-diabetic and Citizen of a great city
You go, Margaret O'Brien. 

Did you know Mayor Zimmer and President Obama had a 20-minute conference call?

Our Mayor has been thrust into the national spotlight, and has been working 24/7 for us during this disaster.   The City Council cannot do the same, because the ZEROES have forced it to Court.  If they can't govern, NOBODY CAN.

Elections have consequences.  Somebody tell that to the ZEROES.

The ZEROES drag Doyle to Court and stop Government during Hurricane Recovery
