Damage Control: Anonymous 'Apology' On Nazi Truck

"Always remember that others may hate you but 
those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. 
And then you destroy yourself."

The Sequel: Move Forward's Nazi Truck features a HORSE

Last night's appearance of Move Forward's Nazi Truck was yet another dry twig tossed on Mason's Bonfire of the Insanities.  A wise and judicious friend put it this way:
"She's lost her f***ing mind."
Any rational person viewing the last night's kookiness would agree.

Where do we begin?
  • He's ba-ack!  The videographer known to work for Beth Mason, whose footage at the Zoning Board was used on Move Forward's Nazi Truck on Oct 16th and 17th showed up for at last night's ZBA Special Meeting:

Known videographer of Beth Mason at the ZBA on October 23, 2012.
Now, this guy has shot hours of footage of yours truly and the rest of the Board.  He certainly doesn't need MORE.  So, why's he there?  To intimidate and harass not only me, but others on the Board who may seek elected office or express a critical opinion of Beth Mason someday.  See above Richard Nixon quote.
  • The Nazi Truck- Part 2, featuring a HORSE.  Now, I adore Da Horsey, and he does have the widest readership of any blog in town- his readership dwarfs that of the cyber-cemetery Hoboken411.com.  That said, who gives a rat's ass about bloggers in a General Election?  The over-estimation of the blogs' influence in the general public by Mason & her gang is bizarre.  YES, those in political life read them and to that extent they are influential, BUT trying to beat up bloggers as an election issue is idiotic. Nobody cares about bloggers.  EVERYBODY cares about the offensive behavior of the Move Forward campaign, riding around town and parking outside of a school with SWASTIKAs and other offensive imagery flashing in a loop.  I have already heard anecdotal evidence of  formerly-undecided voters grossed out by the Nazi Truck and midnight flyers who are now SURE who they are voting for- Kids First.  This truck has been POLITICAL SUICIDE and all over an issue 99% of Hoboken doesn't give a damn about- blogs. Instead, the tarring of one blogger with Nazi symbols on this truck may constitute a  hate-crime at the federal and state level. See above Richard Nixon quote.
  • The Anonymous Apology. Based on my recent communications with a Jewish Community leader about the Nazi Truck,  GA expects this anonymous 'apology' to go over like a lead balloon.  This is not an apology, it is damage control by the Move Forward campaign,   cynically crafted for PUBLIC consumption, and designed to remove the story from MSV. It is not the apology the rabbis asked for.  It offensively pimps the moral equivalency argument (we took  it off the truck, tell Horsey not to blog about it) and does so ANONYMOUSLY ON A TRUCK.  A phone call to the rabbi, a signed letter of apology, a show of humility and sincerity.  It takes character to do that, it takes maturity to face our community and the public and admit a mistake.  NO ONE from MOVE FORWARD has publicly repudiated using swastikas in a political campaign- theirs.  I am a witness. Felice Vasquez, a candidate actually came to my door and asked for my vote! When I confronted her with her campaign's usage of Nazi iconography, Vasquez attacked me.   No one on their campaign has or will take responsibility and acknowledge their mistake. NOBODY.  Instead they limply hire a truck and cut another video attacking someone ELSE with a despicable moral equivalency rationale.  See above Richard Nixon quote. 
  • The SLAPP suit against 2 named bloggers, 20 Screen Name bloggers.  Plaintiffs want a $2 million payday from each of us. See above Richard Nixon quote.  
Hey, Move Forward.  How about putting THIS video on your Nazi Truck?

video credit: Greg Bond

Remember to repudiate this nuttiness on November 6th.

 Say NO to Nazi-Truck campaigns.  

Tom Kluepfel
Jean Marie Mitchell
Ruth McAllister
