Not only does the Move Forward Midnight Flyer attack on a Hoboken mom appear to have been COORDINATED with Beth Mason's hate-machine Hoboken411, this latest development ties them together in the growing scandal.
Midnight Flyergate. Brought to you by Team Move Forward.
The Move Forward campaign, newly embroiled in the City Hall email theft scandal; their involvement with former Safety Director Angel Alicea (who received the Mayor's stolen emails according to former BA Arch Liston) remains unclear- now must explain the theft of copyrighted material from it's owner, a local photographer A-DPhotography for citywide distribution on its attack-flyers.
Damages for stealing the photographers work could run into six-figures, given the number of flyers containing the stolen copyrighted material; GA must have 500 at least.
Which the photographer is welcome to. He can have my copies should he seek to recover substantial damages for the unauthorized theft of his work.
Well, the MF (Midnight Flyer) scandal grows for MF (Move Forward).
Not only does MF (Move Forward) have campaign meetings at Beth Mason's non-profit Art Gallery, but the SAME stolen photo on MF's MF appeared on yesterday. With the A-DPhotography trademark CROPPED out.
Coincidence? NO.
Hoboken411 has plenty of stock photos of GA. So does Mason's personal videographer who STILL attends every ZBA meeting for an hour or two. Perry Klaussen knew he was stealing another person's copyrighted work.
How do I know?
Because GA hears Klaussen received a warning letter with a take-down demand. And guess what?
Klaussen took down the stolen photos (many from the fundraiser, and others.)
There's your admission of guilt. SCRUB-A-DUB.
Back to the MF's MF scandal.
WILL MF's MF cause the decent folks of Hoboken to say, 'I'm NOT voting for those M***** F******s!"
All GA can say is: 31/2 more weeks to go! tick tock, tick tock...
Hey Move forward campaign, check your email!
Former Director Angel Alicea parties with Move Forward at their kickoff. |
Fire Chief Richard Blohm and former Public Safety Director Angel Alicea both received emails allegedly hacked from the Mayor's office, former Business Administrator Arch Liston said during a civil service hearing on Friday.
Patrick Ricciardi, the former director of the IT office, was arrested in November for allegedly hacking into the mayor’s email account and leaking confidential information.
The complaint against Ricciardi listed two recipients of the leaked emails, but neither were identified. The two addresses to which the emails were forwarded, Liston said, were those of Alicea and Blohm.
Psssst... here's a good one for your next midnight flyer- GA dancing up a storm for those Wallace kids at their fundraiser. Don't forget to make your checks payable to A-D Photography. He does EXCELLENT work.
Update: MSV is reporting that Klaussen has taken screenshots of the Wallace Dance photos directly from the A-D Photographer's Facebook page to demonstrate.... that GA supports Wallace School!
One visit to that cyber-cemetery is more than enough, so I'll have to take Horsey's word for it.
Died 2009? Does that make his site a zombie site? Could it morph into a Zimmer Zombie?